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2023 ACC Men and Women Swimming and Diving Box Score


First a few notes

For the men

  • The highest scoring class was the Senior class from NC State with 650.5 individual points. They were followed by the Junior class from NC State with 347.0. NC State’s seniors outscored all of their other classes combined.
  • NC State return the most individual points with 644.5 returning. Louisville are next best with 545.5. For a margin that this was was (well over 600 points), that’s remarkably competitive looking going into next year. A single big recruiting class can close that gap.
  • The most points any team had in a single event was NC State with 124 in the 100 Free. Next best was NC State with 123 in the 100 Fly.
  • The best individual swim in a final according to Swimulator power points was Youssef Ramadan a JR from VT with a 43.93 in the 100 Fly.

For the women

  • The highest scoring class was the Senior class from NC State with 443 individual points. They were followed by the Senior class from UVA with 347.
  • UVA return the most individual points with 869 returning. Louisville are next best with 693.5.
  • The most points any team had in a single event was UVA with 133 in the 200 Free. Next best was UNC with 122.0 in the 3 mtr Diving.
  • The best individual swim in a final according to Swimulator power points was Gretchen Walsh a SO from UVA with a 20.83 in the 50 Free.

Final Scores Men

Team Total Individual Swimming Points Relay Points Diving Points Scoring Individual Count Scoring Relay Count Scoring Diving Count
1 NC State 1615 1173 320 122 51 5 9
2 VT 1008 647 262 99 36 5 6
3 Louisville 981.5 622 272 87.5 41 5 7
4 UVA 946 652 212 26 42 5 2
5 ND 799.5 466.5 246 87 36 5 4
6 PITT 660.5 264 238 158.5 20 5 14
7 Florida St 661 329 232 100 27 5 8
8 UNC 526 187 224 105 22 5 4
9 GT 480.5 268.5 182 30 21 5 3
10 Duke 325 68 198 59 12 5 6
11 Miami 210 0 0 210 0 0 8
12 BC 158 28 128 2 3 4 1

Final Scores Women

Team Total Individual Swimming Points Relay Points Diving Points Scoring Individual Count Scoring Relay Count Scoring Diving Count
1 UVA 1536 1117 320 99 49 5 6
2 NC State 1272 930 274 68 48 5 9
3 Louisville 1077.5 701.5 222 154 40 4 9
4 UNC 813 317 254 242 29 5 10
5 Duke 718.5 379.5 249 90 27 5 8
6 VT 654 354 236 64 27 5 6
7 Florida St 586 256 234 96 25 5 6
8 ND 539 233 164 142 24 4 9
9 GT 388 159 176 53 16 5 4
10 Miami 382 136 190 56 14 5 2
11 PITT 315 84 209 22 10 5 3
12 BC 179 17 162 0 2 5 0

Individual Scores by Year Men

Returning points are calculated as Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior points + points for athletes with no year listed

NC State VT Louisville UVA ND PITT Florida St UNC GT Duke Miami BC
FR 96 147.5 137 37 189.5 17 71.5 22 96 0 0 0
SO 201.5 186 280.5 222 105 62 52 47 129 0 72 25
JR 347 174.5 66 245 137 67 189 104 64.5 0 0 0
SR 650.5 238 164 174 122 276.5 58.5 119 9 0 138 5
GS 0 0 0 0 0 0 53 0 0 0 0 0
Returning 644.5 508 545.5 504 431.5 146 317.5 173 289.5 127 72 25

Individual Scores by Year Women

Returning points are calculated as Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior points + points for athletes with no year listed

UVA NC State Louisville UNC Duke VT Florida St ND GT Miami PITT BC
FR 298 191 208.5 89 0 77 72 87 85 0 23 0
SO 273 138 96 84 0 22 117 147 12 17 7 0
JR 298 226 331 183 0 173 96 30 71 25 49 17
SR 347 443 162 203 0 146 19 73 44 97 27 0
GS 0 0 0 0 0 0 48 38 0 53 0 0
Returning 869 555 693.5 356 469.5 272 285 264 168 42 79 17

Score Progression Men

What the score was after each event

NC State VT Louisville UVA ND PITT Florida St UNC GT Duke Miami BC
200 Medley Relay 64 48 54 56 50 52 44 46 34 40 0 0
800 Free Relay 128 102 110 104 102 96 90 96 74 74 0 32
1 mtr Diving 196 137 130.5 104 145 133.5 115 147 74 82 74 32
200 Free Relay 260 189 184.5 160 193 179.5 165 191 108 122 74 64
500 Free 364 226 249.5 170 230 193.5 196 212 151 122 74 64
200 IM 480 266.5 251.5 253 253 200.5 243.5 215 187 126 74 64
50 Free 585 308.5 332.5 317 286 209.5 263.5 216 187 133 74 64
400 IM 659 362.5 368.5 350 363 209.5 266.5 266 208 133 74 78
100 Fly 782 449.5 400.5 390 387.5 220.5 278 283 208 149 74 78
200 Free 875.5 473.5 490.5 416 426.5 220.5 314 306 235.5 152 74 78
3 mtr Diving 898.5 504.5 522.5 428 448.5 271.5 353 360 241.5 166 150 80
200 Fly 998.5 533.5 589.5 465 490.5 294.5 358 399 248.5 168 150 91
100 Back 1072.5 561.5 618.5 546 522.5 326.5 409 407 274.5 168 150 91
100 Breast 1099 636 673.5 603 539.5 388.5 430 411 299.5 188 150 91
400 Medley Relay 1163 688 727.5 659 585.5 438.5 474 459 333.5 228 150 123
1650 Free 1270 688 780.5 696 635.5 444.5 522 465 376.5 237 150 126
200 Back 1360 759 792.5 772 668.5 461.5 542 480 403.5 238 150 126
100 Free 1484 820 847.5 827 698.5 479.5 559 480 405.5 238 150 126
200 Breast 1520 919 892.5 880 727.5 544.5 577 480 416.5 244 150 126
Platform Diving 1551 952 927.5 894 749.5 614.5 613 480 440.5 281 210 126
400 Free Relay 1615 1008 981.5 946 799.5 660.5 661 514 484.5 321 210 158

Score Progression Women

What the score was after each event

UVA NC State Louisville UNC Duke VT Florida St ND GT Miami PITT BC
200 Medley Relay 64 56 54 52 50 34 48 40 32 44 46 30
3 mtr Diving 102 86 104 154 57 59 72 92 32 72 52 30
800 Free Relay 166 140 160 202 107 111 118 126 76 112 84 60
200 Free Relay 230 194 216 254 154 161 162 126 108 146 131 100
500 Free 328 268 260 257 172 208 162 147 140 162 140 100
200 IM 438 341 318 270 222 220 180 158 141 178 140 100
50 Free 506 400 429.5 318 239 249 180 158 142 183 163.5 100
1 mtr Diving 551 427 473.5 386 257 274 213 216 158 211 163.5 100
400 IM 646 479 524.5 395 327 281 245 225 195 211 163.5 100
100 Fly 746 545 606.5 415 340 293 282 248 197 212 169.5 100
200 Free 879 611 665.5 431 347 360 293 248 197 215 169.5 100
200 Fly 906 678 717.5 454 406 378 332 290 229 218 169.5 100
100 Back 960 799 733.5 536 424 406 350 306 229 218 178.5 100
100 Breast 1048 875 762.5 563 455 406 372 330 237 259 189.5 105
Platform Diving 1064 886 822.5 635 520 420 411 362 274 259 205.5 105
400 Medley Relay 1128 942 822.5 687 574 468 461 408 308 299 249.5 137
1650 Free 1201 1016 865.5 693 594 493 473 461 340 310 262.5 137
200 Back 1264 1076 930.5 734 598 556 499 482 340 310 269.5 149
100 Free 1386 1151 1018.5 749 603.5 602 504 482 340 310 275 149
200 Breast 1472 1218 1021.5 763 670.5 602 540 495 354 350 275 149
400 Free Relay 1536 1272 1077.5 813 718.5 654 586 539 388 382 315 179

Points in Each Event Men

What each team scored in each event. Points in () are returning points defined as points from swimmers who are not SRs or 5th Years

NC State VT Louisville UVA ND PITT Florida St UNC GT Duke Miami BC
200 Medley Relay 64 48 54 56 50 52 44 46 34 40
800 Free Relay 64 54 56 48 52 44 46 50 40 34 32
1 mtr Diving 68 (27) 35 (11) 20.5 (14.5) 43 (43) 37.5 (10) 25 (13) 51 (0) 8 (8) 74 (20)
200 Free Relay 64 52 54 56 48 46 50 44 34 40 32
500 Free 104 (80) 37 (31) 65 (42) 10 (3) 37 (12) 14 (0) 31 (31) 21 (21) 43 (43)
200 IM 116 (67) 40.5 (40.5) 2 (2) 83 (69) 23 (22) 7 (0) 47.5 (21.5) 3 (3) 36 (36) 4 (4)
50 Free 105 (46) 42 (42) 81 (60) 64 (41) 33 (33) 9 (0) 20 (20) 1 (0) 7 (7)
400 IM 74 (74) 54 (28) 36 (36) 33 (33) 77 (32) 3 (3) 50 (48) 21 (21) 14 (14)
100 Fly 123 (48) 87 (87) 32 (9) 40 (25) 24.5 (10.5) 11 (11) 11.5 (5) 17 (17) 16 (16)
200 Free 93.5 (26) 24 (24) 90 (90) 26 (11) 39 (34) 36 (27) 23 (18) 27.5 (27.5) 3 (3)
3 mtr Diving 23 (17) 31 (15) 32 (23) 12 (12) 22 (22) 51 (24) 39 (14) 54 (0) 6 (6) 14 (14) 76 (24) 2 (0)
200 Fly 100 (72) 29 (29) 67 (67) 37 (10) 42 (42) 23 (0) 5 (5) 39 (39) 7 (7) 2 (2) 11 (11)
100 Back 74 (0) 28 (0) 29 (7) 81 (56) 32 (32) 32 (32) 51 (51) 8 (6) 26 (26)
100 Breast 26.5 (0) 74.5 (51.5) 55 (43) 57 (43) 17 (17) 62 (0) 21 (21) 4 (4) 25 (16) 20 (20)
400 Medley Relay 64 52 54 56 46 50 44 48 34 40 32
1650 Free 107 (80) 53 (29) 37 (37) 50 (24) 6 (0) 48 (48) 6 (6) 43 (43) 9 (9) 3 (0)
200 Back 90 (36) 71 (32) 12 (12) 76 (47) 33 (30) 17 (17) 20 (20) 15 (11) 27 (27) 1 (1)
100 Free 124 (49.5) 61 (61) 55 (55) 55 (50) 30 (27) 18 (6) 17 (0) 2 (2)
200 Breast 36 (20) 99 (50) 45 (36) 53 (53) 29 (29) 65 (2) 18 (18) 11 (11) 6 (6)
Platform Diving 31 (2) 33 (6) 35 (20) 14 (14) 22 (22) 70 (44) 36 (20) 24 (24) 37 (37) 60 (28)
400 Free Relay 64 56 54 52 50 46 48 34 44 40 32

Points in Each Event Women

What each team scored in each event. Points in () are returning points defined as points from swimmers who are not SRs or 5th Years

UVA NC State Louisville UNC Duke VT Florida St ND GT Miami PITT BC
200 Medley Relay 64 56 54 52 50 34 48 40 32 44 46 30
3 mtr Diving 38 (12) 30 (14) 50 (50) 102 (82) 7 (7) 25 (10) 24 (24) 52 (39) 28 (0) 6 (6)
800 Free Relay 64 54 56 48 50 52 46 34 44 40 32 30
200 Free Relay 64 54 56 52 47 50 44 32 34 47 40
500 Free 98 (41) 74 (44) 44 (44) 3 (3) 18 (18) 47 (47) 21 (21) 32 (30) 16 (11) 9 (0)
200 IM 110 (78) 73 (73) 58 (33) 13 (6) 50 (50) 12 (12) 18 (13) 11 (0) 1 (1) 16 (0)
50 Free 68 (52) 59 (7) 111.5 (84.5) 48 (23) 17 (17) 29 (2) 1 (1) 5 (5) 23.5 (23.5)
1 mtr Diving 45 (14) 27 (14) 44 (44) 68 (57) 18 (18) 25 (2) 33 (33) 58 (38) 16 (15) 28 (0)
400 IM 95 (63) 52 (49) 51 (24) 9 (9) 70 (70) 7 (7) 32 (0) 9 (9) 37 (22)
100 Fly 100 (45) 66 (26) 82 (58) 20 (0) 13 (13) 12 (0) 37 (34) 23 (7) 2 (2) 1 (1) 6 (6)
200 Free 133 (119) 66 (64) 59 (55) 16 (0) 7 (7) 67 (50) 11 (11) 3 (3)
200 Fly 27 (27) 67 (67) 52 (24) 23 (1) 59 (59) 18 (5) 39 (39) 42 (29) 32 (17) 3 (0)
100 Back 54 (54) 121 (42) 16 (16) 82 (35) 18 (18) 28 (26) 18 (6) 16 (16) 9 (9)
100 Breast 88 (88) 76 (22) 29 (29) 27 (27) 31 (31) 22 (22) 24 (0) 8 (8) 41 (0) 11 (0) 5 (5)
Platform Diving 16 (16) 11 (7) 60 (60) 72 (72) 65 (65) 14 (0) 39 (39) 32 (27) 37 (26) 16 (16)
400 Medley Relay 64 56 52 54 48 50 46 34 40 44 32
1650 Free 73 (45) 74 (41) 43 (41) 6 (6) 20 (20) 25 (25) 12 (12) 53 (53) 32 (32) 11 (11) 13 (6)
200 Back 63 (63) 60 (32) 65 (65) 41 (19) 4 (4) 63 (63) 26 (11) 21 (21) 7 (7) 12 (12)
100 Free 122 (66) 75 (36) 88 (63) 15 (2) 5.5 (5.5) 46 (23) 5 (5) 5.5 (5.5)
200 Breast 86 (86) 67 (17) 3 (3) 14 (14) 67 (67) 36 (36) 13 (4) 14 (14) 40 (11)
400 Free Relay 64 54 56 50 48 52 46 44 34 32 40 30

Individual Breakdown Men

Power are Swimulator power points. Those are a way to quantify time quality independent of what event the time is from. Includes only final times and final dive scores.

NC State

Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Stokowski, Kacp SR 86 100 Fly 4 45.12 826 100 Back 1 44.47 843 200 Back 2 1:39.94 755
Hayes, Aiden G SO 80 50 Free 9 19.09 805 100 Fly 2 44.66 873 200 Fly 1 1:40.21 818
Miller, Luke D JR 78 200 Free 4 1:32.89 790 200 Fly 4 1:42.57 727 100 Free 4 41.87 829
Lloyd, Owen O JR 74 500 Free 8 4:19.75 675 400 IM 3 3:42.16 728 1650 Free 5 14:50.21 683
Bowers, Noah L SR 73 200 IM 8 1:44.52 697 200 Free 7 1:33.67 753 200 Fly 2 1:41.14 780
Gallant, Will W JR 73 500 Free 4 4:13.85 774 400 IM 12 3:46.9 648 1650 Free 1 14:34.82 758
Bustos, Arsenio SO 72 200 IM 1 1:40.31 856 100 Fly 9 44.97 841 200 Breast 9 1:52.34 780
Izzo, Giovanni SR 69 200 IM 3 1:41.13 822 100 Back 3 45.46 761 100 Free 12 42.69 744
Korstanje, Nyls SR 68 50 Free 5 19.12 799 100 Fly 3 44.7 869 100 Free 11 42.68 745
Henderson, Noah SR 67.5 50 Free 8 19.3 761 100 Fly 8 45.78 764 100 Free 6 42.44 769
Plage, James L JR 62 500 Free 1 4:12.33 802 400 IM 18 3:48.72 617 1650 Free 7 15:03.57 620
Moore, Mikey R JR 60 200 IM 6 1:43.71 725 200 Fly 13 1:45.24 634 200 Back 8 1:42.68 665
Piszczorowicz, SR 59.5 50 Free 15 19.74 677 200 Free 2 1:32.47 811 100 Free 9 41.98 817
Tapp, Hunter A SR 58 200 Free 10 1:33.45 763 100 Back 12 45.85 731 200 Back 4 1:40.44 738
Dant, Ross M SR 51 500 Free 6 4:16.57 727 200 Free 35 1:37.64 576 1650 Free 3 14:45.57 705
Ponsler, Kyle S FR 50 200 IM 16 1:45.4 668 400 IM 5 3:42.72 719 200 Back 13 1:43.55 638
Curtiss, David SO 49.5 50 Free 4 18.99 830 100 Fly 31 47.91 589 100 Free 6 42.44 769
Calderaro, Rena FR 46 1 mtr Diving 3 374.35 3 mtr Diving 10 346.5 Platform Diving 23 251.7
O’Brien, Patric SR 45 1 mtr Diving 11 306.0 3 mtr Diving 20 294.65 Platform Diving 6 336.2
Hunter, Mason H SR 42.5 50 Free 49 20.77 459 100 Breast 3 51.57 802 200 Breast 11 1:54.59 710
Bennett, Bayne SR 31 1 mtr Diving 5 357.1 3 mtr Diving 24 280.25 Platform Diving 20 268.05


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Ramadan, Yousse JR 92 50 Free 2 18.82 868 100 Fly 1 43.93 956 100 Free 1 41.33 893
Coll Marti, Car JR 82.5 200 IM 2 1:41.02 826 100 Breast 3 51.57 802 200 Breast 2 1:50.9 829
Garcia, Nico SO 71 500 Free 16 4:24.94 590 400 IM 2 3:41.63 738 200 Back 1 1:39.49 770
Zawadzki, Noah SR 67 1 mtr Diving 6 345.15 3 mtr Diving 11 342.1 Platform Diving 3 384.45
Dominguez Calon SO 57 500 Free 9 4:15.8 740 200 Free 6 1:33.13 779 100 Free 14 42.8 734
Myburgh, Keith SR 55 500 Free 19 4:19.9 673 400 IM 4 3:42.46 723 200 Breast 7 1:53.77 735
Gentry, Landon FR 50.5 200 IM 14 1:45.16 676 100 Fly 14 46.35 716 200 Fly 5 1:42.70 722
Pouch, AJ J SR 48 200 IM 25 1:46.65 625 100 Breast 8 52.6 722 200 Breast 4 1:52.37 779
Molla Yanes, Ma SO 47 50 Free 13 19.59 704 100 Fly 6 45.47 792 100 Free 17 42.78 736
Webb, Forest H SR 40 50 Free 42 20.37 550 100 Back 11 45.82 734 200 Back 6 1:41.4 706
Maloney, Ethan FR 38 50 Free 46 20.65 487 100 Breast 7 52.29 745 200 Breast 12 1:55.15 694
Fisher, Jacob FR 32 1 mtr Diving 16 283.85 3 mtr Diving 12 338.65 Platform Diving 19 269.5
Koeppen, Willia SR 27 100 Back 15 46.61 677 200 Back 12 1:43.49 639 100 Free 30 43.88 634
Hayon, William FR 23 50 Free 31 20.05 616 100 Fly 11 45.7 771 100 Free 18 43.18 698
Hong, Joseph S SO 9 200 IM 43 1:50.62 473 100 Breast 23 54.27 604 200 Breast 18 1:56.00 669
George Mathew, FR 4 500 Free 30 4:24.99 589 100 Fly 28 47.56 618 200 Fly 21 1:45.88 611
Yuk, Gabriel SO 2 100 Fly 23 46.8 679 100 Back 30 48.0 577 200 Back 33 1:46.97 519
Lopez Miro, Cob SR 1 50 Free 58 24.49 5 100 Breast 24 55.31 524 200 Breast 26 1:59.25 573
Do, Aiken T FR 0 50 Free 44 20.46 531 100 Breast 26 54.42 593 200 Breast 27 1:59.41 568
Naber, Lee L FR 0 500 Free 35 4:26.03 571 100 Back 31 48.03 575 1650 Free 28 15:35.47 449


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Eastman, Michae 62 50 Free 12 19.58 707 200 Free 8 1:33.93 741 100 Free 5 42.23 791
Lowe, Dalton D SR 61 50 Free 11 19.48 725 100 Fly 7 45.61 780 100 Back 8 46.12 712
Petrashov, Deni SO 60 50 Free 57 24.28 8 100 Breast 2 51.26 829 200 Breast 1 1:50.51 843
Stephens, Che SO 57.5 1 mtr Diving 12 301.35 3 mtr Diving 7 335.9 Platform Diving 9 310.1
Elaraby, Abdelr JR 52 50 Free 1 18.79 875 100 Fly 17 46.19 729 100 Free 16 42.95 719
Bried, Tommy R FR 47 500 Free 22 4:20.85 658 400 IM 6 3:44.84 683 200 Fly 9 1:43.71 687
Sibirtsev, Ilia SR 47 500 Free 7 4:19.24 684 400 IM 34 3:59.62 396 1650 Free 6 14:58.7 643
Sartori, Murilo SO 46 500 Free 10 4:17.48 712 200 Free 5 1:33.00 785 100 Free 21 43.39 679
Loktev, Denis SO 45 500 Free 14 4:20.18 668 200 Free 11 1:33.48 762 200 Fly 11 1:44.20 670
Brooks, Guy FR 34 50 Free 35 20.13 600 200 Free 9 1:33.19 776 100 Free 13 42.78 736
Saldo, Gustavo SO 29 500 Free 34 4:25.82 575 200 Free 18 1:34.7 706 200 Fly 8 1:44.35 665
Sneden, Adam C SR 29 1 mtr Diving 20 272.4 3 mtr Diving 17 308.15 Platform Diving 12 299.6
Pishko, Jacob FR 25 500 Free 26 4:23.53 614 200 Fly 17 1:44.79 649 1650 Free 11 15:11.91 579
Millard, Jackso FR 24 200 IM 26 1:46.81 620 400 IM 15 3:49.29 607 200 Back 15 1:44.19 617
Shoyat, Eli C SO 22 500 Free 17 4:18.64 693 200 Fly 33 1:49.39 472 1650 Free 14 15:16.17 557
Kreiley, Aidan SR 21 200 IM 42 1:50.21 490 100 Breast 15 53.47 661 200 Breast 17 1:55.62 680
Shourds, Luke B SO 21 200 IM 23 1:46.18 641 100 Breast 12 53.21 679 200 Breast 21 1:57.24 633
Dubinin, Vlad JR 14 50 Free 14 19.69 685 200 Free 30 1:37.26 593 100 Free 24 43.57 662
Crush, Charlie FR 7 200 IM 35 1:48.88 544 100 Fly 27 47.13 653 100 Back 18 46.54 682
Duncan, Caleb W SR 5 50 Free 20 19.81 664 100 Fly 38 48.33 552 100 Free 26 43.76 645
Smith, Logan D SR 1 1 mtr Diving 24 256.5 3 mtr Diving 37 181.65 Platform Diving 26 226.6


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Nichols, Noah P JR 84 200 IM 5 1:43.45 734 100 Breast 1 50.82 868 200 Breast 3 1:51.97 792
Brownstead, Mat JR 80 50 Free 6 19.14 794 100 Back 2 45.35 769 100 Free 2 41.72 846
Connery, Tim SO 70 200 IM 7 1:44.19 709 100 Fly 5 45.21 817 100 Free 8 42.51 762
Aikins, Jack H SO 61 50 Free 10 19.32 757 100 Back 10 45.68 744 200 Back 3 1:40.11 749
Edwards, Max E SR 41 100 Fly 22 46.54 700 100 Back 5 45.73 740 200 Back 14 1:43.71 632
Fong, Josh L SR 39 200 IM 32 1:47.45 597 100 Fly 15 46.44 708 200 Fly 3 1:42.45 731
Lamb, August B SR 37 50 Free 7 19.21 779 100 Breast 13 53.33 670 100 Free 25 43.61 659
Cole, Will R JR 33 200 Free 16 1:35.36 678 100 Back 16 46.78 665 200 Back 16 1:46.33 543
Conway, Sean Y SR 30 200 IM 13 1:45.1 678 200 Back 11 1:43.36 644
Sergile, Sebast FR 28 200 IM 12 1:45.09 678 400 IM 19 3:48.89 614 200 Fly 18 1:44.88 646
Wright, Jack C SR 27 500 Free 18 4:19.49 680 200 Free 12 1:33.73 751 100 Free 20 43.31 686
Mills, Oliver H JR 26 1 mtr Diving 27 251.8 3 mtr Diving 15 327.7 Platform Diving 13 295.2
Iida, Max S SO 25 200 IM 28 1:46.99 613 200 Breast 5 1:53.26 750
Hering, Tanner JR 22 500 Free 23 4:20.95 656 200 Free 39 1:38.64 526 1650 Free 9 15:09.93 589
Bitz, Colin A SO 19 400 IM 11 3:46.79 650 200 Fly 22 1:45.97 608 200 Back 28 1:45.64 567
Thompson, Peter SO 18 500 Free 24 4:22.07 638 200 Free 32 1:37.48 584 1650 Free 10 15:10.44 586
Styczen, Matt M SO 17 200 IM 19 1:45.56 662 400 IM 16 3:49.76 599 200 Breast 29 1:59.69 559
Worth, Daniel F SO 12 100 Fly 36 48.2 564 100 Breast 16 53.51 658 200 Breast 24 1:59.93 551
Haughey, Braede FR 9 500 Free 43 4:30.55 487 400 IM 29 3:55.22 493 200 Back 17 1:42.74 663
Sanders, Nichol SO 0 1 mtr Diving 36 191.4 3 mtr Diving 31 259.0 Platform Diving 25 237.15
Perreault, Jose SR 0 1 mtr Diving 34 203.35 3 mtr Diving 27 278.25 Platform Diving 28 179.95


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Guiliano, Chris SO 86 50 Free 3 18.93 842 200 Free 1 1:32.43 814 100 Free 3 41.85 832
Hoagland, Jack SR 83 500 Free 5 4:16.31 732 400 IM 1 3:41.15 746 1650 Free 4 14:48.82 690
Faikish, Sean A JR 51 200 IM 10 1:44.59 695 400 IM 8 3:46.19 660 200 Breast 15 1:56.31 660
Knapp, Daniel E FR 48 1 mtr Diving 4 361.55 3 mtr Diving 8 317.15
Janton, Tommy F FR 46 100 Fly 25 47.08 657 100 Back 7 45.97 723 200 Back 7 1:41.44 705
Christianson, T JR 40 400 IM 17 3:47.35 641 100 Breast 10 53.05 690 200 Breast 13 1:55.24 691
Nguyen, Ben D FR 39 1 mtr Diving 10 306.65 3 mtr Diving 26 279.0 Platform Diving 8 306.05
Bacon, Tate R FR 23.5 100 Fly 18 46.44 708 200 Fly 10 1:43.72 686 100 Free 27 43.79 642
Lukashev, Steph JR 23 50 Free 19 19.72 679 100 Fly 21 46.53 701 200 Fly 14 1:45.42 627
Smith, Liam M JR 23 500 Free 15 4:24.62 596 200 Free 23 1:36.05 648 1650 Free 17 15:20.71 533
Wilburn, Cason SR 17 50 Free 29 20.04 618 100 Fly 13 46.32 718 100 Free 22 43.4 678
Edge, Dillon D FR 17 200 IM 20 1:45.57 662 200 Free 31 1:37.27 593 200 Fly 15 1:45.47 626
Gentry, Marcus FR 16 100 Fly 30 47.82 596 100 Back 17 46.21 705 200 Back 18 1:42.87 659
Fitzpatrick, Ja SR 16 400 IM 14 3:48.92 614 200 Back 22 1:44.22 616
Brown, Josh D SO 15 500 Free 36 4:26.53 563 400 IM 32 3:58.69 417 1650 Free 12 15:16.06 557
Macy, Parker C SO 4 400 IM 24 3:52.37 550 100 Breast 33 55.31 524 200 Breast 22 1:57.52 625
DeLong, Alec J SR 4 50 Free 38 20.29 567 200 Free 21 1:35.57 668 100 Free 29 43.85 636
Scannell, Thach SR 2 200 IM 24 1:46.44 632 200 Free 24 1:36.88 611 100 Free 28 43.82 639
Smesko, Kaden W JR 0 50 Free 48 20.75 464 100 Back 26 47.64 604 200 Back 35 1:47.47 500
Paulson, Colton 5Y 0 200 IM 31 1:47.23 605 200 Free 33 1:37.53 581 100 Free 38 44.42 582
Rains, William SR 0 1 mtr Diving 33 212.4 3 mtr Diving 36 208.7 Platform Diving 27 189.45


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Reed, Dylan D SR 58.5 1 mtr Diving 12 301.35 3 mtr Diving 3 405.1 Platform Diving 10 307.5
Crisci, Flynn J SR 49 200 IM 18 1:45.44 666 100 Breast 5 51.87 778 200 Breast 10 1:54.50 713
Van Der Laan, C SR 48 50 Free 56 24.03 13 100 Breast 6 51.93 773 200 Breast 6 1:53.50 743
Cash, Cameron SO 42 1 mtr Diving 22 264.8 3 mtr Diving 14 331.85 Platform Diving 4 373.2
Chen, Jerry SR 35 200 IM 39 1:49.95 501 100 Breast 14 53.41 665 200 Breast 8 1:55.41 686
Goraj, Marcin JR 32 100 Fly 16 46.76 683 100 Back 21 46.91 656 200 Back 10 1:41.35 708
Osorio Mendoza, JR 25 1 mtr Diving 18 276.7 3 mtr Diving 18 306.2 Platform Diving 16 274.1
Mahler, Adam SR 23 200 IM 36 1:49.32 527 100 Fly 26 47.13 653 200 Fly 7 1:43.38 698
Parquet, Josh SR 22 1 mtr Diving 14 301.15 3 mtr Diving 25 279.5 Platform Diving 17 271.2
Toledo Sanchez, SR 21 50 Free 17 19.59 704 200 Free 28 1:37.05 603 100 Free 15 42.93 721
Radziszewski, K SO 20 50 Free 28 20.02 622 100 Back 9 45.49 759 200 Back 36 1:48.06 477
Dutkowiak, Wojc SR 20 500 Free 13 4:19.77 675 200 Free 25 1:36.32 636 1650 Free 19 15:24.69 511
Goncharov, Step FR 11 100 Back 20 46.8 664 100 Free 19 43.22 694
Salisbury, Jack JR 8 1 mtr Diving 37 190.5 3 mtr Diving 21 288.7 Platform Diving 21 267.1
Zhang, Derek Y FR 3 100 Fly 33 48.05 577 100 Back 22 46.92 655 200 Back 31 1:46.67 530
Radio, Ethan FR 3 1 mtr Diving 35 198.1 3 mtr Diving 32 252.35 Platform Diving 22 256.5
Zorzano Jover, JR 2 200 IM 27 1:46.96 614 400 IM 25 3:53.72 524 200 Breast 23 1:58.35 600
Jalbert, Drew W FR 0 100 Fly 34 48.16 567 200 Fly 34 1:49.6 463
Pytlarczyk, Szy SR 0 50 Free 36 20.18 590 100 Fly 45 50.15 377 100 Free 44 45.14 507
Short, Nick C FR 0 200 IM 48 1:51.54 434 100 Breast 25 54.34 599 200 Breast 32 2:00.32 538
Frimis, Guy SO 0 500 Free 25 4:23.44 615 200 Free 27 1:36.59 624 1650 Free 29 15:35.71 447

Florida St

Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Yanchev, Yordan JR 63 500 Free 3 4:12.97 790 200 Free 13 1:33.92 741 1650 Free 8 15:08.13 598
Abramowicz, Taz 5Y 53 1 mtr Diving 15 284.6 3 mtr Diving 5 363.9 Platform Diving 11 306.15
Varjasi, Peter SR 52 200 IM 4 1:43.37 737 200 Free 17 1:34.61 710 100 Free 10 42.32 781
Baravelli, Tomm FR 38 200 IM 17 1:44.80 688 100 Breast 11 53.16 682 200 Breast 14 1:55.87 673
Pavlidi, Arijus SO 36 50 Free 23 19.97 631 100 Back 13 46.44 689 200 Back 9 1:40.37 740
Quirie, David JR 31 500 Free 21 4:20.50 663 200 Free 14 1:34.11 733 1650 Free 13 15:16.07 557
Helling, Jesco JR 31 1 mtr Diving 21 271.4 3 mtr Diving 13 333.9 Platform Diving 14 295.15
Herbet, Mason J JR 29 100 Fly 20 46.52 702 100 Back 6 45.93 726
Wilson, Max G FR 25.5 200 IM 14 1:45.16 676 100 Back 14 46.59 678 200 Back 26 1:45.18 583
Nolasco, Darwin JR 16 1 mtr Diving 17 281.4 3 mtr Diving 28 277.6 Platform Diving 18 270.15
Smith, Zachary JR 12 500 Free 29 4:24.74 594 200 Fly 26 1:46.98 571 1650 Free 15 15:18.54 544
Keblys, Jokubas SO 11 50 Free 16 19.9 647 200 Free 46 1:39.93 458 100 Free 32 43.99 623
Cooper, Ian J JR 7 50 Free 18 19.66 690 100 Back 33 48.63 528 100 Free 41 44.58 566
Aguilar, Adrian SR 6.5 50 Free 31 20.05 616 100 Fly 18 46.44 708 100 Free 35 44.16 607
Pusnik, Jaka 5 200 Free 41 1:39.07 504 200 Fly 20 1:45.70 617 200 Back 32 1:46.89 522
Egri-Martin, Ma FR 5 200 IM 49 1:54.04 326 100 Breast 20 54.0 623 200 Breast 25 1:59.20 574
Martindale, Jas SO 5 200 IM 47 1:51.51 435 100 Breast 28 54.89 557 200 Breast 20 1:56.87 644
Kurtdere, Utku FR 3 200 IM 33 1:48.13 572 400 IM 22 3:50.24 590 200 Fly 27 1:47.41 554
Vasquez, Carlos 5Y 0 500 Free 40 4:28.65 524 100 Fly 35 48.19 564
Taddonio, Cam J SR 0 500 Free 39 4:27.98 536 200 Free 52 1:41.19 388 1650 Free 26 15:31.88 470


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Hussey, Patrick JR 63 500 Free 11 4:18.39 697 400 IM 7 3:45.05 679 200 Fly 6 1:43.20 705
Down-Jenkins, A SR 56 1 mtr Diving 2 395.75 3 mtr Diving 2 447.3
Hart, Alexander SR 49 1 mtr Diving 7 324.4 3 mtr Diving 4 383.2
Poelke, Boyd R JR 32 50 Free 34 20.07 612 100 Fly 10 45.58 782 200 Fly 12 1:44.76 650
Crisci, Aidan R SO 20 500 Free 28 4:24.50 598 400 IM 9 3:45.68 669 200 Fly 28 1:47.75 540
Dramm, Louis F FR 16 500 Free 20 4:19.95 672 200 Free 19 1:34.71 706 1650 Free 20 15:25.33 507
Radkov, Nick S SO 12 50 Free 41 20.33 561 200 Free 15 1:35.03 692 100 Free 37 44.33 591
Rutberg, Noah J JR 9 200 IM 22 1:45.86 652 100 Back 25 47.64 604 200 Back 19 1:42.98 656
Mays, Alex N SR 8 400 IM 23 3:50.92 578 100 Back 23 47.51 613 200 Back 21 1:44.01 623
Davis, Walker A SO 6 50 Free 31 20.05 616 100 Fly 40 48.42 544 100 Back 19 46.61 677
Sungaila, Tomas SR 6 50 Free 24 20.12 602 200 Free 20 1:35.39 676 100 Free 31 43.98 624
Van Deusen, Mat SO 5 200 IM 30 1:47.21 605 100 Back 29 47.91 584 200 Back 20 1:43.13 651
Sleater, Patric FR 5 500 Free 33 4:25.41 582 400 IM 20 3:49.08 611 1650 Free 27 15:33.75 459
Citta, Dylan A SO 4 100 Breast 21 54.14 613 200 Breast 37 2:04.29 400
Freeman, Spence FR 1 400 IM 28 3:55.07 496 200 Fly 32 1:49.00 489 1650 Free 24 15:30.84 476
Milovanovic, Ma JR 0 200 Free 40 1:38.97 509 100 Back 34 48.7 523 200 Back 29 1:45.69 566
Silver, Ryan J SO 0 400 IM 26 3:54.01 518 200 Fly 31 1:48.91 493 200 Back 25 1:45.07 587
Ewing, Kendall JR 0 50 Free 55 21.44 297 100 Breast 29 55.01 548 200 Breast 33 2:00.4 536
Roberton, Tyler FR 0 50 Free 39 20.3 565 200 Free 34 1:37.54 580 100 Free 39 44.45 579
Donovan, Jack P FR 0 200 IM 41 1:50.09 495 400 IM 30 3:56.66 462 100 Breast 35 56.96 387


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Saka, Berke SO 71 200 IM 9 1:43.56 730 100 Back 4 45.7 743 200 Back 5 1:40.50 736
Unlu, Baturalp JR 57.5 500 Free 2 4:12.35 802 200 Free 2 1:32.47 811 100 Free 23 43.53 666
Kilavuz, Mert SO 43 500 Free 12 4:18.75 692 200 Fly 35 1:49.73 458 1650 Free 2 14:41.50 724
Bognar, Nils A FR 35 200 IM 11 1:44.94 683 400 IM 10 3:45.8 667 200 Back 23 1:45.04 588
Klier, Elijah FR 29 1 mtr Diving 31 229.3 3 mtr Diving 19 299.95 Platform Diving 7 316.55
Caballero, Joao FR 17 100 Breast 19 53.89 631 200 Breast 16 1:58.27 603
Perks, Charles FR 11 500 Free 31 4:25.27 584 200 Free 45 1:39.83 464 1650 Free 16 15:19.59 539
Romero, Antonio SO 10 200 IM 29 1:47.13 608 400 IM 21 3:49.19 609 200 Fly 19 1:45.6 621
Kertesz, Daniel SR 9 50 Free 39 20.3 565 100 Breast 17 53.44 663 100 Free 39 44.45 579
Alderson, Justi JR 7 50 Free 37 20.19 588 100 Breast 18 53.84 635 100 Free 45 45.29 490
Santos, Sean FR 4 500 Free 44 4:30.64 485 400 IM 31 3:57.92 434 1650 Free 21 15:28.06 492
Odorici, Leandr SO 3 50 Free 26 19.98 630 100 Breast 22 54.25 605 100 Free 33 44.07 616
Gapinski, David SO 1 50 Free 27 20.01 624 100 Fly 39 48.34 551 200 Fly 24 1:47.85 536
Dotson, Luke SO 1 1 mtr Diving 25 255.75 3 mtr Diving 29 273.3 Platform Diving 24 250.05
Richardson, Chr FR 0 200 Free 43 1:39.45 484 100 Back 35 49.33 471 200 Back 41 1:49.19 431
Foehner, Hunter FR 0 100 Fly 32 47.92 588 200 Fly 25 1:46.71 580 100 Free 48 45.79 433
Killius, Julian FR 0 50 Free 59 25.18 1 100 Breast 32 55.24 530 200 Breast 28 1:59.45 566
Coady, Will FR 0 50 Free 29 20.04 618 200 Free 36 1:37.8 568 100 Free 43 44.88 535
Mezzogori, Giac FR 0 200 IM 38 1:49.88 504 400 IM 37 4:03.16 316 200 Back 38 1:48.25 469
Blischke, Caleb JR 0 500 Free 46 4:31.49 468 200 Free 53 1:41.66 362 1650 Free 30 15:37.26 438


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Reznick, Cole 30 200 IM 21 1:45.6 661 100 Breast 9 52.91 700 200 Breast 19 1:56.27 662
McCollum, Will 29 1 mtr Diving 19 275.3 3 mtr Diving 16 322.05 Platform Diving 15 276.8
Harding, Seamus 25 1 mtr Diving 32 221.0 3 mtr Diving 35 222.85 Platform Diving 5 367.5
Sanford, Brad 21 50 Free 21 19.95 635 100 Fly 12 46.16 732 200 Fly 23 1:46.27 597
Driscoll, Brend 7 500 Free 41 4:29.59 506 400 IM 33 3:59.03 409 1650 Free 18 15:21.00 531
Knox, Matt 5 500 Free 27 4:23.54 614 200 Free 22 1:35.69 663 1650 Free 23 15:30.7 476
Kredich, Colema 3 50 Free 22 19.96 633 200 Free 42 1:39.1 503 100 Free 36 44.3 594
Brown, Evan 3 1 mtr Diving 26 251.85 3 mtr Diving 22 288.1
Cagley, Jonah 2 1 mtr Diving 23 257.45 3 mtr Diving 30 260.9
Gingrich, Charl 1 50 Free 25 19.96 633 100 Fly 24 46.97 666 100 Free 34 44.1 613
Hallaron, Dave 1 200 IM 34 1:48.45 560 200 Free 26 1:36.49 628 200 Back 24 1:45.65 567
Christian, Jack 0 200 Free 37 1:38.23 548 100 Back 28 47.81 591 200 Back 27 1:45.49 573
Volpe, Michael 0 100 Fly 44 49.6 431 100 Breast 27 54.51 586 200 Breast 38 2:04.78 382
Chang, David 0 100 Fly 42 49.12 478 100 Back 27 47.73 597 200 Back 39 1:49.13 434
Rogers, Sean 0 50 Free 47 20.67 483 100 Fly 37 48.28 557 100 Free 49 45.82 430
Jiang, Michael 0 200 IM 46 1:51.19 449 200 Back 30 1:46.54 535
Tenpas, Will 0 200 IM 45 1:51.17 450 100 Breast 31 55.12 539 200 Breast 30 1:59.70 558
Viers, Nicholas 0 200 IM 37 1:49.38 524 200 Fly 30 1:48.82 497 200 Breast 35 2:02.4 467
Dalla Valle, Ch 0 500 Free 47 4:32.69 444 400 IM 36 4:00.94 366 200 Fly 36 1:50.02 445
Simpson, Austin 0 500 Free 42 4:30.52 488 200 Free 50 1:41.04 397 1650 Free 33 16:06.92 267
Johnson, Blake 0 500 Free 37 4:26.84 557 200 Free 29 1:37.13 599


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Flory, Max SR 96 1 mtr Diving 1 408.15 3 mtr Diving 1 456.2 Platform Diving 1 395.6
Farouk, Farouk SO 72 1 mtr Diving 9 306.75 3 mtr Diving 6 362.2 Platform Diving 2 390.45
Scapens, Brodie SR 42 1 mtr Diving 8 323.65 3 mtr Diving 9 348.55


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Doyle, Jack C SO 14 400 IM 13 3:48.11 628 200 Breast 31 1:59.91 552
Henkel, Bryce R SO 11 100 Fly 41 48.77 512 200 Fly 16 1:45.61 621
Szmania, Zach E SR 3 500 Free 32 4:25.29 584 200 Free 44 1:39.54 479 1650 Free 22 15:28.51 489
Nickerson, Dale SR 2 1 mtr Diving 28 248.15 3 mtr Diving 23 283.2
Horkan, Michael SO 0 100 Fly 46 50.36 357 100 Back 32 48.57 533 200 Back 34 1:47.09 514
Davies, Greyson FR 0 100 Fly 43 49.2 471 200 Fly 29 1:48.80 497 200 Back 42 1:51.43 340
Perez-Mari, Chr SO 0 50 Free 54 21.36 315 100 Breast 30 55.1 541 200 Breast 36 2:02.79 453
Wong, Andres G JR 0 50 Free 53 21.33 323 200 Free 38 1:38.57 530 100 Free 50 46.24 381
Mathis, Ryan A JR 0 50 Free 52 21.03 395 100 Fly 48 51.51 253
Clark, Charlie JR 0 50 Free 51 20.96 413 200 Free 48 1:40.21 443 100 Free 46 45.34 485
Betances, Darie FR 0 50 Free 50 20.91 425 100 Fly 47 50.57 337 100 Breast 34 55.8 484
Bruce, Charles FR 0 50 Free 45 20.63 492 200 Free 54 1:43.00 291 100 Free 47 45.64 451
Szekely, Matthe SR 0 50 Free 42 20.37 550 100 Fly 29 47.66 610 100 Free 42 44.87 536
McKinney, Willi SO 0 200 IM 44 1:50.77 467 400 IM 35 4:00.38 379 200 Back 40 1:49.16 432
Blusiewicz, And SO 0 200 IM 40 1:50.01 499 400 IM 27 3:54.6 506 200 Breast 34 2:01.73 491
Yu-Kisselbach, SO 0 500 Free 49 4:34.06 417 200 Fly 37 1:51.34 387 1650 Free 31 15:47.94 374
Lenahan, Ryan M JR 0 500 Free 48 4:32.94 439 200 Free 49 1:40.91 404 200 Back 37 1:48.16 473
Yakubik, Zack A FR 0 500 Free 45 4:30.69 484 200 Free 51 1:41.16 390 1650 Free 32 15:51.07 356
Huffman, Benjam FR 0 500 Free 38 4:27.01 554 200 Free 47 1:40.1 449 1650 Free 25 15:30.87 475
Klock, Josiah B JR 0 1 mtr Diving 30 233.15 3 mtr Diving 34 225.75
Williams, Angus SO 0 1 mtr Diving 29 240.3 3 mtr Diving 33 243.6

Individual Breakdown Women

Power are Swimulator power points. Those are a way to quantify time quality independent of what event the time is from. Includes only final times and final dive scores.


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Walsh, Alex J JR 96 200 Free 1 1:41.63 888 100 Breast 1 57.64 882 200 Breast 1 2:03.68 891
Douglass, Kate SR 96 200 IM 1 1:50.15 982 100 Fly 1 48.84 1026 100 Free 1 45.86 1021
Walsh, Gretchen SO 88 50 Free 1 20.83 1075 100 Fly 2 49.34 975 100 Free 2 46.32 963
Tiltmann, Reill SO 79 200 Free 6 1:45.55 713 100 Back 2 51.2 792 200 Back 3 1:51.05 791
Canny, Aimee FR 71 200 IM 9 1:55.9 763 200 Free 2 1:42.62 839 100 Free 7 48.16 770
Donohoe, Maddie SR 69 500 Free 3 4:39.53 745 200 Free 13 1:46.51 676 1650 Free 2 15:59.54 703
Harter, Abby E JR 68 200 IM 3 1:54.83 798 400 IM 13 4:13.86 638 200 Fly 3 1:54.31 777
Bathurst, Ella SO 64 200 IM 11 1:57.07 726 400 IM 5 4:11.00 680 200 Back 7 1:53.37 724
Tuggle, Claire FR 64 500 Free 4 4:40.41 732 200 Free 12 1:46.33 683 1650 Free 7 16:15.91 638
Cuomo, Lexi M SR 63 50 Free 11 21.93 801 100 Fly 7 51.51 788 100 Free 6 47.72 810
Nelson, Ella E SR 62 500 Free 1 4:38.04 766 400 IM 1 3:59.33 872
Bell, Jenn A SR 53 3 mtr Diving 4 330.45 1 mtr Diving 3 301.4 Platform Diving 28 161.1
Parker, Maxine JR 52 50 Free 10 21.9 807 200 Free 9 1:45.83 702 100 Free 12 48.29 758
Weber, Emma FR 51 200 IM 50 2:03.72 518 100 Breast 3 58.61 813 200 Breast 6 2:10.64 698
Novelline, Carl FR 46 50 Free 22 22.72 658 100 Fly 10 51.92 758 100 Back 4 51.89 748
Wilson, Sophia JR 42 400 IM 6 4:11.89 667 200 Back 14 1:57.13 622 200 Breast 20 2:14.21 609
Kaye, Elizabeth SO 42 3 mtr Diving 15 273.35 1 mtr Diving 13 255.45 Platform Diving 11 226.45
Keating, Anna E JR 40 200 IM 43 2:02.63 555 100 Breast 12 1:00.22 713 200 Breast 5 2:08.04 763
Knapp, Sophia FR 37 500 Free 12 4:44.97 669 200 Free 26 1:48.80 585 1650 Free 8 16:18.14 629
Skirboll, Zoe FR 29 200 IM 12 1:57.26 720 100 Breast 13 1:00.24 712
Bowen, Charlott SR 4 3 mtr Diving 30 230.1 1 mtr Diving 21 235.65 Platform Diving 27 181.5

NC State

Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Berkoff, Kathar SR 85 50 Free 4 21.73 843 100 Back 1 49.45 920 100 Free 3 47.02 882
Arens, Abby L JR 84 200 IM 4 1:54.93 795 100 Fly 4 50.84 840 200 Fly 1 1:52.91 829
Noble, Kennedy FR 83 200 IM 6 1:55.92 762 100 Back 3 51.59 767 200 Back 1 1:50.24 816
Sheble, Grace E SO 77 200 IM 7 1:57.43 715 400 IM 2 4:04.98 773 200 Fly 4 1:55.59 733
Alons, Kylee J SR 70 50 Free 8 22.09 770 100 Fly 5 50.93 833 100 Back 7 52.26 726
Muzzy, Emma E SR 56 100 Fly 21 53.2 673 100 Back 6 52.1 735 200 Back 2 1:50.96 793
MacCausland, He SR 55 50 Free 21 22.63 673 100 Breast 2 58.22 840 200 Breast 7 2:12.22 659
Webb, Abbey C JR 55 50 Free 18 22.5 696 200 Free 4 1:43.84 783 100 Free 8 48.17 769
Podmanikova, An SR 53 100 Fly 25 53.38 661 100 Breast 4 58.69 807 200 Breast 3 2:06.77 798
Hierath, Yara S JR 52 500 Free 9 4:43.28 693 400 IM 10 4:11.36 675 1650 Free 12 16:33.57 564
Hastings, Emma FR 50 500 Free 6 4:41.26 720 400 IM 25 4:20.89 521 1650 Free 4 16:08.9 666
Crush, Annabel SO 48 200 Free 8 1:46.30 684 100 Back 12 52.68 701 100 Free 16 49.26 677
Brouwer, Aubree FR 39 200 IM 29 2:00.21 632 100 Breast 8 1:00.04 724 200 Breast 10 2:10.43 703
Travis, Brooke SR 36 500 Free 14 4:47.16 640 400 IM 22 4:17.39 582 1650 Free 9 16:19.99 622
Synnott, Helene SR 33 3 mtr Diving 11 285.05 1 mtr Diving 14 253.05 Platform Diving 21 204.05
Foley, Kay M SR 32 500 Free 10 4:44.08 682 200 Free 23 1:47.91 621 1650 Free 14 16:36.11 552
Watson, Sarah E SR 23 200 IM 30 2:00.22 632 100 Fly 16 53.02 685 100 Free 15 48.85 711
Zuburg, Ashton JR 20 3 mtr Diving 20 261.9 1 mtr Diving 17 247.05 Platform Diving 19 207.25
Helms, Katherin FR 19 50 Free 26 22.75 653 200 Free 11 1:46.30 684 100 Free 22 49.14 687
Tate, Clara L JR 15 3 mtr Diving 17 268.35 1 mtr Diving 20 238.25 Platform Diving 24 196.1
Sheble, Carolin SO 13 200 IM 38 2:01.7 586 400 IM 21 4:17.1 587 200 Fly 17 1:57.89 660


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Albiero, Gabi M JR 81 50 Free 2 21.36 930 100 Fly 3 50.04 908 100 Free 4 47.06 878
Hay, Abby E SR 80 200 IM 5 1:55.48 777 400 IM 3 4:05.23 769 200 Fly 2 1:53.51 806
Regenauer, Chri SR 76 50 Free 3 21.58 877 100 Fly 6 51.03 825 100 Free 5 47.47 835
Prassterink, El JR 70 3 mtr Diving 5 322.45 1 mtr Diving 10 268.05 Platform Diving 2 333.2
Hetrick, Paige JR 67 200 Free 5 1:44.83 742 100 Back 11 52.42 716 200 Back 4 1:51.70 771
Ulett, Tristen JR 63 200 IM 10 1:56.75 736 100 Fly 8 51.59 782 200 Fly 6 1:55.69 730
Gizzi, Lindsay 58 3 mtr Diving 13 281.3 1 mtr Diving 6 286.15 Platform Diving 9 241.25
Welch, Ella G FR 52.5 50 Free 6 21.89 810 100 Breast 15 1:00.44 700 100 Free 10 47.99 785
Ulett, Rye D SO 52 500 Free 13 4:45.59 661 400 IM 14 4:14.44 629 200 Back 5 1:52.24 756
Williams, Liber JR 50 500 Free 7 4:41.63 715 200 Free 57 1:52.70 405 1650 Free 3 16:03.6 687
Dennis, Julia FR 45 50 Free 9 21.83 822 200 Free 20 1:47.56 635 100 Free 9 47.93 791
Gomes Celidonio SO 29 200 IM 14 1:57.64 709 200 Free 14 1:46.6 672 200 Breast 22 2:15.19 583
Miller, Jiselle FR 26 3 mtr Diving 16 272.4 1 mtr Diving 22 234.4 Platform Diving 15 217.3
Durocher, Jorda FR 25 400 IM 16 4:17.61 578 200 Fly 31 2:02.65 495 200 Back 13 1:56.43 641
Barrett, Karoli FR 22 50 Free 14 22.35 722 100 Fly 17 52.45 722 100 Free 30 49.89 626
Kuwata, Paige FR 21 500 Free 18 4:47.62 633 400 IM 27 4:22.16 498 1650 Free 13 16:34.1 561
Viberg, Cecilla FR 17 50 Free 57 23.86 440 100 Breast 10 59.84 735 200 Breast 26 2:15.76 568
Hall, Madie A SO 15 200 IM 22 1:59.36 658 200 Free 15 1:46.72 668 200 Breast 29 2:16.46 548
Luther, Maddie SR 6 500 Free 26 4:52.23 566 200 Free 21 1:47.66 631 1650 Free 23 16:53.02 470
McCormick, Paig JR 0 500 Free 34 4:55.11 521 400 IM 32 4:23.38 474 1650 Free 25 16:55.62 456
Leonard, Grace SO 0 3 mtr Diving 28 232.25 1 mtr Diving 33 203.55 Platform Diving 26 189.6


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Vazquez, Aranza JR 96 3 mtr Diving 1 381.85 1 mtr Diving 1 379.25 Platform Diving 1 337.05
Grund, Emily JR 75 3 mtr Diving 3 350.9 1 mtr Diving 5 289.5 Platform Diving 7 243.6
Countie, Grace SR 63 50 Free 5 21.84 820 100 Back 5 52.03 740 100 Free 14 48.59 732
Lindner, Sophie SR 51 200 Free 18 1:47.01 656 100 Back 8 52.49 712 200 Back 8 1:54.95 681
Vannote, Ellie SR 42 100 Fly 9 51.7 774 200 Fly 8 1:57.26 680
Marshall, Haley FR 40 3 mtr Diving 7 276.6 1 mtr Diving 27 228.2 Platform Diving 10 228.45
Burrell, Paige SR 31 3 mtr Diving 9 292.2 1 mtr Diving 16 248.5
Smith, Skyler A SO 29 50 Free 37 23.05 600 100 Breast 7 59.71 743 200 Breast 19 2:13.08 638
Pattison, Greer SO 29 50 Free 17 22.46 703 100 Back 9 52.0 742 100 Free 31 50.01 616
Karam, Emma W FR 27 200 Free 45 1:50.81 496 100 Back 16 53.31 665 200 Back 11 1:55.52 666
Nel, Olivia SO 16 50 Free 13 22.33 726 200 Free 37 1:49.35 562 100 Free 23 49.5 658
Dragelin, Amy G SR 16 200 IM 18 1:58.50 683 200 Free 17 1:46.63 671 100 Free 27 49.79 634
Farris, Aislin FR 12 400 IM 17 4:15.89 606 200 Fly 27 2:01.65 533 200 Back 22 1:58.09 594
Ward, Kat P JR 10 200 IM 36 2:01.27 600 100 Breast 22 1:01.73 627 200 Breast 18 2:12.45 653
Sowards, Elizab SO 10 200 IM 19 1:58.53 682 100 Fly 32 54.17 609 100 Back 21 53.58 649
Reader, Lily B FR 9 500 Free 22 4:52.62 560 200 Free 50 1:51.47 465 1650 Free 19 16:41.99 525
Rudolph, Lexi M JR 2 200 IM 45 2:03.16 537 100 Breast 24 1:02.27 596 200 Breast 24 2:16.17 556
Tankard, Kyleig FR 1 50 Free 58 23.89 434 100 Fly 31 54.12 612 200 Fly 24 2:02.71 493
Nel, Georgia SO 0 200 IM 35 2:01.02 608 200 Free 25 1:48.78 586 100 Free 32 50.02 615
Smith, Madeline SO 0 200 IM 33 2:00.9 611 200 Free 38 1:49.43 559 100 Free 39 50.75 552
Morgan, Michell FR 0 500 Free 40 4:57.78 476 400 IM 28 4:22.3 495


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Foley, Sally 80 200 IM 2 1:54.12 823 400 IM 4 4:06.25 752 200 Breast 4 2:06.81 797
Purnell, Cather 55 500 Free 15 4:48.58 620 400 IM 7 4:12.08 664 200 Fly 9 1:56.24 712
Gridley, Kaelyn 52 50 Free 54 23.72 470 100 Breast 6 59.46 758 200 Breast 2 2:06.74 799
Belyakov, Cathe 42 200 IM 8 1:57.84 703 100 Breast 18 1:01.00 669 200 Breast 14 2:12.42 654
Peroni, Martina 41 200 IM 26 1:59.81 644 400 IM 11 4:11.42 674 200 Fly 5 1:55.64 732
Rakestraw, Emil 32 3 mtr Diving 24 241.85 1 mtr Diving 19 238.8 Platform Diving 5 266.3
Chang, Yi Xuan 28 500 Free 19 4:48.00 628 200 Free 19 1:47.33 644 1650 Free 11 16:27.74 589
Zillig, Josie 27 3 mtr Diving 29 232.0 1 mtr Diving 25 229.25 Platform Diving 3 298.9
Shuppert, Emma 17 100 Back 10 52.36 720 200 Back 32 2:00.48 520
Mullin, Kate 16 3 mtr Diving 21 258.4 1 mtr Diving 15 252.75
Watson, Ali 15 3 mtr Diving 23 248.6 1 mtr Diving 31 214.7 Platform Diving 14 220.6
Leko, Mia 14 500 Free 28 4:53.37 549 200 Free 32 1:49.05 575 200 Fly 13 1:57.87 660
Ozkan, Aleyna 13 50 Free 47 23.46 523 100 Fly 14 52.77 701
Wall, Tatum 12 50 Free 16 22.6 679 200 Free 24 1:48.22 609 100 Free 28 49.83 631
Snyder, Sarah 11.5 50 Free 19 22.51 694 200 Free 29 1:48.91 581 100 Free 19 49.07 693
Lee, Easop 5 100 Fly 26 53.53 651 100 Back 24 53.96 627 200 Back 21 1:57.52 611
Portello, Audre 5 500 Free 38 4:57.25 485 400 IM 20 4:16.79 592 1650 Free 31 17:00.85 429
Gjertsen, Emily 4 500 Free 41 4:57.84 475 200 Free 55 1:52.19 430 1650 Free 21 16:50.57 482
Meredith, Madel 0 100 Fly 39 55.33 525 100 Back 31 55.1 556 200 Back 34 2:01.62 481
Lenihan, Emily 0 100 Fly 30 53.94 624 100 Back 28 54.6 588 200 Back 29 1:59.20 561
Smith, McKenna 0 50 Free 31 22.92 623 200 Free 39 1:49.75 545 100 Free 35 50.13 606


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Atkinson, Emma JR 76 500 Free 5 4:40.62 729 200 Free 3 1:43.31 807 200 Back 6 1:52.68 743
Weiler Sastre, FR 54 200 Free 7 1:46.16 689 100 Back 13 52.71 699 200 Back 10 1:55.15 676
Travis, Chase C JR 53 500 Free 8 4:42.67 701 400 IM 19 4:16.66 594 1650 Free 5 16:13.39 648
Mroz, Izzi M SR 52 3 mtr Diving 12 282.1 1 mtr Diving 7 284.45 Platform Diving 13 222.1
Shackelford, Sa SR 48 50 Free 12 22.29 733 200 Free 10 1:46.23 687 100 Free 11 48.28 759
Bentz, Caroline JR 44 200 IM 15 1:58.09 696 100 Back 15 53.2 671 200 Back 9 1:54.38 696
Moore, Madelyn SR 21 50 Free 15 22.42 710 100 Back 23 53.71 642 100 Free 18 49.05 694
Franz, Karisa B SR 18 100 Fly 15 52.98 687 200 Fly 19 1:59.00 624 100 Free 38 50.51 574
Claesson, Emily FR 14 50 Free 27 22.75 653 200 Free 33 1:49.15 571 100 Free 13 48.58 733
Summers, Anna L SO 11 50 Free 23 22.75 653 200 Free 27 1:48.80 585 100 Free 17 48.95 703
Miller, Morgan SR 7 500 Free 25 4:51.93 571 100 Fly 27 53.57 649 200 Fly 18 1:58.94 626
Guziec, Peyton FR 7 3 mtr Diving 18 268.25 1 mtr Diving 26 228.45 Platform Diving 25 193.5
Zettel, Brooke SO 6 200 IM 32 2:00.64 619 400 IM 24 4:25.01 442 200 Fly 20 1:59.32 614
Fisher, Miah SO 5 3 mtr Diving 22 256.95 1 mtr Diving 23 230.85 Platform Diving 29 158.25
DeBaecke, Sydne FR 2 200 IM 44 2:02.73 552 400 IM 29 4:22.66 488 200 Back 23 1:58.14 593
Gyurinovics, Fa FR 0 50 Free 41 23.18 577 200 Free 50 1:51.47 465 100 Free 33 50.03 615
Rigg, Charlotte SO 0 200 IM 53 2:05.44 454 100 Breast 32 1:03.65 509 200 Breast 28 2:16.36 551
Pouch, Rose E SR 0 200 IM 27 2:00.11 635 100 Fly 29 53.87 629 100 Free 43 50.91 538
Grafmiller, Mad SO 0 500 Free 39 4:57.37 483 200 Free 64 1:53.74 354 1650 Free 28 16:58.34 442
Weiss, Camille FR 0 500 Free 33 4:54.53 530 200 Free 41 1:50.32 519 1650 Free 33 17:04.49 409
Ryan, Sophia A SR 0 500 Free 31 4:54.31 534 1650 Free 26 16:55.89 455 200 Back 35 2:01.67 479

Florida St

Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Vear, Samantha JR 52 3 mtr Diving 6 320.7 1 mtr Diving 4 296.95 Platform Diving 23 200.05
Jernstedt, Edit SO 47 200 IM 17 1:57.64 709 100 Fly 12 52.54 716 200 Fly 7 1:55.78 727
Huggins, Maddy SO 37 200 IM 21 1:59.30 660 100 Breast 14 1:00.34 706 200 Breast 9 2:10.01 713
Gregersen, Isab SO 29 3 mtr Diving 33 226.65 1 mtr Diving 18 238.9 Platform Diving 8 216.25
Mansson, Julia FR 25 100 Breast 17 1:00.7 686 200 Breast 11 2:10.74 695
Metzler, Anna D 5Y 25 200 IM 20 1:59.29 660 400 IM 9 4:10.41 689 200 Back 30 1:59.76 543
Freeman, Sophie FR 21 100 Fly 20 53.01 685 200 Fly 11 1:57.47 673 200 Back 27 1:58.95 569
McDonald, Maddi 5Y 20 50 Free 32 22.96 616 100 Back 20 53.55 651 200 Back 12 1:55.86 657
Evans, Sarah E FR 17 50 Free 44 23.36 542 100 Back 19 53.53 652 200 Back 16 1:59.00 567
Buntman, Jessic JR 15 3 mtr Diving 36 201.0 1 mtr Diving 34 194.6 Platform Diving 12 224.8
Halden, Jenny JR 14 50 Free 39 23.17 578 100 Fly 13 52.62 711
Griffiths, Phoe JR 14 500 Free 29 4:53.59 545 200 Free 16 1:47.41 641 1650 Free 22 16:52.47 473
VanOvermeiren, SR 12 200 IM 39 2:01.74 585 400 IM 15 4:16.54 596 200 Breast 27 2:15.8 567
Brzozowski, Jul FR 9 500 Free 37 4:57.19 486 200 Free 61 1:53.46 368 1650 Free 17 16:39.18 538
Quaglieri, Tani SR 7 50 Free 38 23.12 588 100 Back 18 53.32 664 200 Back 25 1:58.55 581
Muzito, Gloria SO 4 50 Free 36 23.04 602 200 Free 28 1:48.81 585 100 Free 21 49.08 692
Fernandes, Arya 5Y 3 200 IM 40 2:02.22 569 100 Fly 22 53.23 671 200 Fly 29 2:01.79 528
Kurdi, Zsofia JR 1 50 Free 35 22.99 611 100 Breast 25 1:02.29 595 100 Free 24 50.34 588
Herbet, Jaden H JR 0 100 Fly 35 54.94 554 100 Back 26 54.42 599 200 Back 26 1:58.82 573
Dicks, Alexandr SO 0 50 Free 34 22.98 613 100 Fly 43 56.16 459 100 Free 37 50.49 575
Dyjak, Ella S SO 0 500 Free 32 4:54.51 531 200 Free 56 1:52.62 409 1650 Free 27 16:56.12 454


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Courtney, Grace FR 63 3 mtr Diving 10 286.6 1 mtr Diving 8 274.15 Platform Diving 6 258.75
Brady, Calie E SO 41 3 mtr Diving 8 275.2 1 mtr Diving 11 267.0 Platform Diving 22 201.9
Gillilan, Colee SR 40 200 IM 16 1:59.39 657 100 Fly 11 52.34 730 200 Fly 14 1:58.39 644
Pruitt, Mary Ca SO 40 500 Free 11 4:44.79 672 400 IM 18 4:16.29 600 1650 Free 10 16:25.6 598
Klein, Allie R 5Y 38 3 mtr Diving 14 277.65 1 mtr Diving 9 273.1 Platform Diving 20 206.85
Jew, Ellie S SR 29 200 IM 25 1:59.76 646 100 Breast 9 59.73 742 200 Breast 17 2:10.52 701
Graves, Maggie SO 28 500 Free 21 4:49.16 612 200 Free 63 1:53.66 358 1650 Free 6 16:14.95 642
Gillilan, Renee FR 24 200 IM 31 2:00.35 628 100 Fly 18 52.55 715 200 Fly 10 1:57.33 677
Christman, Made SO 22 200 IM 37 2:01.69 586 100 Back 14 53.17 673 200 Back 17 1:54.45 695
Deuel, Megan G JR 17 100 Fly 33 54.58 580 200 Fly 15 1:59.26 616 200 Back 20 1:57.07 623
Karras, Sophia SO 12 500 Free 36 4:55.23 519 200 Free 54 1:52.00 439 1650 Free 15 16:38.01 543
Chelsvig, Kalli JR 6 200 Free 35 1:49.20 568 100 Back 27 54.48 596 200 Back 19 1:56.58 637
Bender, Sarah N JR 6 200 IM 42 2:02.51 559 400 IM 23 4:18.3 567 200 Breast 21 2:14.79 594
Fry, Elizabeth SR 4 200 IM 46 2:03.22 535 100 Breast 21 1:01.62 634 200 Breast 25 2:15.57 573
Geriane, Jess J SO 3 50 Free 25 22.73 656 100 Back 22 53.65 645 100 Free 41 50.78 550
Behm, Annie E SO 1 200 Free 53 1:51.75 451 100 Back 29 54.86 572 200 Back 24 1:58.37 586
Kopac, Allison JR 1 500 Free 24 4:54.72 527 200 Fly 25 2:00.82 563 1650 Free 35 17:07.59 392
Codevilla, Mary FR 0 200 Free 42 1:50.41 515 100 Breast 28 1:02.76 566 200 Breast 38 2:20.07 437
Geelen, Lente FR 0 50 Free 53 23.7 474 100 Back 25 54.34 604 100 Free 42 50.85 543
D’Emanuele, Pey JR 0 50 Free 49 23.53 509 100 Fly 28 53.79 634 100 Free 25 49.69 643
Brenneman, Grac FR 0 50 Free 29 22.84 637 200 Free 40 1:49.86 540 100 Free 26 49.79 634


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Ertan, Deniz FR 84 500 Free 1 4:38.04 766 400 IM 8 4:13.14 648 1650 Free 1 15:55.77 718
Bradescu, Anna JR 41 3 mtr Diving 26 238.1 1 mtr Diving 12 255.7 Platform Diving 4 295.5
Campbell, McKen SR 30 200 IM 28 2:00.2 633 400 IM 12 4:13.65 641 200 Fly 12 1:57.73 665
Butterfield, Cl JR 14 100 Fly 47 56.69 415 100 Breast 23 1:01.91 617 200 Breast 15 2:13.01 639
Kuramoto, Rei JR 12 200 IM 24 2:01.57 590 200 Free 30 1:48.93 580 200 Fly 16 2:00.4 577
Woodruff, Carme SR 12 3 mtr Diving 25 238.95 1 mtr Diving 24 229.4 Platform Diving 16 213.7
Sabin, Clarissa SO 8 200 IM 41 2:02.43 562 100 Breast 19 1:01.15 660 200 Breast 23 2:15.37 578
Ripkova, Zora SO 4 100 Fly 23 53.33 664 200 Fly 23 2:00.43 576 100 Free 39 50.75 552
Merk, Lindsey M JR 4 50 Free 52 23.69 476 100 Fly 34 54.79 565 200 Fly 21 2:00.01 591
Switzer, Brooke SR 2 500 Free 23 4:53.77 542 200 Free 36 1:49.24 567 100 Free 45 51.06 524
Hadjiloizou, An FR 1 50 Free 24 22.78 648 100 Fly 44 56.17 458 100 Free 29 49.88 627
Deedy, Anne FR 0 400 IM 35 4:26.13 420 200 Fly 34 2:03.26 471 200 Breast 32 2:17.14 529
El Barodi, Iman SR 0 50 Free 55 23.77 459 100 Breast 27 1:02.62 575 100 Free 55 52.12 420
Murphy, Sophie SO 0 50 Free 50 23.58 498 200 Free 47 1:51.20 478 100 Free 52 51.57 475
Cohen, Abby E SR 0 200 IM 50 2:03.72 518 400 IM 33 4:24.53 452 200 Fly 26 2:01.57 536
Chunn, Kendal FR 0 200 IM 34 2:00.98 609 200 Back 33 2:00.74 511
Sakellaris, Ari JR 0 500 Free 53 5:10.50 254
Schramm Seifer, SR 0 500 Free 52 5:07.08 310 1650 Free 36 17:08.29 389
Brown, Allison FR 0 500 Free 30 4:53.84 541 200 Free 59 1:53.36 373 1650 Free 29 16:58.42 442
McKyton, Katie FR 0 3 mtr Diving 38 191.1 1 mtr Diving 32 212.15 Platform Diving 30 156.6


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Vallee, Mia SR 56 3 mtr Diving 2 367.2 1 mtr Diving 2 330.05
Vovk, Tara GS 53 200 IM 13 1:57.49 714 100 Breast 5 58.98 788 200 Breast 13 2:11.22 683
Mason, Zorry L SR 33 200 IM 23 1:59.78 645 100 Breast 11 59.99 726 200 Breast 12 2:10.94 690
Cera, Adrianna JR 25 500 Free 16 4:50.18 597 200 Free 22 1:47.81 625 1650 Free 16 16:38.57 541
Carvalho, Giuli SO 17 50 Free 20 22.57 684 100 Fly 24 53.51 653 200 Breast 16 2:13.3 632
Otava, Aino SR 8 500 Free 20 4:48.99 614 400 IM 31 4:23.35 475 200 Fly 22 2:00.36 579
Barr, Savannah SO 0 200 Free 31 1:48.96 579 100 Free 44 50.94 535
Bitting, Kaitly SO 0 400 IM 38 4:33.69 267 200 Fly 36 2:07.92 287 200 Breast 39 2:26.75 224
Spaulding, Hana FR 0 50 Free 60 23.93 425 200 Free 58 1:53.25 378 100 Free 54 52.1 422
Kuehne, Celina FR 0 50 Free 59 23.91 430 100 Back 29 54.86 572 200 Back 40 2:03.61 409
Miller, Lucy C SO 0 50 Free 51 23.67 480 100 Breast 31 1:03.28 533 100 Free 51 51.48 483
Hinton, Jacey L SO 0 50 Free 46 23.44 527 100 Free 50 51.42 489
Fitzgerald, Jan FR 0 50 Free 42 23.3 554 200 Free 34 1:49.16 570 100 Free 36 50.32 590
Meggesto, Evely FR 0 200 IM 57 2:08.64 329 100 Fly 46 56.68 416 200 Fly 35 2:04.61 417
Traba, Isabel F SR 0 200 IM 56 2:06.95 395 100 Fly 42 55.92 478 200 Fly 28 2:01.7 531
Sundstrand, Emm JR 0 200 IM 49 2:03.48 526 100 Breast 29 1:03.15 542 200 Breast 35 2:18.43 489
Vanrenterghem, FR 0 500 Free 49 5:02.33 395 200 Free 44 1:50.64 504 200 Back 38 2:02.51 449
Sensenbrenner, FR 0 500 Free 47 5:02.05 400 1650 Free 38 17:43.13 212 200 Back 31 2:00.35 524
Sommerstad, Kat FR 0 500 Free 43 4:59.1 453 1650 Free 34 17:07.29 394 200 Back 28 1:59.12 563


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Yendell, Sophie JR 35 50 Free 6 21.89 810 100 Fly 19 52.62 711 100 Free 19 49.07 693
Jansen, Claire FR 16 50 Free 33 22.97 615 100 Back 17 52.35 721 200 Back 18 1:56.06 651
Tinneny, Jacque SR 16 500 Free 17 4:47.39 636 400 IM 30 4:22.72 487 1650 Free 18 16:39.38 537
Detwiler, Tatum SR 11 50 Free 28 22.83 639 100 Breast 16 1:01.32 651 200 Breast 37 2:18.98 472
Gravgaard, Emma JR 9 3 mtr Diving 37 195.95 1 mtr Diving 29 224.15 Platform Diving 17 210.1
Vega, Jess SO 7 3 mtr Diving 31 229.5 1 mtr Diving 28 225.15 Platform Diving 18 208.95
Dickerson, Rach FR 6 3 mtr Diving 19 267.95 1 mtr Diving 35 185.2 Platform Diving 31 156.1
Licht, Abby JR 5 500 Free 27 4:53.28 550 200 Free 48 1:51.39 469 1650 Free 20 16:48.83 491
Tanriverdi, Ece FR 1 200 Free 68 1:57.27 201 1650 Free 24 16:55.43 457
Knepper, Sophie SO 0 100 Back 33 56.04 492 200 Back 39 2:03.22 423
Bailey, Kate E FR 0 100 Fly 41 55.53 509 200 Fly 32 2:02.68 494 100 Free 59 53.17 316
Yoo, Olivia E FR 0 100 Fly 38 55.25 531 200 Fly 30 2:02.19 513 100 Free 53 51.78 454
McFaddin, Avery SO 0 50 Free 62 24.03 404 100 Fly 45 56.3 447 100 Free 47 51.3 501
London, Maddie SR 0 50 Free 56 23.79 455 100 Breast 33 1:04.03 484 200 Breast 36 2:18.81 477
Schulz, Janelle SO 0 50 Free 45 23.43 529 200 Free 46 1:51.11 482 100 Free 49 51.39 492
Fuhrmann, Kate SR 0 50 Free 30 22.85 636 100 Breast 26 1:02.31 594 100 Free 34 50.1 609
Safargar, Yasmi FR 0 200 IM 52 2:03.99 508 400 IM 34 4:25.33 436 200 Back 41 2:03.75 403
Messina, Angeli FR 0 200 IM 47 2:03.39 529 100 Breast 30 1:03.16 541 200 Breast 30 2:16.49 547
Mock, Tessa SO 0 500 Free 44 4:59.21 451 200 Free 67 1:54.89 300 1650 Free 32 17:02.26 421
Bucaro, Emily L FR 0 500 Free 42 4:58.21 469 200 Free 43 1:50.56 508 1650 Free 30 17:00.06 433
Iannon, Megan FR 0 3 mtr Diving 32 228.35 1 mtr Diving 30 222.6 Platform Diving 32 144.8


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Sand, Adair B JR 12 500 Free 35 4:55.19 520 200 Free 49 1:51.43 467 200 Back 15 1:57.98 598
Baldacci, Giova JR 5 50 Free 48 23.5 515 100 Breast 20 1:01.34 650 200 Breast 31 2:17.11 529
Russell, Claire JR 0 100 Back 34 57.81 360
Sielicki, Laure JR 0 100 Fly 37 55.24 532 100 Back 32 55.18 551 200 Back 42 2:03.86 399
Smith, Samantha SO 0 400 IM 36 4:26.33 415 200 Fly 33 2:03.24 472 200 Back 37 2:02.06 465
Scott, Kelly J SO 0 50 Free 63 24.44 319 100 Fly 48 59.54 197 100 Free 59 53.17 316
Gannon, Mary Ka SR 0 50 Free 61 24.02 406 100 Fly 40 55.44 516 100 Free 56 52.17 414
Zinis, Sofia E SR 0 50 Free 43 23.31 552 100 Free 46 51.22 509
Drumm, Katie J JR 0 50 Free 39 23.17 578 100 Fly 36 55.13 540 100 Free 48 51.32 499
Saliou, Julienn FR 0 200 IM 55 2:06.4 416 400 IM 37 4:30.86 323 200 Back 35 2:01.67 479
Murtagh, Liza M SO 0 200 IM 54 2:05.46 453 200 Breast 34 2:18.19 497
Derby, Ella M FR 0 200 IM 48 2:03.46 527 400 IM 26 4:21.63 508 200 Breast 33 2:17.98 503
Leonard, Mary K SO 0 500 Free 51 5:04.15 362 200 Free 66 1:54.66 310 100 Free 62 53.84 255
Anderson, Kasey JR 0 500 Free 50 5:03.35 377 200 Free 60 1:53.4 371 100 Free 58 53.03 329
Schone, Izzy A JR 0 500 Free 48 5:02.2 397 200 Free 62 1:53.47 367 100 Free 61 53.18 315
Honsberger, Aur FR 0 500 Free 46 5:01.39 412 200 Free 65 1:54.42 322 100 Free 57 52.68 363
Howard, Olivia SO 0 500 Free 45 5:00.11 435 200 Free 52 1:51.71 453 1650 Free 37 17:21.04 320
Poulin, Olivia SR 0 3 mtr Diving 35 219.75
Tonole, Jessica SO 0 3 mtr Diving 34 224.8 1 mtr Diving 37 162.4
King, Anna Mae JR 0 3 mtr Diving 27 235.35 1 mtr Diving 36 164.4

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1 year ago

your men’s table is almost correct- FSU got 661 and Pitt has 660.5 but you’ve got them flipped in place haha

Abby Lee Miller
1 year ago

NC State is the only diving program in the ACC to have all men and women score in all 3 diving events. NCSU diving is on the rise!

1 year ago

Can someone tell me what has happened to UNC?

1 year ago

Interesting that NC State men outscored UVA women. How is NCAA shaping up, obviously not going to de-throne Cal or Texas but can they stay ahead of Indiana, maybe battle with Florida? ASU going to pass all of them for 3rd?

HOO love
Reply to  Observing
1 year ago

I think that shows more the weakness of the other men’s teams in the ACC. The UVA and NC State women have been 2 out of the top 3 teams in the NCAA the past two years.

1 year ago

NC State will likely keep a large amount of the Sr class with 5th years.

Reply to  Swimfan
1 year ago

SwimSwam actually has a few of their 5th years listed as seniors, I.e. Muzzy, alons, podmanikova. So they lost at least 179

1 year ago

**Correction: you have listed the final scores of the men’s teams under the final scores of the women

Reply to  CavaDore
1 year ago


1 year ago

Now if you tossed in the Sandpipers of Nevada …………..

1 year ago

NCSU women lose a lot this year. Will be helped by Berkoff staying but they don’t have the freshman class to put, as one SwimSwam writer said, “the Pack could be in a favorable position to upset UVA at 2024 ACCs.”

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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