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2023 Big Ten Women’s Swimming and Diving Box Score


  • Wednesday, February 15 – Saturday, February 18, 2023
  • Canham Natatorium, Ann Arbor, MI
  • Champions:
    • Ohio State (4x)
  • Live Results

First a few notes

  • The highest scoring class was the Sophomore class from Indiana with 487 individual points. They were followed by the Senior class from Ohio State with 452.
  • Indiana return the most individual points with 801 returning. Michigan are next best with 726.
  • The most points any team had in a single event was Ohio State with 132 in the 50 Free. Next best was Ohio State with 127.0 in the 100 Fly.
  • The best individual swim in a final according to Swimulator power points was Amy Fulmer a SR from Ohio State with a 47.02 in the 100 Free.

Final Scores

Team Total Individual Swimming Points Relay Points Diving Points Scoring Individual Count Scoring Relay Count Scoring Diving Count
1 Ohio State 1425 1034 308 83 46 5 5
2 Indiana 1291.5 794.5 284 213 38 5 10
3 Michigan 1108 708 276 124 43 5 8
4 Wisconsin 954 702 252 0 40 5 0
5 Minnesota 768.5 338.5 235 195 28 5 13
6 Northwestern 710 363 250 97 26 5 7
7 Purdue 492.5 75.5 180 237 14 5 14
8 Penn State 475 184 241 50 25 5 3
9 Rutgers 467.5 186.5 220 61 15 5 7
10 Nebraska 437 251 184 2 24 5 1
11 Illinois 215 53 162 0 10 5 0
12 Iowa 198 16 158 24 3 5 4

Individual Scores by Year

Returning points are calculated as Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior points + points for athletes with no year listed

Ohio State Indiana Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Northwestern Purdue Penn State Rutgers Nebraska Illinois Iowa
FR 106 234 317.5 128 134 59.5 86 45 69 49 25 35
SO 213 487 180.5 248 54 107 86.5 12 32 81 7 3
JR 351 80 228 154 185 47 44 110 14 31 10 0
SR 452 50.5 106 172 160.5 248.5 96 51 69 92 11 2
GS 0 156 0 0 0 0 0 16 25.5 0 0 0
Returning 670 801 726 530 373 213.5 216.5 167 115 161 42 38

Score Progression

What the score was after each event

Ohio State Indiana Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Northwestern Purdue Rutgers Penn State Nebraska Iowa Illinois
200 Medley Relay 64 54 56 48 44 52 30 46 50 40 32 34
800 Free Relay 116 118 112 102 90 102 64 90 98 80 62 66
500 Free 139 196 176 194 104 137 64 106 101 117 62 66
200 IM 221 245 240 295 136 148 64 106 107 124 62 76
50 Free 353 293.5 317.5 295 177 161 73 125 129 124 62 76
1 mtr Diving 407 373.5 369.5 295 272 227 160 158 157 124 84 76
400 Medley Relay 471 429.5 423.5 347 320 277 192 204 201 164 118 106
100 Fly 598 456.5 492 390 334.5 308 199 217 216 169 129 106
400 IM 683 530.5 535 430 383.5 313 200 217 238 203 129 115
200 Free 718 599.5 622 489 384.5 356.5 203 236.5 261 225 129 115
100 Breast 778 658.5 649 542 400.5 396.5 219 262.5 276 269 129 121
100 Back 872 712.5 679 603 433.5 437.5 219 285.5 302 269 129 121
3 mtr Diving 900 814.5 753 603 521.5 466.5 344 303.5 325 269 159 121
200 Free Relay 964 870.5 807 649 572.5 514.5 388 343.5 376 299 191 155
1650 Free 1015 925.5 833 745 588.5 537.5 402 365.5 394 328 194 164
200 Back 1124 1006.5 867 778 637.5 561.5 402 385.5 404 328 196 164
100 Free 1236 1055.5 971 804 655.5 603.5 402 385.5 415 328 196 164
200 Breast 1286 1155.5 1009 862 683.5 626.5 406 391.5 419 365 196 178
200 Fly 1360 1206.5 1054 902 710.5 658 427.5 413.5 428 401 196 183
Platform Diving 1415 1263.5 1096 902 792.5 747 543.5 485.5 428 405 196 183
400 Free Relay 1479 1317.5 1152 954 838.5 797 583.5 529.5 476 439 226 215


Points in Each Event

What each team scored in each event. Points in () are returning points defined as points from swimmers who are not SRs or 5th Years

Ohio State Indiana Michigan Wisconsin Minnesota Northwestern Purdue Rutgers Penn State Nebraska Iowa Illinois
200 Medley Relay 64 54 56 48 44 52 30 46 50 40 32 34
800 Free Relay 52 64 56 54 46 50 34 44 48 40 30 32
500 Free 23 (23) 78 (78) 64 (53) 92 (85) 14 (2) 35 (35) 16 (0) 3 (3) 37 (14)
200 IM 82 (38) 49 (0) 64 (64) 101 (70) 32 (27) 11 (11) 6 (6) 7 (5) 10 (10)
50 Free 132 (104) 48.5 (26) 77.5 (77.5) 41 (17) 13 (13) 9 (9) 19 (16) 22 (9)
1 mtr Diving 54 (54) 80 (80) 52 (28) 95 (68) 66 (0) 87 (87) 33 (10) 28 (26) 22 (22)
400 Medley Relay 64 56 54 52 48 50 32 46 44 40 34 30
100 Fly 127 (77) 27 (27) 68.5 (68.5) 43 (17) 14.5 (9) 31 (0) 7 (0) 13 (13) 15 (0) 5 (5) 11 (11)
400 IM 85 (53) 74 (52) 43 (43) 40 (40) 49 (45) 5 (5) 1 (1) 22 (20) 34 (23) 9 (9)
200 Free 35 (7) 69 (65) 87 (73) 59 (59) 1 (1) 43.5 (31.5) 3 (0) 19.5 (0) 23 (23) 22 (0)
100 Breast 60 (0) 59 (33) 27 (27) 53 (31) 16 (0) 40 (15) 16 (16) 26 (14) 15 (0) 44 (44) 6 (0)
100 Back 94 (68) 54 (54) 30 (30) 61 (61) 33 (33) 41 (16) 23 (22) 26 (17)
3 mtr Diving 28 (28) 102 (102) 74 (49) 88 (62) 29 (0) 125 (117) 18 (10) 23 (23) 30 (30)
200 Free Relay 64 56 54 46 51 48 44 40 51 30 32 34
1650 Free 51 (51) 55 (55) 26 (26) 96 (76) 16 (16) 23 (23) 14 (9) 22 (0) 18 (12) 29 (24) 3 (3) 9 (9)
200 Back 109 (55) 81 (81) 34 (27) 33 (33) 49 (40) 24 (24) 20 (20) 10 (9) 2 (0)
100 Free 112 (80) 49 (25) 104 (90) 26 (26) 18 (15) 42 (38) 11 (6)
200 Breast 50 (0) 100 (41) 38 (38) 58 (32) 28 (12) 23 (0) 4 (4) 6 (0) 4 (4) 37 (37) 14 (9)
200 Fly 74 (26) 51 (51) 45 (45) 40 (0) 27 (27) 31.5 (2) 21.5 (4.5) 22 (0) 9 (9) 36 (7) 5 (5)
Platform Diving 55 (55) 57 (57) 42 (20) 82 (57) 89 (0) 116 (56) 72 (42) 4 (4)
400 Free Relay 64 54 56 52 46 50 40 44 48 34 30 32

Individual Breakdown

Power are Swimulator power points. Those are a way to quantify time quality independent of what event the time is from. Includes only final times and final dive scores.

Ohio State

Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Zenick, Katheri JR 91 50 Free 1 21.85 818 100 Fly 1 51.48 790 100 Free 3 47.92 792
Pasadyn, Felici SR 88 400 IM 1 4:03.62 795 200 Back 2 1:52.29 754 200 Fly 2 1:54.33 776
Fulmer, Amy A SR 88 50 Free 2 21.86 816 200 Free 2 1:43.45 801 100 Free 1 47.02 882
Panitz, Josie H SR 88 200 IM 1 1:54.96 794 100 Breast 2 58.29 835 200 Breast 2 2:07.57 776
Kraus, Morgan A SR 80 100 Fly 2 51.58 783 100 Back 4 52.31 723 200 Back 4 1:54.53 692
Harrison, Trist JR 72 100 Fly 5 52.34 730 100 Back 8 52.94 686 200 Back 5 1:54.84 684
Funderburke, Ny SO 64 50 Free 5 21.95 797 100 Back 1 51.52 771 100 Free 18 49.25 678
Russo, Catherin JR 60 50 Free 9 22.04 780 100 Fly 9 52.32 731 100 Free 9 48.69 724
Ivan, Teresa SO 55 50 Free 3 21.87 814 200 Free 23 1:48.11 613 100 Free 4 48.3 757
Sommerstad, Kyr JR 54 400 IM 3 4:10.34 690 200 Back 14 1:56.69 634 200 Fly 13 1:59.02 623
Bach, Hannah M SR 54 50 Free 42 23.41 533 100 Breast 1 58.19 842 200 Breast 8 2:12.05 663
Walsh, Aislinn SR 54 200 IM 15 1:59.65 649 100 Fly 8 53.21 672 200 Fly 9 1:58.24 649
Eden, Jessica M FR 54 200 IM 11 1:58.87 672 400 IM 4 4:10.85 683 200 Fly 15 1:59.74 600
Hall, Paige E SO 53 200 IM 8 1:57.45 715 100 Back 13 53.57 650 200 Back 10 1:55.16 675
Hentschel, Lena FR 52 1 mtr Diving 14 281.85 3 mtr Diving 2 373.05 Platform Diving 16 169.25
Geringer, Maya JR 43 500 Free 10 4:42.98 697 200 Free 30 1:49.05 575 1650 Free 4 16:05.34 680
Woodbury, Gwen SO 36 500 Free 19 4:45.87 657 200 Free 20 1:47.6 633 1650 Free 5 16:05.8 678
McGing, Ciara JR 31 1 mtr Diving 16 268.25 3 mtr Diving 35 233.55 Platform Diving 9 316.85
Fenska, Allie P SO 5 50 Free 32 23.16 580 200 Free 20 1:47.79 626 100 Free 43 51.14 516


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Peplowski, Anna SO 92 200 Free 1 1:43.33 806 100 Back 2 51.72 759 200 Back 1 1:51.81 768
Fowler, Anne SO 87 1 mtr Diving 1 324.6 3 mtr Diving 1 385.55 Platform Diving 7 271.8
Peplowski, Noel PG 84 200 IM 4 1:55.89 763 100 Breast 4 59.1 781 200 Breast 1 2:06.01 820
Liu, Skyler FR 78 1 mtr Diving 5 311.1 3 mtr Diving 3 356.1 Platform Diving 4 305.6
Denigan, Mariah SO 78 500 Free 4 4:40.52 731 400 IM 5 4:11.25 677 1650 Free 3 15:57.82 710
Looze, Mac K PG 72 200 IM 7 1:57.38 717 400 IM 8 4:11.78 669 200 Breast 3 2:08.58 749
Gan, Ching SO 71 500 Free 2 4:38.96 753 400 IM 12 4:14.65 625 1650 Free 2 15:56.55 715
Paegle, Kristin FR 67 50 Free 4 21.91 805 200 Free 11 1:46.69 669 100 Free 5 48.63 729
Heiser, Elyse V SO 56 500 Free 6 4:41.48 717 200 Free 10 1:46.58 673 200 Back 12 1:56.30 645
Turak, Ashley SR 50.5 50 Free 7 22.35 722 200 Free 21 1:47.92 621 100 Free 6 48.66 727
Crawford, Brear SO 44 200 IM 31 2:02.55 558 100 Breast 9 1:00.24 712 200 Breast 6 2:09.65 722
Carter, Megan SO 42 1 mtr Diving 7 285.25 3 mtr Diving 12 298.1 Platform Diving 21 219.3
DeWitt, Mya S FR 37 50 Free 39 23.32 550 100 Back 12 53.55 651 200 Back 8 1:56.20 647
Freed, Anna K JR 35 400 IM 15 4:17.46 581 200 Back 15 1:57.71 605 200 Fly 16 2:00.38 578
Graham, Catheri JR 30 200 IM 43 2:05.24 461 100 Breast 14 1:01.50 641 200 Breast 10 2:12.17 660
Hann, Lily R FR 28 500 Free 32 4:56.45 499 100 Fly 15 53.77 635 200 Fly 11 1:58.52 640
Forrester, Kati FR 24 200 IM 40 2:04.65 484 400 IM 27 4:23.65 469 200 Fly 6 1:56.87 692
Broshears, Eliz JR 15 50 Free 26 22.93 622 100 Fly 12 53.45 657 100 Free 27 50.12 607
McKenna, Kacey SO 11 50 Free 34 23.18 577 100 Back 16 55.25 546 200 Back 35 2:03.33 419
Heyde, Alaina J SO 6 1 mtr Diving 26 241.3 3 mtr Diving 19 273.05 Platform Diving 29 192.15


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Crom, Katie M FR 86 500 Free 3 4:39.05 752 200 Free 3 1:44.11 772 200 Fly 1 1:53.94 790
Sim, Letitia SO 77 200 IM 5 1:56.20 753 100 Breast 3 58.71 806 200 Breast 5 2:09.32 730
Hogan, Lucy E SR 60 1 mtr Diving 6 308.1 3 mtr Diving 13 286.55 Platform Diving 8 249.1
Kendall, Brady FR 58.5 50 Free 7 22.35 722 100 Fly 6 52.46 721 100 Free 15 49.36 669
Flynn, Lindsay SO 57.5 50 Free 6 21.99 789 100 Fly 19 54.27 602 100 Free 2 47.5 832
Kitchel, Devon FR 57 200 IM 6 1:56.36 748 400 IM 9 4:10.43 689 200 Fly 14 1:59.12 620
Kan, Natalie JR 50 50 Free 13 22.57 684 100 Fly 7 53.2 673 100 Free 14 49.23 680
Kaufmann, Noell JR 49 100 Fly 11 52.95 689 100 Back 10 53.15 674 200 Back 11 1:55.58 664
Milligan, Kiarr FR 46 1 mtr Diving 2 314.85 3 mtr Diving 10 329.9 Platform Diving 24 208.05
Liang, Christey FR 43 500 Free 31 4:55.2 519 200 Free 9 1:45.82 702 100 Free 7 48.8 715
Glass, Megan E SR 39 500 Free 16 4:49.2 611 200 Free 13 1:46.89 661 100 Free 13 49.17 685
Ackerman, Kathr JR 38 500 Free 21 4:47.45 636 400 IM 7 4:11.55 672 1650 Free 16 16:46.7 502
Newman, Claire JR 37 50 Free 12 22.47 701 200 Free 16 1:47.66 631 100 Free 16 49.63 647
Donan, Claire E JR 28 200 IM 12 1:59.17 664 200 Breast 14 2:13.8 620
Shanley, Kathry SO 28 500 Free 14 4:46.23 652 200 Free 32 1:49.1 573 1650 Free 12 16:19.11 625
Francis, Riley FR 27 500 Free 17 4:45.03 669 200 Free 12 1:46.86 662 100 Free 22 49.71 641
Chung, Casey A JR 26 50 Free 23 23.11 589 100 Back 14 53.8 636 200 Back 16 1:58.47 583
Johnson, Evie SO 18 1 mtr Diving 27 240.0 3 mtr Diving 17 278.25 Platform Diving 17 228.8
Venter, Mariell SR 7 200 IM 27 2:01.62 589 100 Back 29 54.92 568 200 Back 18 1:57.16 621
Peters, Taylor JR 0 1 mtr Diving 30 228.8 3 mtr Diving 31 237.85 Platform Diving 26 197.9


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Carlson, Abby G SO 75 500 Free 1 4:38.15 765 200 Free 4 1:44.29 764 100 Free 10 48.96 702
McConagha, Mack SO 68 100 Fly 10 52.59 713 100 Back 6 52.45 715 200 Back 3 1:53.77 713
Jump, Mallory K SR 68 200 IM 10 1:57.83 703 100 Fly 4 52.15 742 200 Fly 5 1:56.36 708
McKenna, Paige SO 66 500 Free 5 4:40.98 724 200 Free 17 1:46.79 665 1650 Free 1 15:46.9 755
Moore, Elizabet SR 62 200 IM 13 1:59.36 658 100 Breast 8 1:00.62 690 200 Breast 4 2:09.05 737
Stoneburg, Blai FR 61 500 Free 7 4:42.54 703 200 Free 6 1:45.92 698 1650 Free 13 16:21.38 616
Dunn, Callahan JR 55 200 IM 9 1:57.58 711 400 IM 6 4:11.46 673 200 Breast 16 2:13.9 617
Bacon, Phoebe M JR 55 200 IM 2 1:55.06 790 100 Back 3 51.96 744
Ozkan, Hazal FR 51 200 IM 14 1:59.57 652 100 Breast 6 59.97 728 200 Breast 13 2:13.63 624
McClintock, Kat SO 32 200 IM 17 1:58.67 678 400 IM 11 4:13.85 638 200 Breast 18 2:14.76 595
Lindorfer, Aliv SR 27 500 Free 18 4:45.24 666 1650 Free 9 16:17.21 633 200 Fly 25 2:01.73 530
Braun, Elle B JR 22 500 Free 20 4:47.42 636 200 Free 38 1:50.42 514 1650 Free 10 16:17.71 631
Wanezek, Abby FR 16 50 Free 30 23.06 598 100 Back 18 53.78 637 100 Free 17 49.06 694
Seigal, Mikayla SR 15 500 Free 40 5:01.16 416 100 Fly 25 54.87 559 200 Fly 12 1:58.92 627
Ecker, Emily D JR 13 500 Free 25 4:50.73 589 200 Free 42 1:50.97 489 1650 Free 14 16:30.53 577
Schoof, Kaylyn JR 9 100 Fly 32 55.54 509 100 Back 22 54.24 610 200 Back 19 1:57.82 602
Bercutt, Natali SO 7 50 Free 61 28.88 2 100 Breast 18 1:02.50 582 200 Breast 30 2:22.04 371
Fiske, Sophie A FR 0 50 Free 42 23.41 533 200 Free 46 1:51.77 451 100 Free 30 50.36 587


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Van Berkom, Meg JR 82 200 IM 3 1:55.67 770 400 IM 2 4:04.86 775 200 Fly 3 1:55.14 748
Zhu, Joy SR 66 1 mtr Diving 3 314.4 3 mtr Diving 4 349.35 Platform Diving 14 243.35
Del Angel Penic FR 65 1 mtr Diving 11 293.5 3 mtr Diving 8 303.0 Platform Diving 3 307.25
Rodriguez River JR 46 100 Back 7 52.89 689 200 Back 7 1:55.12 677
Phillip, Megan JR 36 1 mtr Diving 8 281.8 3 mtr Diving 18 273.6 Platform Diving 18 228.4
Cornish, Hannah SO 33 50 Free 10 22.3 731 200 Free 24 1:49.42 559 100 Free 12 49.16 685
Lezer, Emma J SR 32 200 IM 44 2:05.46 453 100 Breast 11 1:00.79 681 200 Breast 11 2:13.01 639
Drabot, Grace A FR 29 500 Free 36 4:58.01 472 400 IM 10 4:13.09 649 200 Breast 15 2:13.87 618
Bloomer, Olivia SR 20.5 50 Free 14 22.63 673 100 Fly 19 54.27 602 100 Free 23 49.76 637
Albrecht, Addie FR 18 1 mtr Diving 25 242.2 3 mtr Diving 14 278.1 Platform Diving 20 222.25
Butler, Rachel SR 18 200 IM 20 2:00.4 627 400 IM 21 4:19.19 552 200 Back 17 1:57.02 625
Kennedy, Eliot SO 18 500 Free 23 4:50.74 589 400 IM 28 4:24.37 455 1650 Free 11 16:18.98 626
Yablonski, Ava FR 15 100 Fly 17 53.47 655 100 Back 19 53.86 633 200 Fly 28 2:01.98 521
Jongman, Indy JR 14 50 Free 48 23.69 476 100 Back 28 54.82 574 200 Back 13 1:56.62 636
Summit, Maggie SR 12 50 Free 16 22.69 663 200 Free 29 1:48.9 581 100 Free 24 49.77 636
Sullivan, Kate SR 12 500 Free 15 4:48.56 620 200 Free 30 1:49.05 575 100 Free 39 50.82 546
Johnson, Faith FR 7 100 Fly 27 54.97 552 100 Back 21 54.2 613 200 Back 22 1:58.56 580
Osero, Avrianna JR 7 1 mtr Diving 18 257.75 3 mtr Diving 43 189.4
Lamonica, Kate SO 3 1 mtr Diving 29 231.7 3 mtr Diving 41 203.85 Platform Diving 22 217.45
Urkiel, Molly A JR 0 100 Breast 30 1:04.03 484
McGinty, Jordan SR 0 200 IM 35 2:03.4 529 200 Free 49 1:52.35 422 100 Free 50 51.88 444


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Guevara, Miriam SR 78 100 Fly 3 51.59 782 100 Back 5 52.34 721 200 Fly 4 1:55.82 726
Strouse, Ashley SO 67 500 Free 9 4:42.23 707 200 Free 5 1:45.72 706 100 Free 8 48.81 714
Brunzell, Hanna SR 50 200 IM 23 2:01.1 605 100 Breast 5 59.76 740 200 Breast 7 2:10.11 711
Murdock, Justin SO 40 100 Back 11 53.44 657 200 Back 6 1:54.99 680
Hopkins, Markie SR 39 1 mtr Diving 12 289.1 3 mtr Diving 37 224.3 Platform Diving 6 276.4
Mull, Lola G JR 38 500 Free 12 4:44.33 678 200 Free 35 1:49.83 541 1650 Free 7 16:14.35 645
Patrick, Jaye D SR 30 1 mtr Diving 13 288.2 3 mtr Diving 28 254.95 Platform Diving 11 271.2
Ervin, Lindsay FR 22 50 Free 19 22.82 641 100 Back 33 55.82 507 100 Free 11 49.1 690
Brennan, Jamie FR 17.5 200 IM 16 1:59.86 643 200 Free 18 1:47.35 643 200 Fly 29 2:02.03 519
Hagler, Carolyn SR 16 1 mtr Diving 21 252.0 3 mtr Diving 15 248.35 Platform Diving 35 166.6
Larson, Ally D SR 16 50 Free 25 22.93 622 200 Free 15 1:47.51 637 100 Free 21 49.61 649
Parsons, Leah M SR 12 1 mtr Diving 31 225.45 3 mtr Diving 27 256.4 Platform Diving 15 206.4
Yu, Audrey FR 12 50 Free 18 22.7 661 100 Breast 20 1:02.67 572 100 Free 37 50.74 553
Wagner, Annika JR 9 200 IM 26 2:01.55 591 100 Breast 17 1:02.46 585 200 Breast 33 2:23.3 330
Erdemli, Roza R SR 7.5 100 Fly 21 54.59 580 200 Fly 21 2:01.94 522
Shimizu-Bowers, FR 7 500 Free 27 4:52.55 561 400 IM 20 4:18.8 558 200 Fly 23 2:02.68 494
Sancho, Ines FR 1 200 IM 47 2:08.34 340 100 Breast 24 1:04.11 478 200 Breast 28 2:19.02 471
Groysman, Yulia SR 0 100 Free 47 51.61 471
Lim, Shauntel FR 0 1 mtr Diving 32 221.15 3 mtr Diving 40 217.5
Huddleston, Ril FR 0 50 Free 31 23.14 584 100 Back 30 55.32 542 100 Free 36 50.7 557
Lanning, Macken FR 0 500 Free 34 4:56.6 496 100 Back 34 55.96 498 200 Back 26 1:59.16 562


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
McAfee, Sophia SO 67 1 mtr Diving 10 296.65 3 mtr Diving 5 347.3 Platform Diving 5 294.3
Wright, Daryn FR 57 1 mtr Diving 9 313.75 3 mtr Diving 9 339.75 Platform Diving 10 306.1
Vieta, Maycey SR 35 3 mtr Diving 22 270.65 Platform Diving 1 318.3
Sonnenberg, Jen JR 30 1 mtr Diving 19 257.05 3 mtr Diving 6 339.7 Platform Diving 28 193.95
Merriman, Maggi SR 29 3 mtr Diving 24 268.05 Platform Diving 2 309.35
Turner, Lindsay SR 24 50 Free 49 23.7 474 100 Fly 18 54.01 620 200 Fly 10 1:58.46 641
Simons, Kaitlin FR 19 1 mtr Diving 22 249.85 3 mtr Diving 11 301.4 Platform Diving 31 179.75
Folcik, Masy R JR 12 50 Free 62 29.22 1 100 Breast 16 1:02.51 582 200 Breast 24 2:16.88 536
Hill, Hannah SO 9 50 Free 17 22.56 686 100 Free 34 50.66 560
Mattice, Reagan FR 9 500 Free 33 4:56.46 499 200 Free 43 1:51.31 473 1650 Free 17 16:47.02 500
Beavon, Kate J SR 5 500 Free 26 4:51.38 579 200 Free 40 1:50.79 497 1650 Free 20 16:51.8 476
Wiuff, Cecilie SO 3.5 100 Fly 29 55.2 535 200 Free 53 1:55.53 271 200 Fly 21 2:01.94 522
Bowen, Kendra SR 3 50 Free 36 23.22 569 200 Free 22 1:47.94 620 100 Free 25 49.93 623
Erlandson, Maha SO 3 200 IM 39 2:04.35 495 100 Breast 27 1:03.95 489 200 Breast 22 2:16.32 552
Love, Maggie E SO 3 200 IM 33 2:03.33 531 100 Breast 22 1:02.83 562 100 Free 29 50.27 594
Rossi, Angelina JR 2 50 Free 60 25.79 113 100 Breast 23 1:03.65 509 200 Breast 32 2:22.93 342
Greaves, Madeli SO 1 400 IM 24 4:23.58 471 200 Fly 32 2:02.85 487
Hardy, Brinly C FR 1 50 Free 54 24.18 373 100 Fly 30 55.46 515 200 Fly 24 2:04.4 426
Berglund, Mered JR 0 100 Fly 37 56.2 456 100 Free 54 52.58 373
Marcukaitis, Ab FR 0 50 Free 58 24.83 246 100 Back 31 55.42 535 200 Back 34 2:02.8 439
Schreder, Kenda JR 0 50 Free 29 23.05 600 100 Free 40 50.83 545


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Egorova, Valeri FR 40 500 Free 29 4:54.49 531 100 Back 9 52.5 712 200 Back 9 1:54.14 703
Chichaikina, So SR 38 50 Free 22 23.07 597 200 Free 14 1:47.21 649 200 Fly 8 1:57.46 673
Murtagh, Madiso GR 38 500 Free 11 4:44.22 680 200 Free 27 1:48.76 587 1650 Free 8 16:15.36 641
Trueb, Savana SR 31 1 mtr Diving 15 268.85 3 mtr Diving 21 270.75 Platform Diving 12 258.85
Kimmel, Rachel GS 18 200 IM 36 2:03.44 527 100 Breast 15 1:01.67 631 200 Breast 19 2:15.08 586
Maksimova, Sofi SO 16 50 Free 11 22.36 720 100 Fly 40 57.38 357 100 Free 31 50.39 584
Piesko, Martyna FR 15 100 Fly 14 53.72 639 100 Back 23 54.8 576 200 Back 32 2:01.02 502
Ford, Sephora FR 14 Platform Diving 13 254.6
Celik, Tina JR 14 200 IM 33 2:03.33 531 100 Breast 13 1:01.43 645 200 Breast 26 2:18.35 492
Prasanto, Holly SO 10 1 mtr Diving 20 255.65 3 mtr Diving 20 271.6 Platform Diving 25 204.1
Scarabelli, Ali GS 7.5 200 Free 18 1:47.35 643 100 Back 24 55.01 562 200 Back 29 2:00.77 510
Vittorioso, Giu SO 6 1 mtr Diving 36 215.65 3 mtr Diving 29 242.15 Platform Diving 19 227.15
Schinsky, Ellie FR 0 100 Fly 41 57.94 312 100 Back 37 57.19 407 200 Fly 36 2:05.08 398
Douglass, Jenna GR 0 1 mtr Diving 35 219.25 3 mtr Diving 39 218.0
Bartoszewicz, J FR 0 50 Free 50 23.72 470 200 Free 47 1:52.27 426 100 Free 48 51.67 465
Ghidini, Giulia SR 0 50 Free 47 23.68 478 200 Free 37 1:50.16 526 100 Free 41 50.9 539
Kostromina, Vik FR 0 200 IM 49 2:09.51 296 100 Fly 36 56.0 472 200 Fly 30 2:02.72 492
Lang, Katherine FR 0 200 IM 48 2:09.06 313 400 IM 32 4:39.12 173 200 Breast 35 2:25.04 274
Weber, Yael SR 0 500 Free 45 5:11.05 245 200 Free 56 1:57.50 193 1650 Free 27 17:27.36 287
Weaver, Grace FR 0 500 Free 41 5:03.89 367 400 IM 31 4:33.66 268 1650 Free 25 17:17.54 339

Penn State

Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Wils, Daphne JR 49 1 mtr Diving 4 311.45 3 mtr Diving 7 330.9 Platform Diving 37 51.2
Harvey, Emma SR 35 50 Free 15 22.67 667 100 Fly 13 53.52 652 100 Back 17 53.44 657
Meisner, Cather FR 26 500 Free 22 4:47.68 632 200 Free 7 1:45.96 697 100 Free 26 50.0 617
Henderson, Abby JR 24 200 IM 19 2:00.04 638 400 IM 14 4:16.06 603 200 Back 20 1:57.88 600
Jack, Liv G GS 15 50 Free 27 22.97 615 100 Breast 12 1:01.41 646 100 Free 33 50.64 562
Carson, Molly SO 12 50 Free 35 23.2 573 100 Back 15 53.89 631 200 Back 27 1:59.56 550
Moore, Morgan P FR 12 500 Free 35 4:57.16 487 1650 Free 15 16:42.45 522
Stanford, Cat JR 11 50 Free 20 22.93 622 200 Free 34 1:49.27 565 100 Free 19 49.34 671
Loughlin, Casey JR 9 100 Back 20 54.01 624 200 Back 21 1:58.02 596 200 Fly 34 2:04.72 413
Rinn, Morgan JR 9 500 Free 30 4:54.97 523 400 IM 26 4:23.47 473 200 Fly 17 1:58.61 637
Meisner, Julia FR 7 200 IM 28 2:01.93 579 400 IM 18 4:16.54 596 200 Fly 27 2:01.97 521
Marlin, Courtne SR 6 500 Free 37 4:59.14 452 400 IM 25 4:22.81 485 1650 Free 19 16:48.29 494
Amdor, Abbie SR 5 50 Free 28 23.02 606 200 Free 26 1:48.72 588 100 Free 20 49.55 654
Rydland, Kylie JR 4 100 Breast 31 1:04.39 459 200 Breast 21 2:15.89 564
Brinker, Mary JR 4 50 Free 21 22.99 611 100 Free 28 50.22 599
Meadway, Shanno SR 3 200 IM 30 2:02.45 561 400 IM 23 4:20.84 523 200 Back 24 1:58.72 576
Matthias, Brook GS 1 100 Fly 24 54.98 551 200 Fly 35 2:04.99 402
Wei, Wei SR 1 1 mtr Diving 24 248.0 3 mtr Diving 32 237.35 Platform Diving 34 171.4
Tiskus, Ellie A SR 1 50 Free 24 23.14 584 100 Free 32 50.61 565


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Stott, Shannon SR 67 500 Free 8 4:44.45 677 200 Free 8 1:46.54 674 200 Fly 7 1:57.36 676
Jorgenson, Gene FR 47 500 Free 13 4:45.02 669 400 IM 17 4:15.95 605 1650 Free 6 16:13.54 648
Randby, Jojo M SO 38 50 Free 45 23.54 507 100 Breast 7 1:00.07 722 200 Breast 12 2:13.25 633
Hall, Maia SO 37 200 IM 32 2:03.08 540 100 Breast 10 1:00.76 682 200 Breast 9 2:11.63 673
Barton, Sarah M JR 25 200 IM 21 2:00.82 614 400 IM 13 4:15.6 611 200 Fly 18 1:59.46 609
Livingston, Ber SR 19 200 IM 23 2:01.38 596 400 IM 16 4:19.11 553 200 Fly 19 2:01.36 543
McCracken, Sydn SO 6 200 IM 36 2:03.44 527 100 Breast 21 1:02.72 569 200 Breast 23 2:16.82 538
Rosenthal, Moll SR 5 500 Free 24 4:53.84 541 200 Free 44 1:51.52 463 1650 Free 21 16:57.11 448
Kucera, Alexa J JR 3 100 Fly 22 54.6 579 200 Free 36 1:50.09 529 200 Fly 26 2:01.84 526
Clairmont, Kels FR 2 1 mtr Diving 38 213.4 3 mtr Diving 25 257.25 Platform Diving 23 208.1
Cairns, Caitlin JR 2 50 Free 52 23.91 430 100 Fly 23 54.85 561 100 Free 51 52.09 423
Donahue, Gabrie JR 1 200 IM 24 2:02.82 549 100 Back 25 54.49 595 100 Free 45 51.29 502
Kilpatrick, Kat SR 1 500 Free 43 5:06.39 322 200 Free 55 1:57.09 208 1650 Free 24 17:16.63 344
Hinze, Reagan M JR 0 1 mtr Diving 33 219.6 3 mtr Diving 33 236.55
Marchi, Giulia FR 0 50 Free 51 23.8 453 200 Free 39 1:50.47 512 100 Free 44 51.17 513
Barth, Kaitlyn SR 0 50 Free 46 23.6 494 100 Fly 27 54.97 552 100 Free 52 52.14 418
Haimes, Emily R SR 0 50 Free 37 23.24 565 100 Fly 35 55.88 482 100 Free 38 50.76 551
Ronquillio, Mad SR 0 200 IM 42 2:04.97 471 100 Back 32 55.8 509 200 Back 25 1:58.81 573
Lloyd, Madison SO 0 200 IM 38 2:04.14 502 400 IM 29 4:26.1 420 200 Back 31 2:00.98 503


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Pauly, Geneva M FR 20 1 mtr Diving 17 262.4 3 mtr Diving 16 248.2 Platform Diving 27 194.6
Martin, Scarlet FR 11 100 Fly 16 53.96 623 100 Back 35 56.5 458 200 Fly 33 2:04.69 414
Woodward, Laine FR 4 1 mtr Diving 23 249.05 3 mtr Diving 23 268.4
O’Brien, Alix A SO 3 500 Free 39 5:00.98 419 400 IM 30 4:32.68 286 1650 Free 22 17:01.98 423
Gilbertson, Ken SR 2 50 Free 32 23.16 580 100 Back 27 54.59 589 200 Back 23 1:58.70 576
Schreiber, Sher 5Y 0 100 Fly 44 58.73 251 100 Breast 32 1:04.50 451 200 Breast 34 2:24.39 295
Asay, Olivia R FR 0 100 Fly 42 57.96 310 100 Back 40 59.39 248 200 Fly 37 2:07.9 287
Anglin, Daniell FR 0 1 mtr Diving 41 192.1
Hartley, Claire JR 0 1 mtr Diving 37 214.95 3 mtr Diving 36 227.45 Platform Diving 30 183.9
Ballard, Sarah JR 0 1 mtr Diving 28 237.95 3 mtr Diving 38 223.55
Wooden, Emily P FR 0 50 Free 59 25.01 216 100 Fly 45 59.4 206 200 Fly 39 2:10.29 206
Stone, Madison FR 0 50 Free 57 24.7 269 200 Free 52 1:54.46 320 100 Free 57 53.82 257
Pfeiffer, Anna JR 0 50 Free 56 24.47 313 100 Back 39 58.66 298 200 Back 37 2:06.85 288
Black, Maddie T JR 0 50 Free 55 24.42 323 100 Back 41 59.63 233 100 Free 56 53.29 304
Pedersen, Molly SO 0 50 Free 53 23.92 427 200 Free 45 1:51.76 451 100 Free 55 52.65 366
Wendel, Leslie FR 0 200 IM 50 2:12.74 188 100 Fly 43 58.57 263 200 Fly 38 2:08.3 273
Olesiak, Aleksa SR 0 200 IM 45 2:06.12 427 100 Breast 27 1:03.95 489 200 Breast 27 2:18.36 491
Kupcova, Sabina FR 0 200 IM 29 2:02.06 574 200 Free 28 1:48.87 582 100 Free 35 50.67 559
O’Malley, Mered FR 0 500 Free 44 5:08.61 284 200 Free 54 1:56.12 246 1650 Free 28 17:41.24 220
Ozkazanc, Sila FR 0 500 Free 38 5:00.72 424 1650 Free 26 17:24.02 304 200 Back 36 2:04.77 365


Year Points Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power Event Place Time Power
Jass, Sara FR 18 200 IM 22 2:00.97 609 400 IM 19 4:17.42 582 200 Breast 17 2:14.4 604
Haworth, Kaleig SR 11 200 IM 41 2:04.9 474 100 Breast 19 1:02.61 576 200 Breast 20 2:15.77 567
Bognar, Cara A JR 10 400 IM 22 4:19.48 547 1650 Free 23 17:02.12 422 200 Fly 20 2:01.92 523
Stoll, Sydney J SO 7 200 IM 18 1:59.73 647 200 Free 33 1:49.17 570 200 Back 28 1:59.58 549
Dorshorst, Liv FR 7 500 Free 28 4:53.81 542 200 Free 41 1:50.80 497 1650 Free 18 16:47.37 498
Aegerter, Hanna SR 0 200 Free 51 1:53.97 343 100 Back 38 57.29 399 200 Back 29 2:00.77 510
Wendel, Alexis FR 0 100 Fly 33 55.75 492 100 Back 36 56.91 428 200 Fly 31 2:02.82 488
Salafatinos, At SR 0 100 Fly 26 54.92 556 100 Back 26 54.59 589 200 Back 33 2:02.3 457
Manos, Abigail FR 0 1 mtr Diving 42 182.65 3 mtr Diving 42 203.65 Platform Diving 32 178.85
Young, Erin SR 0 1 mtr Diving 40 201.75 3 mtr Diving 34 236.3 Platform Diving 36 165.75
Michael, Taylor JR 0 1 mtr Diving 39 202.05 3 mtr Diving 26 256.6 Platform Diving 33 173.6
Michael, Brooke JR 0 1 mtr Diving 34 219.45 3 mtr Diving 30 241.25
Lynch, Mariclai SR 0 50 Free 64 29.62 0 100 Breast 29 1:03.97 488 200 Breast 25 2:17.36 522
Kale, Divya D SR 0 50 Free 63 29.38 1 100 Breast 26 1:03.9 492 200 Breast 31 2:22.61 352
Olson, Lily M JR 0 50 Free 42 23.41 533 100 Fly 34 55.82 486 100 Free 53 52.41 390
Kuehne, Logan C SO 0 50 Free 41 23.4 535 100 Fly 39 56.66 417 100 Free 46 51.57 475
Bludgen, Laurel JR 0 50 Free 40 23.35 544 200 Free 48 1:52.31 424 100 Free 42 50.96 533
Guerra, Isabell SR 0 50 Free 37 23.24 565 100 Fly 30 55.46 515 100 Free 49 51.72 460
Umhofer, Jane SO 0 200 IM 46 2:06.65 407 100 Breast 25 1:03.85 496 200 Breast 29 2:20.03 438
Canos-Cervera, SO 0 500 Free 42 5:05.71 335 100 Fly 38 56.4 439 200 Free 50 1:52.46 417

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1 year ago

Michigans freshman class tho>>

Diving Fan
1 year ago

Interesting that the three teams that changed diving coaches most recently scored 0, 0, 2 in all diving events. Not very impressive considering they score to 24 and have three diving events.

Feeling so blue…
1 year ago

Michigan out coached yet another season. When Michigan only has one breaststroker yet half of the team are backstrokers and not one is able to make the final heat. Those are all coaching issues. These coaching issues impact half of the stroke events and all medley relays. Maybe walking into a pool with the updated pool records will be a good coaching reminder to focus on the health of the athletes (physical and mental) or maybe it’s time to throw in the towel for The Team. Seriously year over year the top scorers for Michigan are underclassmen – what is happening to these same athletes as they continue to train with the program and become upperclassmen (if they even choose… Read more »

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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