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Case Adjourned For Canadian Coach Accused Of Sexual Assault

The trial of former Ajax Swimming coach and CEO Matt Bell, who was arrested in November under three different charges which included sexual assault, sexual exploitation, and four counts of luring a person under 18-years, was adjourned once again.

According to, it’s been expected that Bell would plead guilty to some of the charges against him however a plea has not been answered. also reported that a person with knowledge of the case, who they didn’t name in the post, said discussions on a resolution were continuing.

Court records indicate that Bell will once again be back in court on July 25th.

This is the third time that an expected plea from Bell was postponed. On May 9th the case was adjourned for three weeks until May 30th where once again it was adjourned to the most recent date.

Bell was a coach on Canada’s world junior championship team prior to his arrest. Following the announcement of his arrest however, he was suspended from Swimming Canada and disallowed from being on deck.

On May 30th lawyer Justin Guile, who appeared on behalf of Bell’s lawyer Bernie O’Brien, said “I do believe a plea will be entered.”

This is an ongoing story.



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8 years ago

are Julia and Matt still together? I feel bad for her as well…

Yet Another Swim Coach
Reply to  Wow
8 years ago

What from I have heard, they are still living together in Toronto, and she is indeed, his surety. How can the Sweetheart of Canadian Swimming be manipulated by this child molester. She is a no-show at Trials (which is sad in itself given the celebrations), and further rumours indicate she has been disowned by her own family. Manipulation by a narcissist just doesn’t stop with children you know….we all pave our own future, and for Julia, tragically, she is on the wrong path here….reminds me of Erin and Cecil, but then again, that’s a whole other story in itself.

8 years ago

He coached me for 8 years in swimming. He has been one of the most influential people in my life. He has made me the woman I am today. I cannot accept this at all! It frustrates me because male swim coaches, gymnastic coaches who coach women cannot even touch a girls arm to show them how to properly execute a swimming stroke without getting in trouble. He helped me through an eating disorder, he has helped me through depression and he has made me a better person. He also made me into a national athlete which had been my goal from day 1. The relationship between athlete and coach does not need to equal best friends. You’re supposed have… Read more »

Captain Ontario
Reply to  Ajax55
8 years ago

Come back and rejoin the conversation after the guilty plea and the victim impact statement then tell us how it was okay for him to behave the way he did because he helped you become a national level swimmer. You can’t accept that because he didn’t molest you he couldn’t have done it to others? Or you think maybe that’s just how it goes sometimes and you should just appreciate the attention because you think he’s a good coach?

As much as you’d like us to go back to those halcyon days when coaches could quietly molest their charges and everyone accepted that as the way things went sometimes I think most prefer the way things are now, where professional… Read more »

Following the Case
Reply to  Ajax55
8 years ago

Perhaps you should attend court and listen to him plead guilty. Then listen to the facts of the case. And listen to the evidence. And listen to the Victim Impact Statement. Maybe you had a great experience with Matt Bell. But many others have not had a great experience. And the victim in this case obviously didnt. You should research what the charge of luring actually is…and use your imagination to figure out how he was charged with 4 counts of it. Evidence is there that he cannot refute. Electronic transmissions. Bottom line is he is an adult and the victim was a youth. He cannot do what he did. It has absolutely nothing to do with teaching the victim… Read more »

Reply to  Following the Case
8 years ago

His case is once again marked as “to be spoken to” instead of “taking a plea”.
If it’s the case, then it’s not over yet. The questions in my head:
Is it really the justice system that broken?
Is it really the lawyer delaying things to get more money?
Or is there something else in place?
Or could it be a typo and his appearance is to take a plea?
Just wondering so many things right now…

following the case
8 years ago

Matt plead guilty today to one count of Sexual Exploitation and one count of Luring. Sentencing in October.

Reply to  following the case
8 years ago

One less luring charge than I predicted above. With sentencing scheduled in two months time tells me that it will be pretty light.

another swim coach
Reply to  Ajax11
8 years ago

I am reading the story right now in Durham region news and its so hard to digest.. i cant believe it…

following the case
Reply to  another swim coach
8 years ago

Yes…for all of you Bell supporters who thought he did nothing wrong. He just admitted he had sexual contact with the victim and exchanged THOUSANDS of text messages between 2010 and 2011. The sentencing WILL NOT be light. He is guilty as sin. She was 16. He was 30. It was wrong. Now to see how much jail time he gets.

Reply to  following the case
8 years ago

I will be the first to admit that I don’t have a great deal knowledge of our judicial system. It just feels odd that sentencing will come 11 months after the charges were laid, and that was with a plea deal. Then once the plea is entered the “now guilty” remains somewhat free on the street. What might be the jail time for this? A year?

following the case
Reply to  Ajax11
8 years ago

Both sides will present their cases for what they think the sentence should be. Victim Impact Stmts and then character witnesses maybe for Bell. He will still be bound by his bail conditions while he waits for sentencing. I have covered the courts for many years and this is how it goes.

Reply to  following the case
8 years ago

My recollection of the bail conditions included surrendering his passport, no internet or cell phone usage, remain clear of minors, and live under the supervision of his surety (likely a close family member).

Reply to  following the case
8 years ago

Following the case. It is a very sad end on many fronts. I feel for the victim. I feel for the other swimmers affected. I am a little puzzled by your hatred for Bell supporters. For those of us that knew him for more than 10 years, it was hard to believe. I truly believe in innocent until proven guilty. I don;t support what he did. He’s guilty and will serve his time and the damage to him and the victim are done. Why you need to stand on your soap box and yell, “I was right all along” is beyond me. It’s sad. Let it go. This isn’t about you. This is about a young girl who was wronged… Read more »

Reply to  another swim coach
8 years ago

“””ANOTHER SWIM COACH 3 months 7 days ago
Oh my… thats hard to swallow… I wish i can contact him…”””

Now you can “contact” him in JAIL as many time as you wish.

Reply to  BLA-BLA
8 years ago

I will. Thank you.

The End
Reply to  00swim
8 years ago

Glad this is finally over, particularly for the victim. This simply proves that he is morally bankrupt. The only remaining fitting conclusion is jail time in general population with offenders that have minor female children.

8 years ago

I assume the purpose behind a plea is that it not only save time and money, it’s gives a guaranteed outcome for the accused while at the same time meets the needs of the crown, who at this point are representing the victim thru defence of the police charges. When you look at the charges, I assume it will be hard to dispute the luring charges as they would likely be emails or texts. Seeing as the exploitation charge comes as a result of the position he held, again difficult to dispute. That only leaves the actual assault charge which in my mind would require a trial to prove, unless you had something like video evidence. If you accept this… Read more »

Another swim coach
Reply to  Ajax11
8 years ago

And his name being on the sex offender registry.. For how long?

following the case
Reply to  Another swim coach
8 years ago

The Judge decides the length of time he will be on the Registry. It is usually 10 years, 20 years or for life. He will probably argue for 10 years. Crown might argue for more. Depends on the facts of the case.

I think he will plead to Sexual Exploitation and one count of luring. But the crown will want the totality of the offences read in as facts. Sexual Assault will be the hardest charge to prove. Issues of consent. My guess is 6 months jail time. A period of probation perhaps and then 10 years on the Registry.

Another swim coach
Reply to  following the case
8 years ago

Ok so that makes sense. I doubt the assault charge will pass. 16 years is the legal age for consent but his position of authority is the issue. So what you are stating above in terms of what he is going to plead guilty to (also similar to Ajax11) is probably what is going to happen. It’s been a long year waiting… but I don’t know, something is telling me that one way or another this is not the end of ajaxswimming.

Reply to  Ajax11
8 years ago

I will be interested in hearing what happens today, unfortunately I am out of province on business.

Another swim coach
Reply to  Ajax11
8 years ago

Same.. However, full time job, full time parent plus over an hour drive to Oshawa one way (no traffic) makes it difficult to attend the hearing… This forum and whatever is on the news is the only source I have to learn about the case…

following the case
Reply to  Another swim coach
8 years ago

Hopefully “Going to Court Sessions” will be going today and will be able to update us.

Reply to  following the case
8 years ago

I guess no one has heard anything….I remain out of town and can’t find anything on the Internet. It always amazes me how these things simply drop off the face of the earth once the charges are initially laid.

another swim coach
Reply to  Ajax11
8 years ago

I agree with you, so because i couldn’t find anything on the internet either, i contacted court reporters and told me the matter was adjourned… again… omg!!.. case returning to court august 15th…

Reply to  another swim coach
8 years ago

Hard to believe as you would think that a legitimate reason would need to be provided for the judge to agree to the adjournment. Must be painfully slow for all those impacted by this.

another swim coach
Reply to  Ajax11
8 years ago

of course it makes you wonder what really is going on.. if evidence is so ‘overwhelming’ then why doesn’t the judge put an end to this? why so many delays? what could possibly be?.. to be honest,when i learned about the case in November, i came up with a theory of what happened.. and i am starting to think i am not that lost…

Reply to  another swim coach
8 years ago

I am beginning to think that the delays say more about our judicial system than the strength or weakness of the case.

following the case
Reply to  Ajax11
8 years ago

Yes the court system sucks. Way too many delays. But then again lawyers have to make their money dont they? The more appearances they make and the longer it lasts the more it costs the accused and the more it benefits the defence lawyer. Its a joke. Meanwhile there is a victim and an accused who would both likely just prefer to get on with their lives

following the case
Reply to  Ajax11
8 years ago

And the delays are because of the defence. Not the Crown.

following the case
Reply to  another swim coach
8 years ago

Its the defence who keeps asking for adjournments. I am surprised that the Judge hasnt said on the next court date you will either plead guilty or we will set a trial date. End of story. No more stalling. The evidence must be overwhelming or the defence would NOT be entertaining a guilty plea. They are entertaining the guilty plea because likely they know if they go to trial the sentence will be far worse than if you agree to plead guilty. And noone pleads guilty to these charges unless they are guilty. Minimum 10 years on the Sex Offender Registry and being monitored by police that whole time?? The Judge in my opinion is being very patient. Too patient.… Read more »

Reply to  following the case
8 years ago

I guess we just have to wait.. Hopefully we will know more that day or bit after that.

Not following the case...
Reply to  following the case
8 years ago

You know the delay is due to the fact that his protege, Javier A. Is at the Olympics right now and that they (the other coaches and former parents) have restarted Ajax swim club. There is a lot going on than meets the eye!

another swim coach
Reply to  Not following the case...
8 years ago

WAIT WHAT??? I dont understand how the fact that Javier is at the Olympics is interfering with the case.. that is confusing..

following the case
Reply to  Not following the case...
8 years ago

Well in that case maybe things will move along now seeing as the Olympics are over for Javier. Interesting…

Reply to  following the case
8 years ago

I don’t believe that the delays are connected in any way to the Olympics.

following the case
Reply to  Ajax11
8 years ago

No neither do I. But it was an interesting comment.

8 years ago

The daily court list for Monday has the matter identied as “To be spoken to” which is different from “To enter a plea”. This might suggest that this matter is not as close to being over as many think. It could have also be a simple typo, as I can’t imagine that there is anything left for the parties to discuss. I guess time will tell.

Another swim coach
Reply to  Ajax11
8 years ago

I was going to comment the same thing, as I also noticed that his case was marked “to be spoken to”… This waiting period is overwhelming…

going to court sessions
8 years ago

Most of the content of the court sessions is under a Publication Ban. Now is the time for the Bell supporters to provide reference letters to show what a great guy he is! Granted this case is Under Mandatory Sentencing guidelines.

Reply to  going to court sessions
8 years ago

Maybe a good fit for the Super Coach is Oakville Dolphins? Oh Wait that is assuming he will ever be able to coach again, which he Never will be. Soon his Fair weather friends and parents can visit him in JAIL.

following the case
Reply to  going to court sessions
8 years ago

And dont forget once he is a convicted sex offender he will have to register on the Ontario Sex Offender Registry. There are requirements and restrictions on a person who is on the Registry.

Reply to  following the case
8 years ago

Agree! And The sad part is that there are still parents out in the community who will still support him.

Going to Court sessions
Reply to  Swimming
8 years ago

For all the Bell supporters who want “FACTS” Go to the court sessions & especially the Sentencing after his Plea of GUILT.
The Time commitment to go to court is a fraction of the time a lot of parents spend being at or travelling to a pool!

Following the Case
Reply to  Going to Court sessions
8 years ago

Bell supporters do not want facts. They will continue to blame the victim and will not believe that Matt has done anything wrong. However yes…go to the sentencing hearing and you will hear the facts of the case as well as the victim impact statement.

Reply to  Following the Case
8 years ago

I agree with your Comment . Bell’s supporters don’t want to Hear the Facts. And in some cases they think he will Coach again. When the Reality is he will never be Coaching Swimming Again. And when in some
cases an Individual is convicted, or in his case when he Pleads Guilty, of the charges in front of him he very easily will be on the Sex Offender Registry for 20 years, That is the REALITY.

Following the Case
Reply to  swimming
8 years ago

Yes, when the conviction is registered he will automatically be put on the Ontario Sex Offender Registry as well as the National Registry. And the minimum amount of time that he will be on there for is 10 years, or it could be 20 or it could be for life. His supporters need to realize the gravity of the offence. That he did commit it and that the victim is not at fault. He is. He will NEVER coach again.

Go for it
Reply to  Following the Case
8 years ago

Interesting how a lot of the posts have made valid points about this coach. But they get negatives from the Trolls or Bell supporters who don’t have the guts to state anything in support of this coach, or even have
the courage to state their own position in support of this nut job.

Reply to  Go for it
8 years ago

Sexually harassing people is shameful. Supporting pedophiles is shameful. Comparing these type of actions to someone who exhibited similar behaviour before committing a brutal assault is just observation.

going to court sessions
8 years ago

He is just delaying eventual Jail time.

Reply to  going to court sessions
8 years ago

And spending a bucket load on legal fees!

Reply to  Ajax11
8 years ago

I have heard for every hour a Lawyer spends in court they bill 6 hours of prep. time.

Reply to  going to court sessions
8 years ago

Is anyone able to show up to the court sessions? How do you find the info?

About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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