It’s a wrap in Mesa for the 2017 Arena Pro Swim Series. Again there was lots of fast swimming and things are looking really strong as we head closer to the world championship team trials this June. It was the strongest field so far in 2017 at a Pro Swim Series event and the excitement is evident. Here’s what our swimming photographer Mike Lewis captured through the lens on day 3.

Mary Smutny (photo: Mike Lewis)

Molly Hannis (photo: Mike Lewis)

Katie Meili (photo: Mike Lewis)

Molly Hannis (photo: Mike Lewis)

Kelsi Worrell (photo: Mike Lewis)

Tristen Ulett (photo: Mike Lewis)

Azad Al-Barazi (photo: Mike Lewis)

Ali Deloof (photo: Mike Lewis)

Matthew Yish (photo: Mike Lewis)

Hector Ruvalcaba Cruz (photo: Mike Lewis)

Breeja Larson Mesa Pro Swim (photo: Mike Lewis)

Thibaut Capitaine (photo: Mike Lewis)

Mie Nielsen (photo: Mike Lewis)

Tim Phillips (photo: Mike Lewis)

Kaite Ledecky (photo: Mike Lewis)

Chase Kalisz (photo: Mike Lewis)

Kara Eisenmann (photo: Mike Lewis)

Raaphael Rodrigues (photo: Mike Lewis)

Kevin Cordes (photo: Mike Lewis)

Matt Grevers (photo: Mike Lewis)