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From March 5, Italy Will Allow Reopening of Pools to Amateurs, with Limitations

In Italy, swimming pools and gyms are currently closed due to restrictive measures enacted to contain the coronavirus outbreak. These measures will be valid until March 5.

In October 2020, former Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte issued a decree containing measures to counter the coronavirus outbreak. Among these measures was the closure of swimming pools and gyms.

Outdoor sports and training and competitions “of a national interest” have been allowed to continue, but must take place in facilities behind closed doors and respect the protocols issued by the Sport Federations, including social distancing. only athletes participating in competitions of national interest are permitted to train.

The government led by Giuseppe Conte has been replaced by a technical government. Former President of the European Central Bank Mario Draghi is at the head of the new ruling coalition. The new government is expected to announce new measures, which will take effect on March 5, that could impact the restrictions on sports.

According to SwimSwam Italia reports the new rules are expected to allow more athletic and fitness activity among the rest of the country, specifically those athletes not of a ‘national interest’:

  • In gym only individual lessons
  • Only 5 people per lane in a 25-meter swimming pool

The reopenings will follow the mechanism of distinction by color-coded “zones,” which will be assigned by the Scientific Technical Committee. That committee will use data to determine when regions move between zones.

Currently, no regions are in the Red Zone. 4 Italian regions are in the more restrictive Orange Zone, while 17 regions have met the qualifications for the Yellow Zone

Red Zone:

  • General lockdowns apply, nobody is allowed to leave the house unless necessary.


  • Individual basic amateur sports activities, including aquatics, can restart.
  • allowed training for contact sports and team sports only if carried out individually, in compliance with the spacing and the prohibition of gathering.
  • Allowed sports and dance activities for school-age children.


In the yellow zone, in addition to the activities allowed in “red zone” and “orange zone,” regions can restart contact sports and amateur and basic team sports.

Green Zone



The new government has also proposed additional restrictions to the Italian Scientific Technical Committee

  • Prohibited use of public showers
  • Sanitizing tools and materials at all times
  • Avoid leaving clothing worn for physical activity in places shared with others
  • Always drink from disposable cups or personalized bottles.
  • Dispose of used tissues or other materials (well sealed) in appropriate containers.
  • Use your own mats where possible, or if for collective use, sanitize them before and after the training session.

Since the start of the pandemic in February 2020, Italy has had 2.6 million cases of coronavirus, with 91,580 deaths.

The country has seen a decrease from its fall peaks of around 35,000 daily new cases of coronavirus to just over 12,000 new daily cases. The country has reported administering almost 2.7 million doses of two-dose COVID-19 vaccines among its population of over 60 million according to Bloomberg data. About 2% of the country’s population has received two doses of vaccine.

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About Braden Keith

Braden Keith

Braden Keith is the Editor-in-Chief and a co-founder/co-owner of He first got his feet wet by building The Swimmers' Circle beginning in January 2010, and now comes to SwimSwam to use that experience and help build a new leader in the sport of swimming. Aside from his life on the InterWet, …

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