Nutrition for Teenage Swimmers: How Much Protein is Right?
In addition to the significant amounts of food they require for training, adolescent swimmers have higher energy and nutrient needs than mature swimmers. Adolescents are still growing and developing, and growth requires proper nutrition and extra calories.
The Business Behind Swimming
Are you a swim fan? Are you an entrepreneur? Well now you can be both. Welcome to SwimLabs, the revolutionary way to blend lessons, aquatic training, and exercise, plus the sale of swim merchandise, all in a easy to maintain, state of the art location.
Masters Swimming – Why do I coach?
I have world record holders, a professional triathlete, open water enthusiasts, loafers, workout kings, meet champs, national/world qualifiers, that list goes on and on as well. Then, there is Mama Luigi, THAT’s why I coach.
Sparkes & Rothwell Respond to Criticism of 2016 European Masters Meet
Controversy struck the 2016 European Masters Championships, as an open letter yesterday was published directed towards British Swimming CEO David Sparkes….
How Much Sleep Does My Body Need After My Swim Workout?
Swimming demands a significant amount of energy and exertion from the body, and one of the ideal times to recover from strenuous workouts is during a good night’s sleep.
15 Ways Swimmers Do It Much Better
Here are 15 reminders why our sport kicks a metric ton of butt.
4 Types of Vitamin B12 You Need to Know About
Vitamin B12 is important for a host of reasons: it helps with cellular function, it provides your body with energy, and protects nerve and brain cells from free radical damage.
Why Vitamin B12 Helps Your Body After a Swim Meet
After a swim meet, the last thing you’re probably thinking about is the composition and dynamics of certain vitamins and what they’re doing for your health.
6 Questions to Ask Yourself After the Big Meet
The big meet has come and gone. Here are 6 questions to ask yourself after the weekend to get the most from your efforts so far and to move on to bigger and better things.
Master the Dynamics of Dolphin Kick – The Vortex
Behind every swimmer moving forward is a vortex of water (wake) created by the separation of the water moving along the body (as the body moves forward).
Ever Considered Owning Your Own Swim Business?
Do you love swimming? Are you a coach or former swimmer with a lot experience in the sport? Have you ever considered owning your own swim businesses?
4 Sets Creativos Para Mejorar la Patada
La fuerza en las piernas y flexibilidad en los tobillos son necesarios para una patada firme e intensa, pero se necesita de más.
Rich Burns Inspires Masters Swimmers
Rich Burns, International Masters Swimming Hall of Fame swimmer and holder of 56 FINA Masters World Records, is a living inspiration to all masters swimmers.
How to Build Stronger Freestyle Kick Mechanics
To build a better freestyle or flutter kick, one must first understand where the propulsive power of the kick is derived and how to balance the two opposing forces of propulsion and frontal drag, in order to maximize the kicking speed.
10 Things I Notice While Swimming Masters
10 things I notice while swimming masters rather than cheering from the sidelines.