Ben Kredich Honored During Tennessee’s Tri-Meet With Florida & Kentucky In Knoxville
Kredich, who died at the age of 24 in August, is being honored with special caps during the Vols’ SEC tri-meet with the Gators and Wildcats on Friday.
Swim Meeting Bolzano: Iscritti anche Noè Ponti E Charlotte Bonnet
L’International Swim Meeting Bolzano 2023 è ormai alle porte e l’evento prenderà il via domani, sabato 4 novembre. Gli iscritti
Once A Hotbed, Canada’s Top Swimmers Have Made A Mass Exodus Out of the Country
Ever since Ben Titley was let go by Swimming Canada in early 2022, the country’s top swimmers have fled elsewhere after previously remaining in-house.
Noe Ponti & Charlotte Bonnet Among Those Headed To 2023 Bolzano Meet
Olympic bronze medalist Noe Ponti of Switzerland is among those headed to the 2023 International Swim Meeting in Bolzano, Italy.
David Johnston Rattles American Record With 8:34.82 1000 Free, #3 All-Time
Johnston fired off a time of 8:34.82 to mark the third-fastest swim in history, within a second of Clark Smith’s American Record (8:33.93) from 2015.
Kamminga & Toussaint Head Up Dutch Roster For European SC Championships
Kira Toussaint is the defending European Short Course Champion in the 50, 100, and 200 backstrokes. She is scheduled to race again in 2023.
Gabrielle Assis Snares Doha-Worthy Result In 200 Breast At Jose Finkel
Through day three of the 2023 Brazilian Championships/Jose Finkel Trophy, a fourth swimmer was added to the World Championships roster.
“Romanian Pride and Values” Represented In Logo For 2023 European SC Champs In Otopeni
The 22nd edition of the European SC Championships will run from December 5-10 in Romania in the same venue that successfully hosted last year’s Euro Juniors.
Bob Bowman & Herbie Behm Discuss How Team Dynamic has Impacted Early Season Speed
ASU head coach Bob Bowman and associate head coach Herbie Behm sat down with SwimSwam to discuss completely changing the training group structure
arena Swim of the Week: Ashley Twichell Upsets Olympic Champ In Pan Am 10km
After planning to retire and then giving birth, the 34-year-old Twichell came back with an incredible win over Ana Marcela Cunha in the women’s 10km.
Great Britain Names 35 Swimmers To Stacked European Short Course Championship Roster
The Brits will send every medalist from the 2023 Worlds to SC Euros in Bucharest next month, including James Guy, Matt Richards, Tom Dean and Duncan Scott.
Vladimir Salnikov Pensa Che I Russi Non Parteciperanno Alle Olimpiadi 2024
Vladimir Salnikov ha espresso un giudizio negativo sulle possibilità di partecipazione dei nuotatori russi alle Olimpiadi di Parigi
I Campionati Europei Di Pallanuoto Di Gennaio Non Si Svolgeranno In Israele
European Aquatics (ex LEN) ha annunciato che sposterà i Campionati Europei di pallanuoto previsti per il gennaio 2024 da Netanya
Padar Record Nei 400 Stile Ai Campionati Ungheresi-Recap Day 2
I Campionati ungheresi in vasca corta 2023 sono proseguiti per la seconda giornata a Debrecen con un altro record nazionale di categoria
Missouri State Women To Host Arkansas On Saturday
Missouri State returns to Hammons Student Center Pool as it welcomes the Arkansas women’s team for a meet on Saturday, November 4 at 11:00 a.m. CT.