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SwimSwam Pulse: 47% Like ISL’s Experimental 800 Free Format

SwimSwam Pulse is a recurring feature tracking and analyzing the results of our periodic A3 Performance Polls. You can cast your vote in our newest poll on the SwimSwam homepage, about halfway down the page on the right side, or you can find the poll embedded at the bottom of this post.

Our most recent poll asked SwimSwam readers to weigh in on the ISL’s experimental new 800 free format:


Question: Should the ISL add an 800 free with points given at the 100, 200, and 800 marks?

  • Yes, it’s a great addition – 47.6%
  • No, too complicated – 31.7%
  • No, not viewer-friendly enough – 13.5%
  • Don’t know – 7.2%

Almost half of voters considered the experimental 800 free a “great addition” to the ISL’s event lineup. When we created the poll, the format was still in the works – it wound up featuring points awarded at the 100-, 400-, and 800-marks, not the 100-, 200-, and 800-marks as listed in our poll question.

You can read about the ISL’s 800 free test event here. It featured two swimmers, Mykhailo Romanchuk and Henrik Christiansengoing under the European record. And two other swimmers, Felix Auboeck and Zane Grothegoing after the front half of the race to pile up early checkpoint scores.

31.7% of readers were concerned about the complicated nature of scoring. That’s still a hurdle, as the test event itself featured some complex scoring wrinkles. Swimmers who get jackpotted at the finish give up the points they won at the earlier checkpoints – that’s a bit of a competitive necessity to keep teams from entering a sprinter in one lane to grab early checkpoints with big jackpots, but it also creates a pretty complicated scoring system for many fans to follow.

On the other hand, only 13.5% said the race wouldn’t be friendly enough to spectators. That’s one of the major hurdles for the ISL, which has packed its event lineups into tight two-hour sessions that work well for TV broadcasts. Adding an 800 for men and women would add at least 20 minutes to each meet, and that clashes with the ISL’s clear priority of drawing in spectators and conforming to television broadcast needs.


Below, vote in our new A3 Performance Pollwhich asks voters to pick the best of the 7 world record swims in the ISL’s 2020 season:

What was the best swim of the ISL 2020 Season?

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A3 Performance is an independently-owned, performance swimwear company built on a passion for swimming, athletes, and athletic performance. We encourage swimmers to swim better and faster at all ages and levels, from beginners to Olympians.  Driven by a genuine leader and devoted staff that are passionate about swimming and service, A3 Performance strives to inspire and enrich the sport of swimming with innovative and impactful products that motivate swimmers to be their very best – an A3 Performer.

The A3 Performance Poll is courtesy of A3 Performance, a SwimSwam partner

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4 years ago

Take out the 5 minute break between every second event and you can fit the 800 in without issue.

Reply to  Peter
4 years ago

I agree, but they might need some of those breaks for commercials, have to bring money in show how.

The unoriginal Tim
Reply to  Dan
4 years ago

I think the breaks are so multi event swimmers don’t pass out

Reply to  The unoriginal Tim
4 years ago

Only Dressel can manage the schedule without the breaks.

4 years ago

Broadcasters aren’t gonna like the sessions being any longer than they already are and the existing events are more appealing than an 800.

Reply to  Troyy
4 years ago

You’re right. They’ll probably use the race to interview someone and have a split screen, or directly go to commercial. They already did that for the 400 events

Last edited 4 years ago by Swimfan
Reply to  Swimfan
4 years ago

Going by the downvotes most people here would prefer an 800 over one or more events already in the program.

Reply to  Troyy
4 years ago

This is probably true.

I would prefer an 800+ event over any of the mixed relays.

But this website probably isn’t reflective of the broader market ISL needs to attempt to market itself too.

Reply to  M D E
4 years ago

There’s only 1 mixed relay and it takes less than a 1/4 of the time it’ll take for 2 800s.

M d e
Reply to  Troyy
4 years ago

Yeah you’re right. I was unsure if there was a mixed free relay. I haven’t watched any ISL meets live in full due to the time they are on (usually between midnight and 4 am), I skip through the meets the next day to watch events I am interested in.

I understand the reasons why they wouldn’t do 800s, I was just commenting on what I personally would prefer, which is what we were talking about.

Reply to  M d e
4 years ago

There is a mixed free relay and no mixed medley relay. I’m Australian too but I watch full replays cos I have a lot of time on my hands (unable to work).

M d e
Reply to  Troyy
4 years ago

That’s a big time facepalm for me then haha. I thought they had mixed medley for sure given it is the mixed relay Olympic event. That’s why I have confused myself obviously.

Yeah fair call. I probably would if I wasn’t working also. Or if the point races were more competitive frankly. Given the lopsided scores I find it hard to be interested in certain events, which is a shame because you can only imagine how someone who doesnt particularly like swimming feels about it (if they knew it was on i suppose).

Last edited 4 years ago by M d e
4 years ago

98% of people have not seen a video of ISL’s experimental 800 free … so let’s watch it and then re-do the poll. Where’s a video???

Sun yang vial of blood
Reply to  1001pools
4 years ago

yeah absolutely, instead of explaining it in 24326 lines like ISL do on facebook, a video is enough to see if it’s interesting or not

Coach Mike 1952
Reply to  1001pools
4 years ago

I just did an exhaustive search with no success. If ISL doesn’t make it easily & readily available for viewing by us die-hard swimming fans, then how could they ever expect the public to get word of mouth from us about how cool (or not) it is? A write-up just doesn’t cut it.

Last edited 4 years ago by Coach Mike 1952
4 years ago

Like the 800 but not the distances where they offered points unless you want to split the field, some that go for the early points and some that go for the later points.
I rather see points at 200, 400, 800.

When it comes to the relays and events to support as many different swimmers as possible I think the 4*100 relays are better then the 4*50 relays.

I can agree that something needs to be different if you are going to add more events so that the total time stays at 2 hours.

One change to the program could be to speed up the skins, ex. swim round 1 for women followed by round 1 for men… Read more »

4 years ago

If they want to have more teams in the ISL they need to access pool of distance swimmers. Logical step for me

4 years ago

We should be adding 4×50 relays

Reply to  Olympian
4 years ago

I like the idea but with the program they have right now it perfectly fits into 2 hours. Or maybe they could have certain meets have different events? Like one more focused on 50’s and one with the longer events like the 1500, 800 and heck maybe 4 x 200 medley and freestyle relays.

Reply to  Khachaturian
4 years ago

Too many 4×100 relays, let’s stick to the mixed one and add a 4×50.
And it’s only my opinion, no need to hate me for that… but 400 is already painfully long to watch, unless they’re making it an elimination 400 or something it’s just boring!!

And bring back the super suits!! Let’s make it REEEALLY different, don’t get me wrong, I loved every minute of it and support the ISL but it’s still just looking like a fancy World Cup.

Last edited 4 years ago by Olympian
Reply to  Olympian
4 years ago

No to the suits! Fancy World Cup? I don’t think you have ever seen a swimming World Cup if you say that

Reply to  swimfin5
4 years ago

I’ve swam a handful of those myself

Reply to  Olympian
4 years ago

But then you for sure didn’t swim in the ISL

Reply to  swimfin5
4 years ago

👀… Not sure how you can be so sure LOL

Last edited 4 years ago by Olympian
Reply to  Olympian
4 years ago

I think it might have a big difference when and where you swam the world cup.

Reply to  Khachaturian
4 years ago

Give me a meet with 25s! Or 4×25 relay! I’m dead serious that would be so much fun. Like a preseason meet or something.

Coach Mike 1952
4 years ago

Any video? Chances are that few of us even saw it.

4 years ago

I think it should be an elimination 800.

Fraser Thorpe
Reply to  Khachaturian
4 years ago

Agreed that’s exciting, they’re really fun when in the track, but how’re they don’t in the pool?

Reply to  Fraser Thorpe
4 years ago

I like cutting 8th at the 200, 7th at the 300, 6th at the 400, 5th at the 500, 4th at the 600 and 3rd at the 700. Maybe not cut the 3rd person or cut 2 at a time at 200, 400, or 600. If my little caveman brain can come up with that I’m pretty sure ISL can come up with something (but not paychecks apparently. Couldn’t help it sorry).

About Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson

Jared Anderson swam for nearly twenty years. Then, Jared Anderson stopped swimming and started writing about swimming. He's not sick of swimming yet. Swimming might be sick of him, though. Jared was a YMCA and high school swimmer in northern Minnesota, and spent his college years swimming breaststroke and occasionally pretending …

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