Trials Olimpici Britannici Programma Ridotto E “Bolla” Per Gli Atleti
I Trials Olimpici Britannici si adeguano alle restrizioni governative. Programma ridotto alle sole gare olimpiche e creazione di una bolla
British C’ships Transition To ‘Selection Trials’ With Major Changes
What was previously known as the British Swimming Championships has transitioned to a new name of the 2021 British Swimming Selection Trials.
Prime Minister Issues Dates for Re-Opening of British Pools
The reopening of venues will see a return to club training for U18’s sooner than adults who will have to wait an extra 5 weeks (pictured: Luke Greenbank)
Adam Peaty vence en Manchester con 58.82 en 100 braza
El resultado de Peaty arrasó el campo, cuyo siguiente competidor más cercano fue James Wilby, quien tocó la pared en 1:00.15.
A Manchester Adam Peaty 58.8 Nelle Batterie Dei 100 Rana
A Manchester questa mattina si è aperto l’omonimo meeting. Ai blocchi di partenza atleti come Adam Peaty, James Guy, Freya Anderson
Manchester Swim Meet In Diretta Streaming Ci Sarà Anche Peaty
Manchester Swim Meet al via domani. In gara anche Adam Peaty. Prevista Diretta streaming sul canale YouTube di British Swimming
Manchester International Swim Meet To Be Livestreamed
Live swimming will actually be taking place this weekend in Great Britain amidst much of the nation still under strict coronavirus-related lockdowns.
British Swimming Annuncia Ufficialmente I Primi 4 Convocati Per Tokyo
British Swimming ha ufficialmente convocato i prim quattro atleti per la squadra che si presenterà alle Olimpiadi di Tokyo 2021
British Swimming Officially Confirms First 4 Names For Tokyo 2020 Squad
Informally known since December’s release of British Swimming’s revised selection policy, the first 4 members of the Olympic squad have been made official.
Rivelato Il Primo Team England Di Sempre Con 85 Atleti
Swim England ha rivelato una rosa di 85 nuotatori, che formano il primo team England in assoluto in vista dei Giochi del Commonwealth
Swim England Eyes 2022 Commonwealth Games With Enlarged Nat’l Squad
Elite English swimmers such as Adam Peaty will be joining other likely Commonwealth Games athletes on Swim England’s enlarged national team for 2022.
Trials Olimpici Britannici Si Svolgeranno Ad Aprile Aggiunte Sessioni Extra
I Trials olimpici britannici si svolgeranno ad Aprile ed avranno due sessioni in più ogni giorno per consentire a tutti di parteciparvi
British Swimming Sends Ominous Message Regarding Selection Policies
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, British Swimming has decided to take extra time to review the 2020/21 competition selection process.
Euro Jr. Champion Tatiana Belonogoff Gets Approval to Represent Russia
Belonogoff (center) represented Great Britain, where she’s lived her whole life, when she won gold at the 2018 European Junior Swimming Championships.
British Swimming Indica Gli Atleti Autorizzati Ad Allenarsi, In Teoria
British Swimming ha specificato i requisiti per gli atleti d’elite e le sedi di allenamento per riprendere secondo le nuove linee guida anti covid19