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Elizabeth Wickham

5 Tipps wie Schwimmer-Eltern Konflikte mit Trainern lösen können

Die Amerikanerin Elizabeth Wickham ist eine richtige “Schwimmer-Mutter”: 14 Jahre lang hat sie als Freiwillige im Schwimmverein ihrer Kinder mitgeholfen,…

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6 Hinweise für Schwimmer-Eltern, warum ihre Kinder aufgeben

Die Amerikanerin Elizabeth Wickham ist eine richtige “Schwimmer-Mutter”: 14 Jahre lang hat sie als Freiwillige im Schwimmverein ihrer Kinder mitgeholfen,…

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Elf Hinweise darauf, dass ihr Helikopter Schwimmer-Eltern seid

Der englischsprachige Originalartikel stammt von Elizabeth Wickham Elizabeth glaubt als Swim-Mom, dass es nicht nur unterschiedliche Entwicklungsstufen bei den Kindern gibt…

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3 Gründe, warum Schwimmer-Eltern glücklich und positiv sind

Der englische Originalartikel ist von: Elizabeth Wickham In einem Büchlein, voll mit guten Ratschlägen, mit dem Titel “11 Habits of…

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Swim Mom: 11 Things I Miss About Swimming

With “shelter in place” going on for more than 30 days, I really miss swimming. Here are 11 things I miss about the sport more than I expected.


Swim Mom: 7 Tips for Great Conversations With Our Kids

With many families spending more time together, we’re presented with a perfect opportunity to work on communicating effectively.

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Swim Mom: Make the Most Out of Every Opportunity

When things get back to normal, maybe we will learn from this overwhelming experience. Hopefully, we will take with us an attitude of “I get to.”

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Ask Swim Mom: Does My Son Need to Swim Club to Swim in College?

I know his future self would regret quitting club swimming. The $10,000 question is, how important is club swim to college recruiters?


Ask Swim Mom: Should Meets Be Electronic Free?

I wanted your thoughts on the benefits on swimmers being electronic free during meets and anything relevant to why a team should entertain the thought.


Ask Swim Mom: About Those Late Bloomers

Early bloomers have an advantage, but eventually things even out after differences in growth level out. With hard work and passion, anything can happen!


Swim Mom: 5 Tips to Help Your Swimmer During Championship Meets

It’s the time of year when swimmers get to reap the rewards of months of hard work. Here are five tips to help your children have fun during championships.

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Ask Swim Mom: Should There Be a Maximum Practice Schedule?

For 12 and unders, most teams have a minimum practice requirement. It seems that some swimmers AND parents could benefit from a suggested maximum as well.


5 Tipps wie Schwimmer-Eltern Konflikte mit Trainern lösen können

Die Amerikanerin Elizabeth Wickham ist eine richtige “Schwimmer-Mutter”: 14 Jahre lang hat sie als Freiwillige im Schwimmverein ihrer Kinder mitgeholfen,…

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Ask Swim Mom: What About the Chlorine Cough?

They said it’s called Swimmer’s Cough. Should I be concerned? We call it the “chlorine cough” and it usually happens in indoor pools with poor ventilation.


Ask Swim Mom: My Son is Skipping Practice

I just found out that my 16 year old skipped practice, even after dropping him off at the pool and then picking him up after he messaged for a pick up.