Ciao Ciao Gomma- A Budapest Nicholas Santos Record Del Mondo A 38 Anni
FINA WORLD CUP 2018 – BUDAPEST Giovedi 4 Ottobre – Sabato 6 ottobre Vasca Corta SwimSwam Italia preview entry List risultati…
FINA Opens Center For The Development Of Water Sports In Kazan, Russia
FINA has opened the Center for the Development of Water Sports in Kazan, Russia signing a cooperation agreement with the…
FINA Technical Swimming Committee Member Ivan Varvodic Dies
FINA announced on September 19th that Member of the FINA Technical Swimming Committee, Ivan Varvodic, has died. Varvodic was appointed…
World Championships Silver Medalist Junya Koga Faces 4-Year Ban
2017 World Championships silver medalist Junya Koga of Japan is facing a possible 4-year ban for having tested positively for a prohibited substance earlier this year.
Video: Il Lancio Della Champions League Del Nuoto
A cura di GOLD MEDAL MEL STEWART Puoi leggere l’articolo in lingua inglese qui L’avvio di un campionato internazionale di nuoto…
Mondiali 2019-USA Swimming Annuncia La Squadra Americana
CAMPIONATI MONDIALI FINA 2019 12/18 Luglio 2019 Gwangju, Corea Originariamente riportato da Jared Anderson Articolo in inglese al seguente link La…
Au calendrier de la FINA, lignes d’eau et lignes de crédit
Sarah Sjostrom a confirmé sa présence à Kazan.
FINA Favors Morning Finals At 2020 Olympic Games
The 2020 Olympic Games may see swimming finals take place in the morning, giving American broadcasters the primetime broadcasting advantage.
Janet Evans propulsée vers la FINA
L’Américaine Janet Evans, étoile majeure de la natation mondiale à la charnière des années 1980-1990, a été présentée par USA Swimming, la fédération de son pays, au bureau de la FINA.
Bulgarian Record Holder Dobromira Ivanova Receives 4-Year Doping Ban
Bulgarian Dobromira Ivanova has been handed a four-year suspension for doping.
FINA Announces Schedule For 2018 World Cup, Will Mix LC And SC
FINA has announced the official schedule for the 2018 World Cup.
Presentata la Mascotte dei Campionati Del Mondo FINA 2019
Dal 12 al 28 Luglio 2019 a Gwangju, Corea, si svolgeranno i 18 ° Campionati Mondiali FINA. Dodici mesi prima del…
Open Water Nationals To Act As U.S. Qualifier For World Juniors
Noah Brune, last year’s 5K Junior National Champ, will compete in the 7.5K this weekend in Tempe.
WATCH: Paltrinieri, van Rouwendaal Explain Open Water Warm-ups
Watch as Gregorio Paltrinieri explains how he warms up for open water swimming.
Doha To Host Their First-Ever FINA Marathon Series
Doha, Qatar, will host its first-ever FINA/HOSA Marathon Swim World Series event on Saturday, March 17, with the turquoise waters of Doha’s iconic Corniche providing a stunning setting for reigning Olympic and World Champions to go ahead in the 10km open water races.