Abbie Wood, 2ª mejor británica de todos los tiempos en 200 estilos
No solo ganó esta carrera por casi 7 segundos, sino que Wood ahora se ubica como la segunda nadadora británica más rápida en este evento.
Abbie Wood Diventa La Seconda Inglese All Time Nei 200 Misti
Abbie Wood a Manchester ha chiuso con classe la manifestazione vincendo i 200 misti con 2:09.38 seconda inglese all time nella distanza
Hansson nada los 100 mariposa en 57.59 en las eliminatorias de Manchester
El tiempo más rápido de Hansson está representado por los 57.10 registrados en el mundial de 2019, pero su 57.59 aquí es su sexto tiempo más rápido.
Peaty logra la 2ª mejor marca mundial de la temporada en 50 braza
Peaty remató su 58.82 de la noche anterior con un 26.75 anoche en los 50 braza, más de un segundo por delante del segundo clasificado James Wilby (27.79).
A Manchester Adam Peaty 26.75 Nei 50 Rana Secondo Al Mondo
A Manchester Adam Peaty conquista anche i 50 metri rana con il tempo di 26.75 posizionandosi al secondo posto del ranking mondiale
Peaty Hits World #2 50 Breast, Wood Shaves Big Time in 200 Free in Manchester
Peaty clocked a 26.75 in the 50 breast, while Wood downed her old best by almost two seconds in the 200 free, going 1:57.96 to win it tonight.
Rivelato Il Primo Team England Di Sempre Con 85 Atleti
Swim England ha rivelato una rosa di 85 nuotatori, che formano il primo team England in assoluto in vista dei Giochi del Commonwealth
ISL 2020 MATCH #6 Giorno 2 I Risultati Minuto Per Minuto – Recap Live
ISL Il Match #6 è giunto al suo secondo giorno. Benvenuti nel nostro recap live con risultati aggiornati minuto per minuto
2020 ISL Match 6 – Day 1 Live Recap
Energy Standard will be without Team Captain Sarah Sjostrom for this match, but should see Femke Heemskerk on their roster for the 1st time this season
2020 ISL Match 1 – Day 2 Live Recap
Day 2 of the inaugural weekend of ISL racing in Budapest will kick off at 8PM local time.
World Championship Silver Medalist Benedetta Pilato Joins Energy Standard (ISL)
Pilato was the World Championship silver medalist in the 50 breaststroke in 2019 at just 14-years old. She is a late addition for the defending ISL champions Energy Standard.
ISL All-Time Best Swims For Season One (Women’s Events)
A collection of the Top 10 fastest swims in each event from the 1st season of the ISL -We’ve broken it up into women’s swims here; men’s article linked within
ISL All-Time Best Swims For Season One (Men’s Events)
A collection of the Top 10 fastest swims in each event from the 1st season of the ISL -We’ve broken it up into men’s swims here; women’s article linked within
British Swimming Indica Gli Atleti Autorizzati Ad Allenarsi, In Teoria
British Swimming ha specificato i requisiti per gli atleti d’elite e le sedi di allenamento per riprendere secondo le nuove linee guida anti covid19
British Swimming Identifies Athletes Able To Return To Training, In Theory
British Swimming’s Performance Leadership Group (PLG) is in the process of developing an ‘Elite Sport Return to Training Guidance (ESRTTG)’ plan.