Marius Kusch holt Silber und Gold in Bozen
22ND INTERNATIONAL SWIMMEETING SÜDTIROL IN BOZEN 3. und 4. November Bozen, Italien 25 m Bahn Meet Site Start List Live Stream…
Dahlia & Baker Down Meet Records On Day 1 Of Bolzano
Kelsi Dahlia and Kathleen Baker made an impression on Day 1 in Bolzano, Italy.
SwimMeeting-Martinenghi Torna In Gran Forma. Record Baker e Worrell
SWIMMEETING SUDTIROL 2018 3-4 Novembre 2018 Bolzano (Italy) Start List Livestream Risultati La manifestazione che accoglie atleti nazionali ed internazionali…
2018 SC World Champs Prize Purse To Exceed $1.1 Million
The total prize money pool for the 2018 FINA Short Course World Championships in Hangzhou, China is set to exceed $1.1 million USD, the same as the 2016 SC World Champs in Windsor, Canada.
SwimMeeting Sudtirol. Diramata La Start List. Tanti Campioni In Gara
SWIMMEETING SUDTIROL 2018 3-4 Novembre 2018 Bolzano (Italy) Start List Diretta live Risultati E’ stata pubblicata ieri la start list…
Entry Lists Posted For Bolzano
Lia Neal and Madison Kennedy are 2 of the Americans slated to race in Bolzano this weekend.
EEUU enviará un potentísimo equipo al Mundial en corta
Caeleb Dressel, Kathleen Baker, Michael Andrew, Kelsi Dahlia y Ryan Murphy son algunos de los nombres más destacados del potente equipo americano que competirá en el Mundial de piscina corta en diciembre.
Ledecky, Manuel, Ikee, Sjostrom-Le Assenze Illustri Dei Mondiali SC
MONDIALI FINA IN VASCA CORTA 2018 11-16 Dicembre 2018 Hangzhou (Cina) Sito web dell’evento programma gare La USA Swimming ha diramato…
Dressel, Andrew, Baker, Smith Head US Short Course Worlds Roster
Caeleb Dressel, Michael Andrew, Kathleen Baker and Leah Smith are among the multi-event stars headlining Team USA’s roster for the 2018 Short Course World Championships.
SwimMeeting Di Bolzano: Nicolò Martinenghi Ritorna In Gara
SWIMMEETING SUDTIROL 2018 3-4 Novembre 2018 Bolzano (Italy) Start List Diretta live Risultati Mancano tre giorni al ritorno sui blocchi…
Top-Stars starten beim Swimmeeting Südtirol: Baker, Dahlia, Kusch
Vom 3. bis 4. November findet in der Albert-Pircher-Halle am Bozner Pfarrhof wiederum das Swimmeeting Südtirol statt. Der Wettkampf lockt…
Race Video Highlights: World Records & More At Budapest World Cup
Watch race highlights from the 2018 FINA World Cup in Budapest, Hungary. Featured performances include a trio of World Records from Alia Atkinson, Nicholas Santos, and Jianjiahe Wang.
Pair Of World Records Highlights Final Night Of Budapest World Cup
Two world records and a pair of #2 swims of all-time highlighted an incredibly fast final session at the FINA World Cup stop in Budapest.
Sjostrom, Hosszu Grab Two Top Seeds Apiece On Day 3 In Budapest
Katinka Hosszu continued her strong performances in Budapest with two top seeds at day 3 prelims.