The Fastest Times in Each Event of the 2021 ISL Regular Season
The 2021 ISL regular season has had some impressive swims, including 7 new ISL Records and 1 new World Record, and a World Junior Record.
ISL Money Lists Matches 9 & 10: Nelson Highest Earner, Dressel MVP Leader
As the 2021 ISL regular season draws to a close it is the Cali Condors that continue to out-earn the rest of the league.
7-Time Olympic Medalist Penny Oleksiak Tosses First Pitch at Blue Jays Game
Penny Oleksiak, Canada’s most decorated Olympian, previously threw out a first pitch in Toronto after the Rio Olympic Games.
Despite Missing a Match, Caeleb Dressel Still Leading ISL Season MVP Standings
Dressel left for the remainder of the regular season following match 6, in order to rest and gear up for the playoffs.
ISL Match 7 Cali Condors Vincenti Anche Senza Dressel
I Cali Condors hanno vinto la loro terza partita alla International Swimming League, ma stavolta lottando fino all’ultimo contro i Toronto
Toronto Scored 71.5 Fewer Points in Skins Than Cali (Match 7, Day 2 Wrap-Up)
Toronto had won seven events on day two, yet failed to put any Titans in the final rounds of both skins events, ultimately costing them the match win.
Five Women Will Swim the 50 Fly Individual/Skins for ISL Match 7, Day 2
Iron’s Ranomi Kromowidjojo, Cali’s Beata Nelson, NY’s Arina Surkova, and Toronto’s Louise Hansson and Michelle Coleman will swim the 50 fly twice today.
2021 International Swimming League – Match 7, Day 2: Live Recap
The Toronto Titans currently lead over the Cali Condors by nine points while Iron has a 13-point advantage over the NY Breakers for third.
International Swimming League Risultati Live E Recap Match 7 Day 2
La piscina Felice Scandone di Napoli torna teatro del grande nuoto anche questa sera, con il secondo giorno del Match 7. Live recap
Swim of the Week: Louise Hansson Takes Game To Next Level With 55.2 SCM 100 Fly
Hansson has been a star for the Toronto Titans this season, and her 55.26 swim in the 100 fly made her the seventh-fastest performer in history.
ISL: Match 7 Day 1 Risultati Live Della Sfida Tra Toronto, Cali, Iron E NY
Risultati aggiornati in tempo reale del Match numero 7 della regular season nella 3° stagione ISL a Napoli nella piscina Scandone
Caeleb Dressel To Sit Out Remainder of ISL Regular Season
After pulling out of the second day of competition during Match 6, Dressel will sit out for the rest of the regular season and gear up for the playoffs.
Premi In Denaro Match 6: Daiya Seto Con 19 Mila $ Guida La Classifica
Daiya Seto, anche se ha nuotato solo 4 gare individuali è l’MVP del Match 6 della ISL e guida la classifica per i premi in denaro
Match 6 MVP Daiya Seto Wins Nearly $19,000 From Just 4 Swims
Tokyo Frog King swimmer Daiya Seto won 4/4 of his individual events at ISL Match 6 to rake in a total of $10,950 in earnings.
Kelsi Dahlia, Jeff Julian on Skins Win, Racing Without Dressel on Day 2
In all, Cali earned 53 points in the skins, including 21 in the final round–14 to Dahlia and 7 to Nelson, cutting London’s lead to 17 pts with 1 event to go