Kosuke Kitajima and Brendan Hansen 100m Breaststroke 2004 Olympic Games
The rivalry between Kosuke Kitajima and Brendan Hansen is one of the most well-known in the swimming world, and it came to a head at the 2004 Olympic Games.
Kosuke Kitajima and the Dolphin Kicks That Changed Breaststroke Forever
Kosuke Kitajima changed breaststroke forever when he implemented dolphin kicks into his underwater pullouts at the 2004 Olympics and was not disqualified.
La ISL Anuncia A Los ‘Toronto Titans’ Como La Primera De Las Nuevas Adiciones
La nueva incorporación a la International Swimming League (ISL), procedente de Toronto, Canadá, se ha dado a conocer como los “Toronto Titans.”
ISL Stagione 2020/2021: Il 9° Team Si Chiamerà “Toronto Titans”
La nuova squadra della ISL per la stagione 2020/2021 saranno i Toronto Titans, annunciati dal GM Robert Kent. A breve sarà presentato anche il roster
Seconda Stagione ISL: Desplanches Da Iron Ad Energy Standard
Seconda stagione ISL: Jeremy Desplanches passa dal team Iron ad Energy Standard, che conferma anche Florent Manaudou e Georgia Davies
ISL Stagione 2020: Energy Standard Firma Blume, Haughey e Jakabos
La International Swimming League è pronta per la seconda stagione, il team campione in carica, Energy Standard ha pubblicato i nomi di alcune new entry
Dolfin Swim of the Week: Shoma Sato Rising To Top of Japan’s 200 BR Ranks
18-year-old Shoma Sato is quickly making a name for himself in one of the world’s deepest breaststroke nations. Sato was 2:07.58 in the 200 breast.
SwimSwam’s Top 15 World Swimming Moments of the 2010s
With the 2010-2019 decade officially ending, we’re looking back at the world’s top 10 swimming moments of the past ten years.
ISL to Add Tokyo, Toronto Teams in Second Season; Kitajima to Head ISL Japan
Four-time Olympic champion Kosuke Kitajima will head the yet-to-be-named ISL Tokyo team, while Global Swim Series’ Robert Kent will lead the Toronto squad.
La Segunda Temporada De La ISL Contará Con Nuevos Equipos En Toronto Y Tokio
Kosuke Kitajima, cuatro veces campeón olímpico, dirigirá el equipo procedente de Tokio, mientras que Robert Kent (Global Swim Series) guiará el de Toronto.
ISL: Annunciati I Team DI Toronto E Tokyo Per La Stagione 2020/21
La ISL ha annunciato durante la conferenza stampa svoltasi a Las Vegas sabato, che per la stagione 20/2021 ci saranno due ulteriori team: Tokyo e Toronto
2019 World Champs Preview: Chupkov Leads All-Star Pack in Competitive 200 BR
The men’s 200 breast holds the fastest performers in history with the defending World champ (Chupkov) and world record holder (Watanabe) in contention.
Daniel Gyurta Nominato Consulente Del Ministro Affari Esteri Ungherese
Dieci mesi dopo aver annunciato il suo ritiro ufficiale dal nuoto professionistico, il campione olimpico Daniel Gyurta è stato nominato…
2012 Olympic Champion Daniel Gyurta Named Senior Advisor to Hungarian Foreign Ministry
Ten months after his official retirement from swimming, Gyurta is getting into politics.
2018 Swammy Awards: Hirai & Umehara, Asian Coaches Of The Year
Along with Japanese National Team Coach Norimasa Hirai, Daiya Seto’s coach, Takayuki Umehara, earned our Swammy Award for the 2018 Asian Coach of the Year.