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Leigh Russell

Swimming Australia Approva La Revisione Dello Statuto

il Consiglio di Swimming Australia ha approvato venerdì una revisione dello statuto per rendere i suoi membri più rappresentativi

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Swimming Australia Cambierà Presidente Per La Quinta Volta In 3 Anni

Swimming Australia è alla ricerca di un nuovo presidente. L’attuale presidente Michelle Gallen lascerà il suo attuale ruolo

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Swimming Australia President Michelle Gallen To Vacate Role This Month

Michelle Gallen is leaving her post, which means Swimming Australia will be looking for its fifth President in just the last three years.

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Swimming Australia Faces Possible Expulsion From World Aquatics Due To Compliance Issues

Swimming Australia’s primary violation is a lack of athlete voting power on the Board.


Swimming Australia Chief Baumann Steps Down Due To Health Reasons

Just months after having been appointed Chief Executive of Swimming Australia, Alex Baumann has announced he will be leaving the post due to health reasons. 


Alex Baumann To Replace Leigh Russell As Swimming Australia Chief

Alex Baumann, already part of Swimming Australia’s administration, will take over as the organization’sChief Executive this May.

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Magnate Australiano Rinehart Elargisce Sostegno Economico Per Gli Atleti

Gina Rinehart la donna più ricca d’Australia, ha messo a punto un piano di sostegno economico per gli atleti in preparazione per Tokyo

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Australians’ Patron Pays Athletes Directly In Order To Follow The Money

From Leigh Russell, “I think the sentiment was that she wanted to ensure that every single dollar went straight to athlete support.”


Kieren Perkins Takes Over As President of Swimming Australia

Perkins succeeds former president John Bertrand, who held the role for seven years beginning in 2013.


Swimming Australia: Il CEO Si Dimette A Meno Di Un Anno Dai Giochi

A meno i un anno dai Giochi Olimpici di Tokyo il CEO di Swimming Australia, Leigh Russel ha rassegnato le dimissioni dopo 3 anni di incarico.

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Less Than 1 Yr Out From Olympics, Swimming AUS CEO Russell Steps Down

Swimming Australia will be appointing an interim CEO shortly and the search for a CEO to lead to Tokyo, Paris and beyond will commence soon.


Beyond The Lane Lines: Swimming Australia Looks For New Broadcast Home

Catch up on swim happenings from around the world in this edition of Beyond the Lane Lines, featuring Australia, Germany and more.


Campionati Australiani Con Programma Orario Come Le Olimpiadi

I Campionati Nazionali Australiani, programmati per Aprile 2021, seguiranno lo stesso orario dei Giochi, con le qualifiche la sera e le finali al mattino

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2021 Aussie Nationals Set For Gold Coast With Tokyo Timing

Swimming Australia announced that the 2021 Australian Swimming Championships are now slated for April 14th-18th at the Gold Coast Aquatic Centre.


Aussie Study Finds Swimming Provides $3.7 Billion Per Annum Impact

An independent national study conducted in Australia found that swimming provides some head-turning figures in terms of per annum community impact.