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Lisa Bratton

Swim of the Week: Louise Hansson’s Surprise 100 Back World Title

Louise Hansson went from almost not racing the 100 back at SC Worlds to winning the gold medal in what was one of the fastest swims in history.

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Hansson, Masse Break National Records, Climb All-Time Ranks In Women’s 100 Back

Louise Hansson (55.20) and Kylie Masse (55.22) vaulted into fifth and sixth on the all-time performers’ list in the women’s 100 backstroke final.


2021 ISL Playoffs Match 6, Day 1: Live Recap

The final match of the 2021 ISL playoffs is here. If Toronto can upset the Condors they advance to the Final next weekend. If not, their season will end.


ISL 3: Playoff Match 14 Recap E Risultati Live Day 2 Aqua A Caccia Di Titans

Match 14 Day 2 a Enindhoven per I playoff di International Swimming League, oggi in gara Aquacenturions, Toronto Titans, ES e DC Trident

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ISL Playoff Match 14 Day 1: Live Recap E Risultati

Match 14 a Enindhoven per I playoff di International Swimming League, oggi in gara Aquacenturions, Toronto Titans, ES e DC Trident

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Match 14 ISL: Aqua Centurions Contro Energy Standard, Titans E DC

Il match 14 della ISL (match 3 play off) si svolgerà stasera e domani sera. Le gare inizieranno alle ore 19:00. La nostra anteprima

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International Swimming League: Recap Live Secondo Giorno Match 13

E’ il secondo giorno del Match 13 della terza stagione della International Swimming League e siamo pronti a raccontarvi tutto ciò che succede

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International Swimming League: Live Recap Match 13 Day 1

Si affrontano in acqua nel match 13 (match 2 playoff) London Roar, Toronto Titans, LA Current, Aqua Centurions. Recap Live Day 1

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Match 2 Play Off ISL Tornano Gli Aqua Centurions E Federica Pellegrini

Un grande match questa sera ad Eindhoven nei playoff ISL vedrà scontrarsi Aqua Centurions, London Roar, Toronto Titans e LA Current

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2021 ISL Playoffs Match 2 Preview: Murphy Provides Boost For LA In Season Debut

The second match of the 2021 ISL playoffs will see the #3, #4, #5, and #6 teams square off, as well as the return of Ryan Murphy and Tom Dean.


Louise Hansson Throws Down 56.03 SCM 100 Backstroke Swedish Record

Hansson continued on her streak of backstroke dominance at the FINA World Cup Series, delivering a 56.03 Swedish record in the 100.


FINA World Cup Day 2 Prelims: Hansson Continues To Pop With 56.78 100 Back

Well-known Swedish butterflier Louise Hansson has been putting her backstroke skills on display this week at the FINA World Cup.


Toronto Scored 71.5 Fewer Points in Skins Than Cali (Match 7, Day 2 Wrap-Up)

Toronto had won seven events on day two, yet failed to put any Titans in the final rounds of both skins events, ultimately costing them the match win.

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2021 International Swimming League – Match 7, Day 2: Live Recap

The Toronto Titans currently lead over the Cali Condors by nine points while Iron has a 13-point advantage over the NY Breakers for third.


2021 International Swimming League – Match 5, Day 2 Live Recap

Day 2 of match 5 will end with one team getting its first match victory of the season. Toronto has the lead so far, and there is an exciting battle for 2nd.