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Olivier Poirier-Leroy

View Olivier Poirier-Leroy's Biography

If it's greatness you want, stop asking for permission.

7 choses que ton coach veut que tu saches

Voici 7 choses que ton coach aimerait te rappeler.

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Will you be a great swimmer? Here is your 5-step program to finding out.

We all dream of achieving the pinnacle of excellence. But few have the stomach for what comes next. The hard work, the sacrifice, the time spent honing and perfecting our technique, elevating our conditioning until that moment where we stand up on the blocks and let it all fly.


10 Tips for More Confidence in the Pool

Struggling with your levels of self-confidence in the pool? Here are 10 ways to get back on track.

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What to Do When You Want to Throw in the Towel on your Swimming Season

Frustrated with how training is going? Not seeing the results you want? Here are 3 things to try before throwing in the towel.

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7 Tips to Help You Get Ready for the Big Meet

With championship season right around the corner, here are 7 tips to sharpen and hone your mental game and preparation ahead of the big meet.


6 Hard Truths of Swimming Success

Success in the pool isn’t always as smooth and painless as we’d like it to be. Here are 6 hard truths of swimming success to take into next season.


6 Things Swimmers Need to Stop Telling Themselves

Successful swimmers realize the impact that excuses and self-talk has on their success. Here are 6 things that swimmers need to stop telling themselves.


12 Ways to Procrastinate Before Your Next Swim Practice

Struggling to get motivated to go to practice? Don’t worry, here are 12 more ways to make it even more difficult!

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The 11 Mental Stages Swimmers Go Through During a Tough Workout

Confidant, confused, terrified. Swimmers go through a gamut of emotions when coach scrawls up a tough set on the board. Here are 11 mental stages swimmers go through during a tough workout.


Have a Bad Workout? Remember These 5 Things.

Bad workouts will happen. Here are 5 tips to help you come back smarter and faster the next time you have a stinker of a workout.


How Do I Stay Motivated to Train Hard in Swimming?

One of the most common questions I get is a variation of: “How do I train hard when I don’t feel like it?” Here are 6 tips for getting the motivational fire burning again.


The 12 Swimmers You See at Your Local Swim Meets

Here are 12 of the swimmers you see on deck at your local swim meet. Where do you fit in?


6 Tips for Kicking That Tough Set’s Butt

With the season rolling on those tough sets are going to start coming in hot and heavy. Here are 6 tricks for getting through those hard sets like a boss.

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The 8 Swimmers You See Behind the Blocks

Swimmers are a weirdly unique bunch. From the way we train, to our pre-race rituals, we all have those little idiosyncrasies. Here are 8 different swimmers that we see behind the blocks at meets.


5 Ways Swimmers Hold Themselves Back in the Pool

All too often we catch ourselves being our own worst enemy. Here are 5 ways that we hold ourselves back in our swimming.

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