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Sarah Sjostrom

Euro Meet: Podio Tutto Azzurro Nei 100 Rana-Tutti I Risultati Day3

Euro Meet: Podio nei 100 metri rana completamente azzurro. Ceccon nei 100 stile nuota il suo secondo miglior tempo di sempre. Tutti i risultati

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2020 Luxembourg Euro Meet Day 2 Finals Recap

Swedish Olympic multi-medalist Sarah Sjostrom takes on the 50 back, 100 fly and 50 free triple on day 2 of the 2020 Luxembourg Euro Meet.


2020 Luxembourg Euro Meet Day 1 Finals Recap

How did Florent Manaudou fare in the men’s 50m fly? Find out in our Day 1 Euro Meet Recap from the intense action in Luxembourg.


Euro Meet: Ceccon Meet Record 100 Dorso. Tutti I Risultati Day 1

L’Euro Meet 2020 si è aperto in Lussemburgo oggi e già ai blocchi di partenza si sono avvicendati star del panorama internazionale. I Risultati

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WATCH LIVE: 2020 Euro Meet in Luxembourg

Follow along as superstars like Florent Manaudou (above), Katinka Hosszu, and Sarah Sjostrom race for cash in Luxembourg this weekend.

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Euro Meet Lussemburgo 2020 – Parata Di Stelle Nel Week End

L’Euro Meet sarà la gara internazionale più interessante di questo fine settimana. Tante stelle internazionali e molti azzurri impegnati in Lussemburgo

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Proud, Fratus, Manaudou, Govorov Set To Spar At 2020 Euro Meet Luxembourg

We’ll get a taste for where the men’s 50m free speed is at with Florent Manaudou, Bruno Fratus, Ben Proud and more racing in Luxembourg.


Arena révèle ses nouveaux modèles pour 2020

Arena révèle ses nouveaux modèles de combinaisons pour l’année 2020, et par conséquent pour les Jeux Olympiques de Tokyo

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How Much Money Is Up for Grabs at 2020 FINA Champions Series?

FINA will award over $1.7 million in prize money this week in China at the FINA Champions Series, in addition to appearance fees.

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Peaty & Hosszu Honored As LEN’s Best European Swimmers Of 2019

The British Lion who is Adam Peaty sits atop the men’s European pool swimming throne, as honored by the continent’s swimming governing body, LEN.


SwimSwam Pulse: 52.4% Pick Ledecky As Swimmer of the 2010s

A majority of fans picked Katie Ledecky as the #1 overall swimmer of the 2010s, compared to just 38% for Michael Phelps.


Champions Swim Series: FINA Annuncia I Primi 10 Partecipanti

La FINA ha annunciato i primi 10 nuotatori che parteciperanno alla FINA Champions Series 2020 in programma in Cina. La prima tappa il 14 e 15 Gennaio

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SwimSwam’s Top 20 Swimmers of the 2010s

Here it is: our totally, utterly, completely indisputable list of the best swimmers of the last decade. We’re sure you will all 100% agree.


SwimSwam’s Top 15 World Swimming Moments of the 2010s

With the 2010-2019 decade officially ending, we’re looking back at the world’s top 10 swimming moments of the past ten years.


SwimSwam’s Top 15 U.S. Swimming Moments of the 2010s

With the 2010-2019 decade officially ending, we’re looking back at the top 15 swimming moments of the past ten years from a U.S.-based lens.