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Sarah Sjostrom

2019 FINA Champions Indianapolis: 5 infos importantes à suivre

La dernière course entre Yulia Efimova et Lilly King s’est conclue d’un sourrire- C’était il y a presque deux ans. Le rematch est demain.

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Efimova y Lilly King se reencuentran en la FINA Champions Series Indianápolis

Este fin de semana se celebra en Indianápolis la FINA Champions Swim Series, donde viviremos el duelo entre las archirrivales Lilly King y Yulia Efimova. Le contamos las 5 historias a seguir en el campeonato, donde estarán Ryan Murphy, Sarah Sjostrom y Katinka Hosszu, entre otras muchas estrellas.

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2019 FINA Champions Series Indianapolis: 5 Storylines to Watch

Lilly King and Yulia Efimova’s last race ended with a smile — that was almost two years ago.


Arena Lancia Il Carbon Duo Femminile Con Un Messaggio: “Mai Più Compromessi”

Courtesy: arena, partner di SwimSwam. Il marchio mondiale arena ha ancora una volta stupito con la sua creatività ed innovazione….

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arena’s Carbon Duo Sends Women Racers a Bold New Message: No More Compromise

With the launch of the Powerskin Carbon Duo, a new high-end racing suit designed exclusively for women that employs an advanced, patent-pending system that combines separate top and bottom pieces to deliver customizable fit for the upper and lower body, global sportswear brand arena has once again extended its track record of creative innovation.

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Le Squadre Europee ISL Già Formate, Aspettando Gli Americani

Le squadre Europee della stagione inaugurale della International Swimming League contano già un ottimo numero di atleti. L’Europa è il…

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Win a Trip to This Summer’s Swimming Worlds Courtesy arena,

Leading global swim brand arena, in association with, is offering swim fans the chance to win the ultimate dream trip this July with round-trip travel and tickets for two to the 2019 FINA World Championships in South Korea.

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Five Swimmers Poised for FINA Champions Series Event Sweeps in Indy

Sarah Sjöström is undefeated in four individual events on the FINA Champions circuit, and she’s won over $100K thus far in the series.

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Budapest vs Guangzhou: Which Was the Faster FINA Championship Series Stop?

The second of three FINA Champions Swim Series events was this last weekend in Budapest. The first stop of the…

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FINA Champions Swim Series : Plus d’1,5 million de gains en 2 étapes

Sarah Sjostrom, avec 104 000 $ remportés, domine le classement des gains après les deux premières étapes de la FINA Champions Swim Series

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FINA Champions Serie: Mehr als 1,5 Mio. Euro an Preisgeld gezahlt

Zwei von drei Stopps der FINA Champions Swim Series sind bereits vorbei. Insgesamt wurden mehr als 1,5 Millionen Euro an…

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2019 FINA Champions Swim Series – $1.768m Earned in Guangzhou and Budapest

Sarah Sjostrom leads the money table after the first two stops with a total of $104,000 in earnings.


FINA Champions Swim Series- Budapest : Top 5 Performances Jour 2

Sarah Sjostrom et Katinka Hosszu ont brillé dans la deuxième soirée de la FINA Champions Swim Séries. Chez les hommes c’est Chad Le Clos, Danas Rapsy et Justin Ress qui se sont distingués.

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Sarah Sjostrom ganó 53,000$ en Budapest y lidera la tabla de premios

La campeona olímpica Sarah Sjostrom fue la nadadora que más dinero ganó en la etapa de Budapest de la FINA Champions Swim Series. La siguieron Katinka Hosszu y Yulia Efimova, con 38,000$ y 32,000$, respectivamente.

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Video Interviste: Sarah Sjostrom Non Gareggerà Nei 200 SL Ai Mondiali

Sarah Sjostrom è una delle nuotatrici più complete e versatili del momento. La star svedese ha gareggiato questo fine settimana…

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