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Sarah Sjostrom

Hangzhou : Kromowidjojo, l’art du knock-out

La femme-canon Ranomi KROMOWIDJOJO a gagné le 100 mètres à Hangzhou.

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ISL London Summit: 11 Olympic and 18 World Champions To Discuss Swimmers’ Association

Less than five days after swimming stars Katinka Hosszu, Michael Andrew, and Tom Shields filed a proposed class action lawsuit against FINA for violating U.S. antitrust laws, the International Swimming League (ISL) announces a two-day summit in London December 18-19.


Hangzhou : Avec Kelsi, Katinka trouve à qui parler, mais a le dernier mot

Le 200 mètres papillon fut décidément une affaire entre DAHLIA et HOSSZU.

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2018 SC Worlds: Day One Finals Live Recap

The first finals session of the meet kicks off with finals of the men’s 400 free, women’s 200 free, men’s 200 fly, women’s 400 IM, men’s 200 IM, men’s 4×100 free relay, and women’s 4×100 free relay. There will also be semifinals heats of the men’s 100 back, women’s 50 breast, men’s 100 breast, and women’s 100 back.


Ariarne Titmus Breaks Commonwealth Record In 200 Freestyle

Ariarne Titmus became the 4th fastest performer of all-time in the women’s SCM 200 freestyle.


2018 SC World Previews: Hosszu Targets Second Consecutive IM Trifecta

Katinka Hosszu will look to continue her reign in the women’s medley events in Hangzhou.


Predicciones mundial Hangzhou: las favoritas para las medallas

Katinka Hosszu afronta de nuevo un programa monstruoso en un mundial de piscina corta, está inscrita en 8 pruebas. También aspiran a ser multimedallistas las americanas Kelsi Dahlia y Kathleen Baker, además de la holandesa Kromowidjojo y la revelación del año, la china de 16 años Jianjiahe Wang.

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Mondiali Hangzhou: Si Inizia Con Detti Nei 400 E Pellegrini Nei 200sl

CAMPIONATO MONDIALE IN VASCA CORTA FINA 2018 11/16 Dicembre 2018 Hangzhou (Cina) Swimswam Italia Guida Sito web dell’evento Programma Gare…

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Headed To Hangzhou: Dahlia Could Capture Triple Gold

Look for potential duels between Katinka Hosszu and Kelsi Dahlia in the longer fly races, while Ranomi Kromowidjojo looks to monopolize the 50m fly sprint.


Road To Hangzhou: Le Sfide Al Femminile Dello Stile Libero Veloce

CAMPIONATO MONDIALE IN VASCA CORTA FINA 2018 11/16 Dicembre 2018 Hangzhou (Cina) Sito web dell’evento Swimswam Italia Guida Programma Gare…

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Championnats d’Italie : Pellegrini sur 200, la belle histoire n’est peut-être pas finie

Federica Pellegrini a gagné le 200 mètres, le premier jour des championnats d’hiver en petit bassin, à Riccione.

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Headed To Hangzhou: Dutch Dames Dominant in Women’s Sprint Freestyles

Dutch racer Ranomi Kromowidjojo has been red-hot over the World Cup, giving her ‘favorite’ status in at least one of the sprint freestyle events in Hangzhou.


Die ältesten Kurzbahn-Weltrekorde, Ausblick auf die Weltmeisterschaft

Übernächste Woche starten in China die Kurzbahn-Weltmeisterschaften. Zahlreiche Titelverteidiger sind am Start und ebenfalls einige Weltrekordhalter. Nach einer längeren Wettkampfpause…

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EuroSport Will Broadcast Nordic Swim Tour Across Europe in 2019 & 2020

Sarah Sjostrom competed in both stops of the ‘Nordic Tour’ in 2018; next year the series will add a 3rd meet in Finland and a powerhouse television broadcast partner.

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