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Sarah Sjostrom

2018 FINA World Cup Beijing Preview: No Chad Le Clos Or Wang Jianjiahe

Although a few notable names will be absent, key talent such as Michael Andrew will keep the competition fierce at the FINA World Cup stop in Beijing this weekend.


Sjöström,Le Clos,van der Burgh beim Energy For Swim 2018 dabei (Video)

Nach Olympiasiegerin Sarah Sjöström, haben auch die Olympiasieger Chad Le Clos und Cameron van der Burgh ihre Teilnahme beim ENERGY…

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WATCH: Michael Andrew Vlogs from Doha World Cup

In the latest vlog of his series, National Champion and Pan Pacs champion Michael Andrew filmed his experiences for the…


Energy For Swim 2018: Il Ritorno Di Federica Pellegrini Ai 200 Stile

ENERGY FOR SWIM 2018 Torino (Italia) 20-21 Dicembre 2018 Palazzo Del Nuoto, via Filadelfia. vasca corta 25 metri Federica Pellegrini, la…

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Video-Il Campione Olimpico Chad Le Clos A Torino Per Energy For Swim

ENERGY FOR SWIM 2018 Torino (Italia) 20-21 Dicembre 2018 Stadio Del Nuoto vasca corta 25 metri   Dopo l’annuncio della campionessa…

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Sarah Sjostrom to Compete at Energy For Swim 2018 (Video)

Olympic champion Sarah Sjostrom has already announced she will participate on Instagram, in spite of skipping Short Course Worlds earlier this month

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La campeona olímpica Sarah Sjostrom descarta el Mundial en corta

La campeona olímpica Sarah Sjöström ha decidido no participar en los Campeonatos del mundo en piscina corta 2018 que tendrán lugar en Hangzhou (China) en diciembre. Pero sí participará en el último cluster de la Copa del mundo y en el Energy for Swim.

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Italian Swimming Federation Announces ‘Energy for Swim 2018’ Dec 20-21

Today the Italian Swimming Federation announced they will organize ENERGY FOR SWIM 2018 in collaboration with the City of Torino December 20-21. Olympic champion Sarah Sjostrom has already announced she will participate.


Il Nuoto Internazionale a Torino Il 20-21 Dicembre Per Energy For Swim

ENERGY FOR SWIM 2018 Torino (Italia) 20-21 Dicembre 2018 Stadio Del Nuoto vasca corta 25 metri L’evento che prende il…

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Sarah Sjostrom Rinuncia Ai Mondiali In Corta, Sarà A Torino A Dicembre

Articolo in inglese a cura di Loretta Race. Puoi leggere il post in lingua inglese qui La Campionessa olimpica svedese  Sarah…

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La FINA anuncia las sedes y fechas de la Copa del Mundo 2019

La FINA ha publicado un comunicado para informar sobre las sedes y fechas de la Copa del mundo 2019. El formato de la piscina se decidirá en diciembre durante los Campeonatos del mundo en piscina corta 2018.

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Olympic Champion Sarah Sjostrom Opts Out Of Short Course World C’ships

Olympic champion Sarah Sjostrom of Sweden has announced that she will no longer be competing at the 2018 Short Course World Championships in Hangzhou, China this December.


[Glasgow 2018] Rusia, Gran Bretaña e Italia dominaron el europeo

Rusia, Reino Unido e Italia dominaron el medallero en los Campeonatos de Europa 2018, celebrados en agosto en Glasgow. En la foto, Adam Peaty luce la medalla de oro con récord de los campeonatos en la prueba de 50m braza. De izquierda a derecha: Fabio Scozzoli (plata), Adam Peaty y Peter John Stevens (bronce).

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Oltre Le Corsie: Il Dream Team In Turchia E La Neonata Coughlin

Ispirandoci alla rubrica della senior writer di Swimswam Loretta Race, Beyond the lane Lines, guarderemo i nostri atleti al di là di ciò che…

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2018 Manchester Int’l Swim Meet Preview

Although Rikako Ikee is listed on the start lists for this weekend’s Manchester International Swim Meet, it’s doubtful she will be racing, as the teen is currently in Turkey training with Sarah Sjostrom.

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