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Sarah Sjostrom

58° Trofeo Settecolli: Risultati Live Batterie Veloci Day 1

Risultati live del primo giorno al 58° trofeo settecolli di Roma, ultima gara per la qualifica olimpica a Tokyo, tanti i campioni in vasca

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Early Olympic Relay Look: Women’s 4×100 Medley Relay

The field has tightened up considerably, but the U.S. still has something no one else does: a 1:04-breaststroker in a field of 1:05s and 1:06s.


Settecolli Day1: Stasera In Acqua Martinenghi, Pellegrini, Pilato.Anteprima

Prima serata al Trofeo Settecolli con già tante stelle in acqua. Questo pomeriggio in gara Martinenghi, Pellegrini, Pilato. Anteprima

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Early Olympic Relay Look: Women’s 4×100 Free Relay

Our aggregate times show five nations within a second, all battling it out for silver and bronze behind world record-holders Australia.


Sette Colli 2021: Alshammar Chasing 7th Olympic Berth; Names & Races to Watch

The 2021 Sette Colli Trophy in Rome will serve as truly the “last call” for those looking to punch their tickets to Tokyo, or beef up their Olympic schedule.


ISL I Primi 5 Nuotatori Ufficialmente Mantenuti Da Energy Standard

Le International Swimming League ha iniziato ad annunciare quali nuotatori verranno mantenuti ufficialmente per la prossima stagione.

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58° Trofeo Settecolli: Le 5 Gare Femminili Da Non Perdere

Dopo aver visto le 5 gare maschili da non perdere, andiamo ad analizzare le 5 sfide al femminile che riserveranno le maggiori emozioni


Sjostrom Enters Fly Events at Sette Colli for First Time Since Broken Elbow

Sarah Sjostrom, who is still recovering from her elbow surgery, is entered in the women’s 50 free, 100 free, 50 fly, and 100 fly.


ISL First 5: Energy Standard Will Bring Back Sjostrom, Haughey, Kolesnikov

ISL teams have begun announcing the first five swimmers they’ll retain for 2021, starting with 2019 league champs Energy Standard.


Trofeo Sette Colli: Start List Provvisorie E Azzurri Convocati

Trofeo Settecolli – Internazionali di Nuoto 2021: la start list provvisoria e gli atleti convocati per la nazionale italiana

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Settecolli: Milak, Kamminga, Le Clos, Sjostrom, Hosszu Tra Gli Iscritti

Il Trofeo Settecolli accoglierà di nuovo un foltissimo numero di stelle del nuoto internazionale. La lista completa degli atleti iscritti

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Summer McIntosh E’ La 14enne Più Veloce Della Storia Nei 200 Stile

Summer McIntosh ai trials in Canada vince la finale dei 200 stile libero con 1:56.19 il tempo più veloce della storia per una 14enne

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Summer McIntosh Hits Fastest 15&U 200 Free In History At 14: 1:56.19

The 14-year-old McIntosh won the women’s 200 freestyle at the Canadian Olympic Trials to officially punch her ticket to the Tokyo Olympics.


MacNeil to Race 100 Fly at Canadian Olympic Trials Day 1

Maggie Macneil, the 4th fastest 100-meter butterflier in the world this season, will race the 100 fly at the 2021 Canadian Olympic Trials Saturday morning.


2021 French Olympic Trials: Day 1 Finals Live Recap

The action is beginning in Chartres, France as the country’s greatest swimmers attempt to add their names to the 2021 Olympic roster.