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Shaine Casas

2022 FINA World Cup – Indianapolis: Day 1 Finals Live Recap

Katie Ledecky and Summer McIntosh are among the big-name swimmers back in action during the first final session of the final World Cup stop in Indianapolis. 


2022 FINA World Cup – Indianapolis: Day 1 Prelims Live Recap

The Indianapolis stop of the FINA World Cup kicks off this morning, marking the final stop of the 2022 World Cup. 


Shaine Casas Gives Honest Analysis on How Going Pro has Affected His Swimming

Casas has had peaks and valleys in college and transitioning to being pro, but now feels he’s matured a lot with his swimming career being full in his hands.


Coppa Del Mondo Indianapolis-Ceccon E Martinenghi In Finale-Batterie Day1

Prende il via questa mattina la tappa di Indianapolis della Coppa del Mondo FINA, ultima tappa del circuito 2022. Recap e analisi

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Le Gare Da Non Perdere Alla Coppa Del Mondo Ad Indianapolis

La coppa del Mondo FINA 2022 si ferma ad Indinapolis e ci sono alcune gare imperdibili dove è in agguato il record del mondo

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11 Swimmers Still Hunting For a Triple Crown (and the $10,000 Bonus) In Indy

Beata Nelson is one of three swimmers who has three chances to win a Triple Crown at the final stop of the FINA World Cup in Indianapolis.


La Coppa Del Mondo Si Ferma Ad Indianapolis: Gli Azzurri In Gara

La terza e ultima tappa della Coppa del Mondo FINA 2022 prenderà il via giovedì dall’Indiana University Natatorium di Indianapolis. 

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Star-Studded Group of Americans Headline Entry List For Indy World Cup

Michael Andrew is one of many U.S. Olympic medalists set to join the final leg of the FINA World Cup series in Indianapolis.


Scoring Breakdown: 2022 FINA World Cup Series Toronto

See how each swimmer got to their final point total at the second leg of the FINA World Cup in Toronto.


WATCH: McIntosh Lowers 400 IM World Junior Record (Toronto Race Videos)

Watch McIntosh’s 400 IM World Junior Record, along with Maggie MacNeil and Shaine Casas’ World Cup Record swims from Toronto.

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Coppa Del Mondo-La Classifica Dei Premi In Denaro Della Tappa Di Toronto

Maggie MacNeil e Shaine Casas sono stati i migliori nuotatori della seconda tappa della Coppa del Mondo FINA 2022 a Toronto

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MacNeil, Casas Lead Point Standings At Toronto World Cup, Ledecky Highest Earner

Shaine Casas lit it up with four wins at the FINA World Cup in Toronto, leading all men with 58.5 points to earn $12,000.


Razzetti Argento Nei 400 IM, Ceccon Bronzo Nei 50 Farfalla-Recap Day3

Si è conclusa la tappa di Toronto della World Cup FINA. Razzetti è argento nei 400 IM, mentre Ceccon bronzo nei 50 farfalla. Recap

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Shaine Casas 3° All Time Nei 100 Dorso Vasca Corta 48.84

Shaine Casas ha Statilio il nuovo record della Coppa del Mondo nei 100 metri dorso, siglando la terza performance all time

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Shaine Casas Rips 48.84 SCM 100 Back For New World Cup Record, Now #3 All-Time

Shaine Casas continued his dominance in Toronto, blazing a 48.84 SCM 100 back for his second World Cup record in as many days.

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