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Thomas Kurschilgen

La Federazione Tedesca Licenzia Il Direttore Sportivo-Sapeva Degli Abusi

La Federazione Tedesca di Nuoto (DSV)ha licenziato il Direttore Tecnico della nazionale Thomas Kurschilgen. Sarebbe a conoscenza degli abusi

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Germany’s National Sports Director Allegedly Knew About Sexual Abuse

The German Swimming Association (DSV) officially released National Sports Director Thomas Kurschilgen, with reports indicating he knew about sexual abuse.


Pressestimmen zur Freistellung von DSV Sportdirektor Kurschilgen

“Verfahren schwebend, Schwimmen versenkt” schreibt die Süddeutsche Zeitung zur vom DSV bisher nicht bestätigten Freistellung von Sportdirektor Thomas Kurschilgen. In…

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Sportdirektor Kurschilgen vom DSV freigestellt

Wie der Spiegel heute Nacht berichtet, hat der DSV (Deutsche Schwimmverband e.V.) nach den Vorwürfen sexualisierter Gewalt gegen Ex-Freiwasser-Bundestrainer Stefan…

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La Federazione Tedesca Pubblica Criteri Di Convocazione Aggiornati

La federazione tedesca nuoto ha pubblicato l’aggiornamento sulle procedure di convocazione per gli atleti per le competizioni 2021

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Germany Publishes Revised Selection Policies For 2021 Elite Competitions

The German Swimming Association (DSV) published its revised selection criteria for the elite international championships taking place in the pool next year.

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Germania Annuncia La Cancellazione Di Tutte Le Competizioni Del 2020

La Germania ha annunciato la cancellazione di tutte le competizioni del 2020 come effetto dei nuovi provvedimenti emanati dal governo

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Germany Announces Cancellation Of Remaining 2020 Meets

The German Swimming Federation (DSV) has cancelled the remaining meets of the year, including the German Youth Championships.


Alemania cancela sus nacionales tras incremento en incidencia de COVID-19

La DSV acaba de anunciar que los campeonatos finalmente se cancelaron debido a la reciente situación relacionada con el coronavirus en Alemania.

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In Germania Campionati Cancellati Per Seconda Ondata Coronavirus

In Germania i Campionati Assoluti previsti per fine Ottobre sono stati cancellati a causa della seconda ondata di coronavirus

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German Coaching Change-Ups In Potsdam Entering Tokyo Push

A couple of coaching change-ups were announced today by the German Swimming Federation (DSV), with the federal base of Potsdam at the center.

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Reiner Tylinski wird ab 1.11. neuer Bundesstützpunktleiter in Potsdam

Heute hat der DSV auf seiner Website Veränderungen bei den Trainerpositionen am Bundesstützpunkt in Potsdam bekanntgegeben. In Potsdam wird Reiner…

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Frank Lamodke, Exentrenador Nacional Alemán, Se Une Al Centro De Essen

Frank Lamodke regresa a la Federación Alemana de Natación (DSV), esta vez como director del centro nacional de entrenamiento en Essen.

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Former German National Team Coach Lamodke Takes Over Essen

Frank Lamodke is returning to the German Swimming FEderatio (DSV), this time as head of the national training centre in Essen.


Germany Cancels Its Relay-Only Youth Team Championships

In light of the coronavirus pandemic, the German Swimming Association (DSV) has announced the cancellation of the 2020 German Youth Team Championships.

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