FINA Champions Swim Series 2019 à Indianapolis – Résumé jour 2
Résumé live de la deuxième journée de l’étape n°3 de la FINA Champions Swim Series à Indianapolis, Etats-Unis.
Champions Series FINA Tutto In Un Articolo: Immagini-Recap-Approfondimenti
CHAMPIONS SERIES FINA 2019 – INDIANAPOLIS 31 Maggio – 01 Giugno (In Italia 0re 01:00 1 Giugno/ ore 01:00 2…
Indianapolis Al Femminile Con King, Hosszu, Sjostrom E Flickinger Protagoniste
INDIANAPOLIS – FINA CHAMPIONS SWIM SERIES 2019 31 Maggio – 01 Giugno (In Italia 0re 01:00 1 Giugno/ ore 01:00…
FINA Swim Series: Detti Vince I 400 Su Rapsys-Podio Per Panziera-Codia-Scozzoli
FINA CHAMPIONS SWIM SERIES 2019 – INDIANAPOLIS 31 Maggio – 01 Giugno (In Italia 0re 01:00 1 Giugno/ ore 01:00…
2019 FINA Champions Swim Series- Indianapolis: Day 2 Live Recap
The FINA Champions Swim Series will come to a close with day 2 of the Indianapolis stop.
FINA Champions Swim Series 2019 à Indianapolis – Résumé Jour 1
Résumé live de la première journée de l’étape n°3 de la FINA Champions Swim Series à Indianapolis, Etats-Unis
Indianapolis Day1-King Domina La Rana-Sjostrom #1 Al Mondo 100Fa-Detti Terzo
FINA CHAMPIONS SWIM SERIES 2019 – INDIANAPOLIS 31 Maggio – 01 Giugno (In Italia 0re 01:00 1 Giugno/ ore 01:00…
Swim Series Indianapolis: Margherita Panziera Batte Katinka Hosszu 2-0
FINA CHAMPIONS SWIM SERIES 2019 – INDIANAPOLIS 31 Maggio – 01 Giugno (In Italia 0re 01:00 1 Giugno/ ore 01:00…
2019 FINA Champions Swim Series – Indianapolis: Day 1 Live Recap
Lilly King will contest the women’s 50 and 200 breast on day one of the FINA Champions Series in Indianapolis.
Resultados día 1 – FINA Champions Swim Series Indianápolis
Arrancó la FINA Champions Swim Series en Indianápolis, donde Sarah Sjostrom, Chase Kalisz y Lilly King dominaron la primera jornada con 2 victorias cada uno. El esperado duelo entre King y la rusa Yulia Efimova se decantó del lado de la estadounidense.
2019 FINA Champions Indianapolis: 5 infos importantes à suivre
La dernière course entre Yulia Efimova et Lilly King s’est conclue d’un sourrire- C’était il y a presque deux ans. Le rematch est demain.
King and Efimova to Team Up for Mixed 4×100 Free Relay in Indianapolis
The Lilly King-Yuliya Efimova rivalry is one of the top draws of this weekend’s Champions Swim Series stop, but what the pair will do as a team is almost as likely to turn heads.
Efimova y Lilly King se reencuentran en la FINA Champions Series Indianápolis
Este fin de semana se celebra en Indianápolis la FINA Champions Swim Series, donde viviremos el duelo entre las archirrivales Lilly King y Yulia Efimova. Le contamos las 5 historias a seguir en el campeonato, donde estarán Ryan Murphy, Sarah Sjostrom y Katinka Hosszu, entre otras muchas estrellas.
2019 FINA Champions Series Indianapolis: 5 Storylines to Watch
Lilly King and Yulia Efimova’s last race ended with a smile — that was almost two years ago.
FINA Swim Series: Ad Indianapolis Duello Efimova/King-Le Sfide Più Avvincenti
FINA CHAMPIONS SWIM SERIES 2019 – INDIANAPOLIS 31 Maggio – 01 Giugno (In Italia 0re 01:00 1 Giugno/ ore 01:00…