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Training Intel

Single-Arm Freestyle: Nathan Adrian’s Favorite Free Drill

Nathan Adrian is one of the best freestyles on the planet. Here is his favorite drill for swimming better and faster freestyle.

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5 Distance Sets for Building Swim Endurance

Build endurance with these 5 distance swimming workouts from some of the best distance swimmers and coaches on the planet.


Why You Should Grade Your Swim Practices

How things go on race day is decided by the average of how your swim practices go. Here’s how grading your workouts will help you be more consistent.

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Maximizing Performance Through Dryland Part V: Training Types & Conclusions

The following comes to us from swimmer and coach Josh Hurley, who put together a research paper on dryland training and its specific application to swimming.

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Maximizing Performance Through Dryland Part IV: Explosive Potential & Endurance

The following comes to us from swimmer and coach Josh Hurley, who put together a research paper on dryland training and its specific application to swimming.

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Maximizing Performance Through Dryland Part III: Prehabilitation

The following comes to us from swimmer and coach Josh Hurley, who put together a research paper on dryland training and its specific application to swimming.

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Maximizing Performance Through Dryland Part II: Stroke-by-Stroke Principles

The following comes to us from swimmer and coach Josh Hurley, who put together a research paper on dryland training and its specific application to swimming.

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Maximizing Performance Through Dryland Part I: Key Aspects & Warming Up

The following comes to us from swimmer and coach Josh Hurley, who put together a research paper on dryland training and its specific application to swimming.


Swimming with Gators: Gregg Troy’s Favorite Distance Set

The man, the legend, the moustache. Here is a breakdown of Gregg Troy’s favorite distance set that he uses with his swimmers.


Yoga for Swimmers: Three Ways to Develop Greater Body Awareness

Developing greater body awareness is one of the advantages of incorporating a swimming-specific yoga practice into your training plan.

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Alex Popov and the Power of Training the Way You Wanna Compete

Alexander Popov is one of the greatest swimmers of all time. Here’s what you can learn from his relentless pursuit of perfection in practice.


Why Change is So Hard in the Pool (and How to Make it Easier)

If it’s big-time success in the pool you want, start by thinking small. Here’s how to get started with mastering the little wins.


7 Fun Facts About Age Group Swimming Plateaus

Ah yes, the joys of peaking or plateauing! Here’s what swimmers and swim parents need to know about the dreaded age group swimming plateau.


Swimming Simplified: ‘Swim Math’

Understanding ‘swim math’ will help you discuss swimming in a common language as you advance to higher levels of the sport.


Elite Swimming Starts with Enjoying the Journey

You don’t learn to enjoy the journey by becoming successful. It’s the opposite. Success comes after you learn to enjoy the process and savor the journey.