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Olivier Leroy

How to Use Training Goals for Supercharged Self-Confidence

Self-confidence comes from the training that you do each day in practice. Here’s how training goals can help you develop some serious self-confidence.

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Mary T. Meagher: Success is Ordinary

When Mary T. Meagher decided that she was going to break a world record, she focused on doing two things every day as well as she possibly could.


How Swimmers Can Use Visualization to Conquer Adversity

Visualization is a proven tool that swimmers can use to get better at dealing with tough situations. Here’s a three-step plan swimmers can start with today.

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Stress and Swimming: How De-Stressing Will Help You Recover Faster

The way you take care of yourself between swim practices dictates how fast you recover and how well your next workout goes.


Olympic Champion Cody Miller’s Favorite Tool for Developing Mental Toughness

Mentally tough swimmers are fast swimmers. Here’s Olympic champion Cody Miller’s favorite tool for swimmers looking to get mentally tougher.


What Swimmers Can Do to Be More Focused at Practice

Being able to control your focus means you are going to swim with better technique, get more enjoyment from the process, and ultimately, swim faster.

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The Hilarious Power of Performance Cues

Laser-focus your training and improve race-day performance by using some simple performance cues. Here’s how to get started.

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5 Fun Facts About Swimmers and Sleep

We all know how important it is to be getting lots of sleep, but how much of an effort are you putting into getting to locking down the Z’s?


Katinka Hosszu’s Advice for Getting Up for Early Morning Swim Practices

Early morning practices are part of the sport. Here’s how Olympic champion Katinka Hosszu makes getting out of bed early a little easier.


Sets of Champions: Broken 1500s with Erik Vendt

Erik Vendt was one of the dominant American swimmers of the 2000s, and the first American to break 15 minutes in the mile. Here is a taste of his training.


6 Freestyle Drills for Better Technique and Faster Swimming

Unlock better technique and a faster freestyle with these 6 freestyle drills designed to help you be more efficient in the water.


Single-Arm Freestyle: Nathan Adrian’s Favorite Free Drill

Nathan Adrian is one of the best freestyles on the planet. Here is his favorite drill for swimming better and faster freestyle.

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17 Mental Training Resources for Swimmers

Boost self-confidence, improve mental toughness and master mental skills with this collection of mental training resources for swimmers.


5 Distance Sets for Building Swim Endurance

Build endurance with these 5 distance swimming workouts from some of the best distance swimmers and coaches on the planet.


Little Moments of Excellence Make Big Things Happen in the Water

Your coach has likely told you a few times that the small things matter in the water. Here’s why you should take a mindset of excellence in everything you do.

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