Mental Toughness = Key to Accomplishing Your Goals
When most think of mental toughness, their minds automatically go to sports. Mental toughness is vital for success in any sport…especially swimming.
Alex Massey: Thriving in and out of the Water
Tennessee’s Alex Massey works hard to achieve success in two opposing environments.
Congress Proposes Blocking Of Olympic ‘Victory Tax’
What is the bill? The Senate passed legislation just before the beginning of the 2016 Summer Olympics to make any…
Records, Stereotypes Fall in LGBTQ Movement
Proud to Play: Where the Gay and Athletic Communities Intersect by Oliver Goodman | [email protected] “Stereotypes are like records,” Jack…
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International Swimming Hall of Fame Could Move to California
The International Swimming Hall of Fame, currently located in the Fort Lauderdale Aquatic Complex (shown here), could be venturing West…
Chris Michael Joins Point? Counter Point!
Chris Michael used to make funny swim videos for a show called Chlorination. And oddly enough, he has not hit rock bottom, now working for emerging media giant Fullscreen. Which makes it unclear why he’s talking to us. Hm.
Zooming in the Pool
The use of short blade fins, such as FINIS Zoomers, can help an athlete train smarter in the pool. How? We provide a couple of examples that highlight the advantages of Zoomer training.
SwimSwam Mysteries: Do They Swim on the Other Side of the Road in England?
This is a revival of an old piece, originally posted in July of 2010, that has never been more appropriate…
Big Story: Cal, Wisconsin, North Carolina Women Pick Up Additional Entries to NCAA's in Updated Psych Sheets
As often happens after the initial release of NCAA psych sheets, there have been 5 new invites to the 2012…
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