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Xinhua Releases Video Footage Alleged to Show Parts of 2018 Sun Yang Incident

Xinhua News, a Chinese state-run publication, has released video footage alleged to show moments inside Sun Yang’s house the night of his infamous run-in with IDTM agents.

According to Xinhua, the video shows the testing team arriving and making phone calls when Sun objected to their credentials. It also shows them signing a written agreement on the details of what happened. The FINA doping report said that Sun began to sign-off on what seems like a similar statement before tearing it up once he realized the statement could lead to the incident counting as a missed test. The footage also shows Sun explaining why the male DCA’s credentials were allegedly insufficient to supervise him giving a urine sample.

Xinhua also reported after Sun’s CAS hearing that the DCA was an untrained construction worker. No further information has been released about the identities of the three involved doping control representatives.

Following an 11-hour public CAS hearing, Sun’s fate hinges on whether or not the IDTM personnel were properly credentialed and identified, or not. Sun noted in his closing remarks that he had video footage of the night that would be released in the public, and in his opinion, clear his name.

Another interesting analysis of the case has emerged via Jack Anderson, a Court of Arbitration for Sport arbitrator who is not directly involved in the Sun case. Read Anderson’s thorough blow-by-blow reaction to the hearing here.

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5 years ago

Exclusive video excluded from the hearing.

5 years ago

Eh, maybe if shown unedited to a jury this video could be great evidence, but in its doctored state it’s just showing what we already know and dosen’t change the status quo.

But this is kinda just Chinese propaganda…

Jambo Sana
5 years ago

Sun Yang is an obvious drug cheat. The sad part is China is doing a full-court press to get Yang into the Olympics instead of cleaning up their own house. Xinhua is trying to say the testers were unqualified? How difficult is it to draw blood? How much training is required to watch Yang pee in a cup? Seriously, this doesn’t require an MD.

Reply to  Jambo Sana
5 years ago

Maybe not, but there are very specific requirements and procedures. Nothing in life is ever as simple as it seems…

Reply to  Torchbearer
5 years ago

Agreed. I just tried to watch myself in the bathroom mirror while I urinated into a cap and made a big mess of things.

Cynical Observer
5 years ago

Could we please not blow all of this up for every small piece of information that gets published or occurs? This whole thing is starting to turn into the Saudi Arabia and Turkey embassy killing affair where the Turkish government drip fed information to the media to keep it relevant. Wait for the CAS hearing and the arbitrators’ results. I don’t think there’s a smoking gun of evidence with all that’s out there now, and what opinions we all have are already pretty solidly formed and empirical experience would be that bickering and fawning over new information wouldn’t change that.

In the meantime, I hope we all had a good Thanksgiving if you’re an American or whatever holiday you… Read more »

Reply to  Cynical Observer
5 years ago

The goal of social media  is to make profit. Giving people the “neutral” balanced news is not as profitable than giving them the political news that generate the most readership and likes.

Generallly anti china news sell. So Yang is a profitable hot article or attracts popular readership.

Corn Pop
Reply to  Maxwell
5 years ago

Re HK vids , Look at the background infrastructure of trains & tunnels & the skyline , it is nowhere like a US city ..They can afford to burn down metro stations etc because China builds them like its nothing .whereas for us , it would take 20 years & a $3 billion budget .( hello Sydney’s pathetic train system ) .

However the best thing is now these ppl are onto the local councils they are the ones who will now have to clean the streets , arrange bus timetables , co ordinate rubbish removal including their barricades & fulfil metropolitan dreams with a vadtly reduced budget ( HK economy tanking ) .

But back to swimming… Read more »

More Malarkey
Reply to  Corn Pop
5 years ago

Very nice post, Corn Pop.

Corn Pop
Reply to  More Malarkey
5 years ago

I was right to say the Pakistan – China highway ( vid ) was unbelievable ..Some of it is projected infrastructure superinposed on the topography which is stunning . .so a mix of engineering l& artistic iicence. . Lets hope it happens .

Reply to  Corn Pop
5 years ago

not really, local council doesn’t really do this, it (transport, cleaning etc) was still organised by government departments. Hk is a small place. And it’s the tax payer who was paying the price.

HK media was poisoned, if u read the APPLEDAILY (commonly known as the poison apple), the news was as ridiculous as the Chinese media. So how can you blame the Chinese media? APPLEDAILY reported that everyday someone was KILLED by police but there was no proof after several months, but some HK ppl r actually believing this and burning their own school saying that their school sided with Chinese government making fake CCTV which proved that the girl was not killed.

Just like this video, I… Read more »

Reply to  Cynical Observer
5 years ago

Sad reality about capitalism is probably that all media is a kind of a business and that they all would like to protect their own benefits. Anti china news sell like hot cakes in the west so authors who are the most biased china hawks, become hired as china experts in corpotate news agencies. Media knows readers hunger for news that talk up the negative of china but downolays the positives. That’s just the world we live in mate..

But Merry chrismas from down under 🙂

Reply to  Cynical Observer
5 years ago

It’s a slow weekend for swimming news

More Malarkey
5 years ago

Love the 90s-era porn music background!

5 years ago

Edited by communists

Reply to  Taa
5 years ago

Yup. State actors. Sun look alike.

Reply to  Longform
5 years ago

The footage is probably legit. It’s just doctored a lot and doesn’t really show anything damning to either side in this state.

Reply to  Taa
5 years ago

Deep fake

5 years ago

I’m assuming that this is not the full footage. If it is it certainly is not sufficient as when Sun was speaking you couldn’t see his face so how do we know it was him and also how do we know when the video was taken as it could have been taken after the tests to be used as evidence to defend himself.

Reply to  Jeff
5 years ago

Nevermind, I did see his face.

5 years ago

Background music is soothing. Exonerated off of that video?…not sure

About Torrey Hart

Torrey Hart

Torrey is from Oakland, CA, and majored in media studies and American studies at Claremont McKenna College, where she swam distance freestyle for the Claremont-Mudd-Scripps team. Outside of SwimSwam, she has bylines at Sports Illustrated, Yahoo Sports, SB Nation, and The Student Life newspaper.

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